Unit 4 – Citizenship

Day 1 – Civics & Citizenship

  • Civics (Rights, Duties, & Responsibilities)
  • Immigration
  • Naturalization

Day 2 – Bill of Rights & Amendments Assignment

  • Work on Illustration & Presentation

Day 3 – Bill of Rights Presentations

  • Amendments 1-10 Presentations
  • Rights Homework

Day 4 – Amendments 11-19

  • Presentations
  • Civil War Amendments

Day 5 – Amendments 20-27

  • Presentations
  • Suffrage

Day 6 – Supreme Court Case Assignment

  • Work on Presentations

Day 7 – Supreme Court Case Presentations

Day 8 – Supreme Court Case Presentations

Day 9 – Supreme Court Case Presentations

Day 10 – Review & Test – Unit 4


Unit Essential Question

  • How does civic involvement shape American democracy?
Conceptual Lenses
  • Identity
  • Duty
  • Responsibility

Day 1 – Civics & Citizenship

Essential Question

What does it mean to be an American?

Chapter 1, Section 1 (pgs. 7-13); Chapter 1, Section 2 (pgs. 15-19); Chapter 5, Section 1 (pgs. 151-154)

Define the Following Terms

  • Civics, Citizen, Citizenship
  • Rights (Define + 3 Categories)
  • Duties (Define + 5 Examples)
  • Responsibilities (Define + 5 Examples)
  • E pluribus unum
  • Immigrant, Alien
  • Naturalization, Denaturalization, Expatriation

Answer the Following Questions

  • What are some of the historical reasons people have immigrated to the Americas?
  • Because of the large impact of immigration explain the following…
  • Diversity (Melting Pot v Salad Bowl)
  • How does a person become a US Citizen?
  • Native Born
  • Naturalization
  • Explain the 5 Steps in the Naturalization Process.
  • Explain the following about immigration…
  • Difference between legal and illegal

Day 2 – Bill of Rights & Amendments – Assignment of Amendment



Use pgs. (107-117) in your Civics book to do the following…

In addition you can use pgs. (121-137). These pages explain a majority of the amendments. In addition you may use the internet as a resource.


Each student will be given one amendment to research and must complete the following assignment dealing with the amendment.

Students may create a PowerPoint or a Prezi for the Amendment.

1)Title Slide for the Amendment. (Amendment, Name, Class Period)

2)Slide with explanation of the Amendment.

3)Slide with an illustration of the Amendment.

4) Slide with current issue dealing with the amendment. (A court case or law that deals with the amendment).

5) Works Cited Slide (Textbook, Internet Sites, etc…)


The assignment will count as a test grade.

1)PowerPoint – Prezi = 50 Points

2)Presentation = 50 Points


Day 3 – The Bill of Rights - Presentations

Explain the following about the Amendment Process

  • Explain the (2) steps in the Amendment Process.
  • What does constitutional flexibility mean?
  • How does the Amendment Process create flexibility?
  • What are the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution called?

Complete the chart on the Bill of Rights

Chapter 4, Sections 1 & 2 (pgs. 121-124, 127-131)

Amendment / Establishes
I /
  • R ______
  • A ______
  • P ______
  • P ______
  • S ______

V /
  • Due Process ______
  • Self-Incrimination ______
  • Indictment by Grand Jury ______
  • Eminent Domain ______
  • Double Jeopardy ______

VI /
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______

  • ______
  • Bail ______


Explain the following about the Bill of Rights

  • When was the Bill of Rights added to the US Constitution?
  • What are “civil liberties”?
  • What is the establishment clause? Free exercise clause?
  • What is censorship?
  • In what ways can the government regulate mass media?
  • What limits are there on the personal freedoms of American citizens?

Libel, Slander, Rights of the Community

Day 4 - Other Amendments & Civil Rights

Complete the following chart on Amendments 11-27

Chapter 4, Section 3 (134-137)

Amendment / How I can remember it! / Establishes
XI / 1v1 = state v state, goes to the court
XII / Use to vote for 1 now vote for 2, President and Vice President
XIII / 1, 3 I’m Free! It’s the end of slavery
XIV / All for one and 1 4 all, equal rights for all Americans
XV / 15 wrote that ALL MEN can vote
XVI / At 16 you start to work and pay income tax
XVII / SEventeen wroteSEnators now elected by the popular vote
XVIII / At 18 you cannot drink alcohol period
XIX / 1, 9 isn’t she fine, now women can vote
XX / Inauguration Day is January 20
XXI / You can drink at 21
XXII / Limited the President to (2) two (2)terms
XXIII / Gives to (2) DC (3) three electoral votes
XXIV / 24 no poll tax at the door
XXV / 25 can only be President if your alive
XXVI / You can vote when you are 26 but also when you are 18
XXVII / 27 you can’t raise your pay to heaven

Define following about Civil Rights

Chapter 4, Section 4 (pgs. 140-143)

Civil Rights MovementCivil Rights Act of 1964

DiscriminationVoting Rights Act of 1965

Jim Crow LawsAffirmative Action

SegregationRacial Profiling

Day 5 – Continue Amendment Presentations

Day 6 – Supreme Court Case Assignment

Supreme Court Cases Assignment

1)Each student will be given one case to explain to the class.

2)Each student must create a PowerPoint or Prezi of their Supreme Court Case.

3)You do not need to answer questions with the court case.

4)The PowerPoint or Prezi should have the following slides.

  1. Who is involved in the case?
  2. What is the problem/issue?
  3. How does the problem relate to the Constitution?
  4. What was the ruling of the court, and why?
  5. Why is this ruling important?

5)Each student will make a three-minute presentation to the class, in which they explain the case to the class.

6)Works Cited Slide (Textbook, Case Study, Internet Sites, etc…)


The assignment will count as a test grade.

1) PowerPoint – Prezi = 50 Points

2) Presentation = 50 Points


Supreme Court Case Assignment

Use the following page to take notes for your Supreme Court Case.

Court Case -
Who is involved in the case?
What is the problem/issue?
Constitutional Issue?
Court Ruling & Why?

Day 7-9 – Supreme Court Case Presentations

Landmark Supreme Court Cases

Case / Date / Description / Decision
Marbury v Madison / 1803
McCulloch v Maryland / 1819
Dred Scott v Sanford / 1857
Plessy v
Ferguson / 1896
Schenck v US / 1919
Korematsu v US / 1944
Brown v Board of Education of Topeka Kansas / 1954
Mapp v Ohio / 1961
Engle v Vitale / 1962
Gideon v Wainwright / 1963
Escobedo v Illinois / 1964
Heart of Atlanta Motel v US / 1964
Miranda v Arizona / 1966
Tinker v des Moines School District / 1969
NY Times v US / 1971
Furman v Georgia / 1972
Roe v Wade / 1973
US v Nixon / 1974
Gregg v Georgia / 1976
University of California v Bakke / 1978
New Jersey v TLO / 1985
Bethel School District v Frazier / 1986
Hazelwood Schools v Kuhlmeier / 1988
Texas v Johnson / 1989

Supreme Court Cases (Review)

Federal Government Powers

Marbury v Madison (1803)

McCulloch v Maryland (1819)

US v Nixon (1974)

Civil Rights

Dred Scott v Sanford

Plessy v Ferguson (1896)

Brown v Board of Education (1954)

Heart of Atlanta Motel v US (1964)

Regents of U of California v Bakke (1978)

Roe v Wade (1973)

Bill of Rights + War Time

Schenck v US (1919)

Korematsu v US (1944)

NY Times v US (1971)

Texas v Johnson (1989)

Student Rights

Engel v Vitale (1962)

Tinker v Des Moines (1969)

New Jersey v T.L.O. (1985)

Bethel School District v Fraser (1986)

Hazelwood School District v Kuhlmeier (1988)

4th, 5th, 6th, & 8th Amendments

Mapp v Ohio (1961)

Gideon v Wainwright (1963)

Escobedo v Illinois (1964)

Miranda v Arizona (1966)

Furman v Georgia (1972)

Gregg v Georgia (1976)

Day 10 – Review & Test – Unit 4

Unit 4 – Citizenship (Test Review)

Multiple Choice – 20 Questions – 3 Points Each – 60 Points Total






1st Amendment – 5 Freedoms & Clauses

24th Amendment

13th, 14th, & 15th Amendments

Brown v Board of Education

Gideon v Wainwright

Mapp v Ohio

Miranda v Arizona

New Jersey v T.L.O.

Tinker v Des Moines

Constructed Response – Honors - Do Both. Standard – Choose (1)

1)Identify and describe a duty. Describe an amendment related to that duty. Identify and describe a responsibility. Describe an amendment that is related to that responsibility.

2)Identify and explain a Supreme Court case. Explain how the ruling of this case either limited or expanded individual rights.

Unit 4 Quiz #1 – Bill of Rights

1) Amendment 1 ____ A. Search & Seizure

2) Amendment 2 ____B. Rights Kept by the People

3) Amendment 3 ____C. Freedom of Speech, Press, Assembly,

4) Amendment 4 ____Petition, & Religion

5) Amendment 5 ____D. Quartering of Soldiers

6) Amendment 6 ____E. Rules of Common Law (Civil Cases)

7) Amendment 7 ____F. Powers of the States

8) Amendment 8 ____G. Rights of the Accused

9) Amendment 9 ____H. Rightsto Bear Arms

10) Amendment 10 ____I. Limits on Criminal Punishment

J. Right to a Speedy & Fair Trial

Unit 4 Quiz #2 – Other Amendments

1) Amendment 13 ____A. Civil Rights Guaranteed

2) Amendment 14 ____B. Slavery Abolished

3) Amendment 15 ____C. Terms of Office (Lame Duck)

4) Amendment 19 ____D. Voting Age (18)

5) Amendment 20 ____E. Black Voting Rights

6) Amendment 22 ____F. Electors for the District of Columbia

7) Amendment 23 ____G. Women’s Voting Rights

8) Amendment 24 ____H. Presidential Disability

9) Amendment 25 ____I. Abolition of Poll Tax

10 Amendment 26____J. Limits on Presidential Terms

The People Speak

Howard Zinn - A People’s History of the United States

Assignment–Standard & Honors

  • Explain (2) social movements described in the documentary.

In your explanation, must have the following…

  • Must be in paragraph form.

1) What is the struggle about?

2) How does this relate to the Constitution?

Movements Explained in the Documentary

  • Anti-Slavery
  • Women’s Rights
  • Economic Justice (Worker Rights)
  • Anti-War Movement

The People Speak

Howard Zinn - A People’s History of the United States

Assignment – Standard & Honors

  • Make a list of 10 concepts, events, etc… that we have discussed during class. For each, provide 2 sentences.

-Sentence 1 – Explain what the concept or event is.

-Sentence 2 – Explain why it was in the documentary.

  • Classwork Grade – Due at end of class tomorrow!