Volusia County Fire Chiefs’ Association

March 28, 2007

Brannon Center New Smyrna Beach, Fl.

Daytona Beach CCDaytona Beach FDDaytona Beach Shores PS

Louie MercerDwayne Murray

Gerald Hughes

DelandDeltonaDivision of Forestry

Pat KellyBob Staples

Edgewater FDHolly Hill FDNew Smyrna Beach FD

Joe DalyDon ShinnamonTim Hawver

Tracey BarlowDave McCallister

Orange City Ormond Beach FDPonce Inlet

Barry Baker

Skip Irby

Port Orange FRSouth Daytona FDVolusia County EM

Tom WeberJim QuinnJim Ryan

Ken Burgman

Russ Rafferty

Chris Weir

Volusia County EMSVolusia County FSEVAC Ambulance

Kathy Weaver



Meeting called to order at 14:07 hours by Chief Kelly

Invocation: Louie Mercer

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of minutes:

Motion to accept minutes as written by Chief Weber second by Chief Barlow passed

Treasurers Report:(Ken Burgman)

a) Operating $ 2804.85

Taking Care of Our Own:$ 5,398.15

Motion to accept report by Chief Weber second by Russ Rafferty passed

Guest Speakers: None


EMS Council (Chief Barlow)

Council recommended that the county use the state triage tags to mirror neighboring counties. Chief Barlow states that attendance at EMS council meeting is good.

Fire Prevention Association: (FM Chris Weir)

Chief Weir attended a meeting in St. Augustine on 2009 Florida building code 903. There is a push to reduce the code to do away with 4-hour fire separation and fire sprinklers in some buildings. Chief Weir stated that the fire service spoke against any changes that would allow such changes to the code.

The State is also looking at 791 dealing with fireworks sale. This issue can effect very department in the state and the FFCA is monitoring this closely.

Marine : (Chief Weber)

Had the first meeting, Chief Weber, Ken Burgman, Skip Irby and Gene Stone attended. Discussed the Inland water grant and that Daytona Beach was looking to apply to help purchase a fireboat. Chief Weber drafteda letter for Chief Kelly to sign to show support from this organization on Daytona Beach applying for the grant and the need for a fireboat in this area. Gene Stone is contacted Jacksonville Fire Department in reference totraining personnel on shipboardfirefighting. Ken Burgman is doing the same with Canaveral Fire Department.

Operations Committee:(Chief Quinn):

There was no meeting last month so no new issues to report.

Training: (McCallister)

Working to complete confined space training in the S.E. quadrant. A trench awareness DVD will be given to each department. Each department should have received the Meth-Lab DVD for training. Company Officer recert class being explored, Howard Bailey, Dave And Louie are discussing this all departments are encouraged to provide feedback on needs.

Employment Standards (FESS): (Chief Hughes):

Next FESS dates June 11 and 12. When a department hires from the FESS list please let Natalie know so she can update the list. Deland fire department has some gear (bunker coats and helmets) for use by FESS.

Recognition/Appreciation/Awards Committee (Chief Weber):

Announcement on Fire Chief of the year coming soon.

VCOG: (Chief Kelly):

Tax issues, Tax Issues, Tax Issues nothing else to report.

County Resource Coordinator (Irby)

If you have not sent your updated resource list to Skip please do so. Chief Barlow discussed the new automated system. Chief Barlow, Skip and Ken to evaluate and report back.

Communications (Chief Hughes)

Reprogramming still an issue with funding being the big hold up. Also some radios may not hold all of the new profiles.

Southeast Association of Fire Chief’s (SEAFC) (Chief Weber)

Winter Board meeting was just held in Daytona Beach. Meeting this summer June 21-23 at the Daytona Hilton. Chief Weber suggested that the association host a hospitality room for two nights during this event. Chief Baker made motion seconded by Chief Barlow passed. Color guard is needed for this event anyone interested contact Chief Weber.



Next Medical Directors in-service April 24th at 1400 hours same locations as before.


There are 60 students in the standards class. May 1st is graduation at Mainland High School gym.

EMT and Paramedic classes are doing great.

Division of Forestry –

VCFS will be holding a new recruit training academy with 130 being part of the academy. There may be some position available for outside personnel. The question came up as to how we are going to get all personnel trained in 130/190. Online 130 course is coming which will help.

Emergency Management – Nothing

Old Business: None

New Business

VCFA will be teaching a SERT class at Pine Ridge High School to about 15 students, this training is similar to CERT. It will allow students to help if a need arises at the school. Chief Baker discussed that all departments need to plug their CERT teams into their emergency operations plan. These teams can be an asset during disasters and are not being used to the fullest.

Remember that Jamie Burnsed from VCFS is available to help if you get any brush/wild land fires. He is trying to keep track of all fires in the county.

Good of the Order:

FEMA has a new Czar of National Exercises. This should help with training both intrastate and interstate.

Volusia County has a Burn Ban in effect other city have or may follow suit. Chief Baker stated that Ormond Beach does issue burn bans they will not issue burn permits.

Next Meeting: April 25, 2007 Deltona

5 Bugle session: 1200

General session: 1400.

Adjourn: 1522 hours.

Respectfully submitted: Ken Burgman