Name: ______Due Date: ______

Class Meeting Time: A B C D E (Circle one)

Homework Week # 8 – Left Shift Key and . Key

Directions: Practice typing the drills on the next page using a computer or a keyboard. NO IPADS PLEASE. Please complete 40 minutes of practice before our next class. Recommended frequency is 4 times a week for 10 minutes each. Homework is due back in class by due date at top of the page. NOTE: You are being graded on minutes, NOT amount of lines you can complete.

Day of the week / Amount of time (minutes) / Drill or game practiced

ADD UP YOUR MINUTES: I have practiced for a total of ______minutes this week.

If you are ready for a challenge using ALL the keys, try these fun games:


Bubbles Keyboarding Game:

Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Left Shift Key - Drill 1 Directions: Type each row one time.

J J Ja Ja Jade Jade Jar Jar Jail Jail Jane Jane Jags Jags Jake Jake Jalans Jalans Ja Ja Ka Ka Ka Ka La La La La Ia Ia Ia Ia Oa Oa Na Na J K L O I L N No No Lo Lad Lad Jeff Jeff Jess Jess Jed Jed Kid Kid Kool Kool Looks Looks Like Like Join Join Loans Loans Kind Kind Line Line Not Not North North In

In Into Into One One Ok Ok Or Or Hand Hand Hall Hall Hills Hills Hole Hole

. Key - Drill 2 Directions: Type each row TWO times. Note: 1 space follows a period.

l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l.l l.l l.l l.l l.l l.l l.l l.

fl. fl. ed. ed. ft. ft. rd. rd. hr. hr. hrs. hrs. ins. ins. fed. fed. ord.

ord. ln. ln. alt. alt. asstd. asstd. fl. ed. ft. rd. ln. hr. ins. fed. dr.

Combine Left Shift & . Keys - Drill 3 Directions: Type each row one time.

I do. I am ok. Kids like dogs. Kids go to the lake. He is tall. He is old.

Jane likes the old railroad. I do. I go. I like. I talk. He talked to her. I do not like the tone of the old nail hitting the red rail. Jokes are ok.

Review all keys learned - Drill 4 Directions: Type each row TWO times.

Lift the sled on the hill.

Karl said that he felt old.

On the desk is the red nail.

I like to go to the railroad.

Hal is the head of the lake house.

Karl left the sled at the red gate.

If she is going to go let dad take her.

If she is to go to the house let her in.

Nathan left to take the girls to the ski house.

Janet has gone to ski. Old dogs go to the red hall.