Day One: Subtraction Strategies -Jump Back

Title: Jump Back
Day One: Content Development / Grade Level:
3-5 / Resources for Lesson:
High Yield Routines:
Origo Fundamentals: Red Level Page 16-19
Use number line to calculate differences
Game Activity: Jump Back (Jump Forward)* / Guiding (Focus) Question:
How can you use the number line to find the difference in a subtraction situation?
Unit Learning Targets:
Use the number line to calculate differences of two and three digit numbers.
Success Criteria:
I can use a number line to calculate differences between larger numbers.
Mathematical Practices
MP.6 / Content Standards
*3.OA.D.8 (Two Step Word Problems using Four Operations)
**5.NBT.B.7 (Operations with Decimals)
(*Working Towards)
(**Option Decimal Jumps) / Time for Lesson:
Warm Up: How do you know 10 minutes
Content Development: 20 minutes
Game: 20 minutes
Reflection: 10 Minutes
Content Objectives:
·  I can use a variety of strategies to subtract two and three digit numbers.
·  I can think about the math problem in my head, first. / Language Objectives:
(Throughout unit make sure all four language modalities, reading, writing, speaking and listening are addressed)
·  I can explain how to subtract two numbers without borrowing to a partner or the class.
·  I can provide a context (story) to a subtraction problem.
Key Vocabulary
§  *Subtraction
§  *Difference
§  Comparison
§  Distance
§  Number Line
*Words to focus on. / Lesson Supports
Create Chart with number lines as shown on page 18 or have drawing on a board where a group can easily see the number line.
Chart/drawing could also contain an empty number line as well. / Materials:
­  Fundamentals Red Book Pages 16-19
­  Chart Paper
­  Markers
­  Jump Back Game Sheet 18
Two number cubes per group of 2 or 3
­  One cube mark with 166, 167, 177, 178, 188, 189
­  One cube mark with 23, 24, 25, 33, 34, 35
Optional Number Cubes for Extension using Decimals
­  One cube with 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9
­  One cube with 3.2, 3.3, 4.3, 4.3, 5.4, 5.5
­  Game Sheet Pg. 19
Student Engagement: Leadership Skill #
How will this lesson develop leadership skills for our migrant students?
2. I speak and listen well to others. / Strategies to develop leadership skills:
Often migrant students do not see themselves as leaders or mistake leadership as being the “leader” in a group.
Leadership shows itself in many ways. One way is that you ask questions within your group and listen actively to each other asking clarifying questions.
Warm Up: Alike and Different
Provide students with the numbers 175 and 35. Prompt them to think about how the two numbers are the same and how they are different. Encourage students to think of multiple ways.
Use a Box and T Chart to capture ideas. / Same:
Both whole numbers. Both can be divided by 5. Both are odd numbers
175 / 35
Three digit number / Two digit number
Larger / Smaller
Divide by 25 / Can’t divide by 25
Content Development:
1.  Bring group up close for Mini-Lesson near number line drawn on chart or whiteboard.
2.  Have a volunteer roll two number cubes. Have students decide on a subtraction equation from rolled numbers and write on chart/board.
3.  Encourage students to picture mental jumps you could make to answer the equation.
4.  Think/pair/share students ideas with a partner
5.  Get ideas from groups on how to make the jumps and model several examples.
6.  Have group think about different strategies when discussing their jumps.
­  Did everyone make the same jumps as ____?
­  If not how did you do your jumps? / Notes:
Bringing students up close allows for students to develop mental strategies.
Game Activity:
1.  How to play directions for Jump Back is in Red Fundamentals Book Page 16.
2.  Play several times with groups of two or three.
3.  As groups are playing note different strategies students are using that could be used in the reflection discussion.
§  Draw an open number line on the board/chart paper.
§  Give three question types from After the Game (Page 17) one at a time to the entire group.
§  Students share examples of how they set up the equation and solved the problem.-Discuss strategies used to develop and solve equations. / Review and Assessment:
Exit Ticket: (Index Card)
As a group roll the dice one last time. Have students develop expression and write it on the index card.
Students then draw out their own number line and jumps to solve the expression.
Home School Connection:
1.  Take game home to play with parents. Encourage kids to play with their parents several times by using an open number line rather than the game sheet.
2.  When you are at the grocery store have your child tell the difference in price between two like items. (Choose cans of tomatoes with one costing $0.89 and the other $0.67 have them visualize the number line to calculate the difference.) / Materials to Send Home:
­  2 number cubes
­  Game Sheet 18 or 19

Day Two: Subtraction Strategies -Jump Back

Title: The Class Trip
Day Two: Problem Solving / Grade Level:
3-5 / Resources for Lesson:
Illustrative Math Task-
§  Jump Back Problem Solving Mini Lesson
§  Jump Back Problem Solving Task
Jump Back: A Class Trip / Guiding (Focus) Question:
How much money would our class need to save to attend a class trip?
Unit Learning Targets:
Use tools and mathematical models to solve a two-step problem solving situation by including a variable into the model.
Success Criteria:
With my group I can solve a two-step problem using whole numbers.
I can write and equation using a variable.
Mathematical Practices
MP.2-Reason abstractly and quantitatively
MP.4 Model with mathematics / Content Standards:
3.OA.8- Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. / Time For Lesson:
Warm Up: How do you know 10 minutes
Content Development: 20 minutes
Problem Solving: 20 minutes
Reflections: 10 Minutes
Content Objectives:
I can model my thinking with pictures and equations.
I can solve a problem that has more than one step. / Language Objectives:
(Throughout unit make sure all four language modalities, reading, writing, speaking and listening are addressed)
I can tell my partner the steps to solve a two-step problem.
I can write the solution to a two-step problem.
Key Vocabulary
§  Tape diagram
§  Number line
§  Area model / Lesson Supports:
Poster with Stamp Problem on top.
Masha had 120 stamps. First she gave her sister half of them. Then she used three to mail letters. How many does she have left?
How could I model this 2 step word problem?
§  try different models including tape diagram, number line, area model
How could I write an equation with and without the answer by using a variable in the equation? / Materials:
Handout of Jump Back Problem Solving
Chart paper
Student Engagement: Leadership
How will this lesson develop leadership skills for our migrant students?
3. I am healthy and plan financially. / Strategies to develop leadership skills:
In the scenario students need to define how much money students need to collect to attend a class field trip. Leadership also includes the ability to plan ahead. When in your life have you had to save towards a goal? Is that easy or difficult?
Warm Up: High Yield Routines- Same and Different
Content Development:
Introduce using scenario “The Stamp Collection”. As a group decide what needs to be done to solve the problem. How many steps will we need to do to get to the answer?
How can we represent these steps (what models or tools can we use)? What equation can we use to represent the situation?
Reflectively guide students through scenario. See lesson supports. / Notes:
Students need to represent the equation with an answer and also with a variable.
Problem Solving Activity:
Students work in groups to solve the class trip scenario. In their answers they should model their solution. Students also need to include an equation that includes a variable and an answer. Answer questions on large sheets of paper so their groups work can be shared with the class. / Provide a list of possible models or tools that could be used.
Share your thinking with a different group.
§  What equations did you come up with to show the situation?
§  What models did you use to represent the situation?
§  Compare your answers. Are they the same or different?
§  Do you agree with either of the answers? Why
§  Did you disagree with either of the answers? Why / Review and Assessment:
Assessment will be completed group work.
Exit Ticket
Write an equation using a variable for the following question:
Luz was saving for a new bike that cost $95.00. For five weeks she collected 10 dollars from doing jobs in her neighborhood. How much left does she need to collect?
Home School Connection
1.  Talk as a family about saving money for special events. Discuss how much the activity might cost, how much you could save each week and how long it will take to save for the event.
2.  Discuss how sometimes it is more valuable if you have to plan ahead for it! / Materials to Send Home:
§  Home School Connection Worksheet