Seven Day Study Plan:
_____ Day 1: Evaluate and Organize (Ask yourself questions)
a.)What grade do I want to get on this test? Or What grade do I need on this test?
b.)What will this test cover?
c.)Am I caught up on all the material?
d.)What study materials will I need?
e.)Am I missing anything?
______Day 2: Topics to cover:
a.)Create an outline of the material needed to be covered.
b.)Re-read any PowerPoints, notes, etc.
c.)Review all key points discussed in class
d.)Create a study group or pair up with a friend in the class
e.)Study the key terms necessary within the chapters and re-read over the summaries of each chapter. (Have a general sense of the topics)
f.)Do a practice test
_____Day 3: Topic Re-run! (Completing all the same steps from day two)
a.)Go over your outline and determine what you covered the day before.
b.)Review PowerPoints and notes again
c.)Review any key points
d.)Review with a study group or friend
e.)Refresh on all the key terms and chapter summaries
f.)Complete more practice tests
_____Day 4: Topics to cover
a.)Compare and go over any notes with a friend or study group. Find out anything that you missed.
b.)Compare any lecture notes with your chapter notes and look at any emphasized points in both set of materials. Look for any additional information that is not stated in one but not the other.
c.)Visit your professors office hours if there are any questions
d.)Other: Any additional steps you would like to take in order to better prepare yourself for the test
______Day 5:Topics to cover
a.)Do practice tests
b.)Continue to compare class notes and notes from the text
c.)Visit office hours if necessary
______Day 6: Topics to cover (Repeat Day 5)
a.)Do Practice tests
b.)Continue to compare class notes and notes from the text
c.)Visit office hours if necessary
______Day 7: General Review and Weak Areas
a.)Use this day before the test to review
b.)At this point no new information should need to be learned
c.)Focus on any of your weak areas that you may find difficult or not completely comfortable with.
d.)Get good rest
______TEST DAY!
a.)Normal Daily Routine
b.)Eat a light meal
c.)Do not overuse/underuse caffeine (normal routine)
d.)Be well rested
e.)MINIMAL Review of Material (Don’t freak out and go over everything! We tend to remember the last things that we have read so reviewing too much could make you forget some of the material you had covered. )
f.)Have a positive attitude! Go into the test with confidence.