User Manual for JSM-6400 (SEM)

(This is an informative purpose only. Do not attempt to operate the SEM without superuser permission or having a sertification)





Computer Keyboard

Basic Screen

Electron Operating System (EOS) Menu

EOS screens






Sample Preparation

Loading the Sample and Pumpdown (2” Airlock)

Turning on the Beam

Aligning the Beam

Viewing the Sample

Taking a Picture

Turning Off the Beam

I) Introduction

The JEOL 6400 scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a high-resolution SEM. It can

provide beam voltages ranging from 0.2kV to 40 kV and beam currents from 10

picoamps to 10microamps. It offers high performance and low noise at low accelerator

voltages. Resolution of 10 nm is attainable, and available magnifications range from 10

X to 300,000 X. The cathode is a tungsten hair pin filament. The SEM is equipped with

a two-inch airlock and a probe current detector (PCD) or Faraday cup for beam current

measurements. The sample stage is computer-driven.

II) Pre-Use Checks

When not in use, the JEOL 6400 is normally left with the high voltage turned off Note

that all the controls required for standard sample observation are described below.

Under no circumstances should users operate any other controls without first consulting

staff. This includes the entirety of the vacuum system, with the exception of the sample


Prior to using the SEM you should check that all is in order.

• Verify that the filament knob is turned fully counter-clockwise and that the filament

meter light is on. The filament button FIL toggles the meter between filament and

emission current measurement. If FIL is not lit, you are looking at the emission

current and should toggle to FIL; the meter should then read ~1.0 A.

• If the meter light is not on, the gun pressure is not acceptable. If both FIL and the

meter light are lit but there is no filament current, the SEM is not usable. Report the

problem on the Comments section of the logbook AND to Murat Güre.

• Check that the accelerating voltage is set to 0 kV and the secondary electron

detector is off using the EOS menu (see Section 3.3).

III) Keyboard and On-screen Menus


Most of the functions of the JEOL 6400 can be accessed though keyboard and menu

operations. This includes most of the knob and button controls, with a few exceptions

(e.g., the filament current knob). In addition, much of the fine-tuning required for

successful imaging can only be accomplished using keyboard control. The various

menus through which control takes place are displayed only on the right-hand (RH)

CRT. The left-hand (LH) CRT is used primarily for viewing. A cursor is displayed on

one of the two CRTs at a time; the CRT in which the cursor appears is active. The

cursor can be toggled back and forth between the two CRTs by pressing the escape

(ESC) key.

Computer Keyboard

The most useful keys are escape (ESC) mentioned above, BREAK, the return key,

and some of the pre-defined function (PF) keys. Also useful are insert (INS), and the

plus (+) and minus (-) keys. Uses of these keys will be described below.

6400 keyboard

6400 panel controls

6400 knobset

Basic Screen

The basic screen is always displayed on the LH CRT; it is also displayed on the RH CRT

when the menus are hidden. This screen consists of two information lines customarily

located at the bottom of the screen. When a given CRT is active (i.e. the cursor is in it)

and is displaying the basic screen, its information lines can be alternately shown or

hidden by pressing the BREAK key. The information displayed in the lines includes a

micron bar and size, a title, the accelerating voltage, the magnification and the working


The pre-defined function key PF1 brings up the basic screen on the RH CRT regardless

of which screen is active.

Electron Operating System (EOS) Menu

PF2 brings up the EOS menu on the RH CRT regardless of which screen is active. The

EOS menu consists of three screens: EOS-1 (optics), EOS-2 (mode) and EOS-3

(image). When the RH CRT is active and EOS is displayed, pressing the 1, 2, or 3 keys

will call up the corresponding screen.

Most of the SEM functions required for viewing can be controlled though the EOS menu.

To change a parameter, make the RH CRT active using the ESC key. If the item you

want to change displays a set of possible choices (e.g. the raster scan speed), position

the cursor over your choice using the arrow keys. Then press the return key to select the

item. If instead the item is numeric (e.g. the accelerating voltage), position the cursor

over the number and press the INS key. A white command window will appear on the

RH CRT. Enter the new setting and press return to make a change. You can also

increment or decrement a numeric setting by positioning the cursor over it and pressing

the + or - keys.

EOS screens

The following is a brief description of the contents of the three EOS screens. Ranges

are shown for numeric items when appropriate. Standard settings of the other items are

indicated by asterisks. When control over an item is not needed for basic use, only the

standard setting of that function is listed. Settings not needed for basic use are not

listed, and should not be used without consulting staff. Settings which should not be

changed without permission are indicated in the following list:


• ACC VOLTAGE: accelerator voltage, 0 to 40 kV

• BIAS: bias resistor setting; default for given ACC setting shown in parentheses is

recommended, 0 to 6

• TILT/SHIFT: gun tilt and shift, X and Y for each: -128 to 127

• CL: condenser lens; controls beam current, COARSE: 0 to 16; FINE: 0 to 255

• OL: objective lens, controls focus, COARSE: 0 to 255; FINE: 0 to 1023

• WD: indicates distance from plane of OL to focused point, 3 to 53 mm.

• STIGMA: astigmatism adjust, X and Y: -512 to 511. This should be below 100 when

the image is fine-tuned. Higher readings indicate misalignment of the beam or need

• of column cleaning. Good patterns will not be obtainable.

• MAG: magnification, 10X to 300,000X

• INST MAG: switches to a pre-defined magnification, *OFF*

• SEI: CONT 0 - 255 adjusts contrast of SEI image. Bright 0 - 255 adjusts brightness

of SEI image

• PCD: probe current detector, on this SEM, can only be operated via PCD button in

one of the auxiliary panels

• LENS CLEAR: removes hysteresis in objective and/or condenser lenses, ALL, OL,


• OPT APERT: optimum aperture for present settings; not operated via keyboard: 2 to

4 (only a recommendation, choice is up to operator)


• EOS MODE: chooses operating mode of SEM; use only SEM or SEM1: *SEM*,


• SCAN MODE: chooses scan mode; PIC and LSP most useful: *PIC* (picture), RD2,

RD4 (reduced scan), LSP (line scan)

• SPEED: selects scan rate; TV and SR are fast, others are slow: *TV*, SR, 2, 10, 20,

40 , 80, 80, 320, 640

• POSITION: adjusts position of reduced and line scans, X, Y: -128 to 127, zero

these before alignment or writing. SEM1 mode will disable these drives.

• WIDTH: adjusts width of reduced scan, X, Y: 26 to 255

• IMAGE SHIFT: induces static shifts in the sample image, X, Y: -128 to 127

• DSPL MODE: chooses display mode; NOR, DMG and WFM most useful; YZM

should normally be off

• DFC: dynamic focus mode, *OFF*

• PHOTO SPEED: selects photo speed, 40, *80*, 80, 320, 640


• DETECTOR: actives/deactivates secondary electron detector; USE ONLY SEI:


• COLLECTOR: controls application of voltage to collector of secondary electron

detector, *ON*

• PMT LINK: links photomultiplier tube to setting, *ON*

• IMS CH1: chooses image source for channel one; USE ONLY SEI:

• *SEI*



• GAIN: *128*

• BRIGHT: *128*

• IMS CH2: see IMS CH1

• MIX: when on allows mixing of CH1 and CH2 signals; when off CH1 only is

displayed, *OFF*


The MEMO menu is called up by pressing the PF5 key. This menu lists ten sets of predefined

operating conditions; the chosen settings for various SEM parameters are listed

in the lower half of the screen. To load the selected set of operating conditions, select

the title of the set in the upper half of the screen using the arrow keys. Then press "L"

for load. The listed set of conditions will immediately be loaded into the SEM.

NOTE: loading a set of operating conditions will result in immediate application of an

accelerating voltage! DO NOT load a set unless you are ready for the listed conditions

to come into effect immediately. See Section 4: System Operation below.

Do not change the contents of any of the pre-defined states; they are provided for the

convenience of all users.

IV) System Operation

Checklist of Procedures

Follow the steps outlined below to get an image on the SEM. More information on each step is

provided in the following pages.

A) Sign logbook.

B) Prepare your specimen for insertion into the SEM.

C) Verify that the ebeam system cable is un-pluged.

D) Insert the specimen into the sample chamber of the SEM.

E) Perform the initial setup of all switches on the SEM console.

F) Saturate the Filament.

G) Adjust the Gun Shift & Tilt - resaturate if necessary.

H) Adjust the contrast and brightness.

I) Focus the image.

J) Stigmate the image.

K) Record a micrograph if desired.

L) Perform microanalysis if desired.

M) Shut down SEM when done.

N) Remove specimen.

O) Sign logbook.

Sample Preparation

Samples can be most sizes or shapes as long as they can be loaded through the 2”

sample exchange port. Commonly, 1” or 1.25” metallographic preparations will be

examined in the SEM. Samples must be clean and dry, i.e., free from moisture, oils,

grease, and particles that could the vacuum system. If the chamber becomes

contaminated, the contaminants can be "ironed on" to your sample by the beam. Once

this happens, it is usually impossible to remove the contaminants from your sample.

Gloves must be worn when handling samples and sample holders. Note that

nonconductive materials are subject to "charging" and for best results should be coated

with a thin layer of gold. For cross-sections, cleave the sample through the area of

interest. The sample should be as small as possible, but large enough that it can be

securely held by the sample holder. If the sample is to be coated with gold, it should be

coated after cleaving. For cross-sections, use the spring loaded sample holder for

securing the sample. The "Z" axis knob on the stage is calculated from the sample

holder top. If the sample must be secured to the holder, use SEM-compatible (vacuum

compatible and conductive) carbon paint. Write Murat Güre () if you

have questions about SEM compatible adhesive. After attaching or securing your

sample to the sample holder, the sample holder is mounted into the larger dovetail

holder. This dovetail holder will slide or "dovetail" over the stage in the SEM chamber.

For cleaved cross-sections, it is recommended that you mount the sample so that the

cleaved edge is parallel to the longer side of the dovetail holder.

Loading the Sample and Pumpdown (2 Inch Airlock)

1) The sample is loaded using a threaded rod; this rod is mounted through the center of

a thick, circular viewport. The viewport allows you to visually guide the dovetail

holder onto the stage and visually assess the orientation of the sample for tilt and

rotation before viewing on-screen, where orientation is not as obvious.

2) Thread the screw at the end of the sample loading rod into the bottom hole of the

dovetail holder, and hook the clip attached to the viewport over the screw. The clip

secures the sample holder to the viewport until you are ready to move it onto the

stage; if you don't use the clip, the sample and rod will move forward into the door,

possibly damaging your sample or the door! If the rod does not easily slide through

the viewport vacuum seal, apply grease to the rod sparingly.

3) Verify that the working distance (Z height) is set to the specimen exchange distance

of 39mm; the red light on the front of the airlock exchange panel will come on to

indicate that the working distance is correctly set to 39mm. Also check that the fine

Z micrometer is set to 2.0 mm; it is located between the X and Y micrometers.

4) Set the stage to its home position (250 on the X and 350 on the Y travel counter). Manually adjust the rotation (angular and circular) counters to zero. Warning: Any operations on the optics table must be done gently, without disturbing the table.

5) Check the viewport and airlock o-ring for dust, remove dust to make a good seal.

Hold the viewport with the sample facing towards the SEM chamber against the oring

seal at the two-inch airlock entrance. Press the illuminated white button on the

airlock chamber and wait for the light to go out. The light is on a timer and should

allow enough time for the chamber to evacuate. Improper evacuation of the airlock

can cause the vacuum system to “dump” when you open the airlock door resulting in

down time!

6) When the light goes out, open the airlock door by rotating the airlock knob towards

you 1/4 of a turn. Slide the door open by pulling the knob to the right, about 3". Be

gentle. There is a clip in the airlock for this. Do not lock it with the knob as it will get

debris on the door o-ring. The light in the SEM chamber should come on when you

open this door. If the light is off, then the secondary electron detector is on. To turn