Article Title
Firstname LASTNAME*, Firstname LASTNAME**and Firstname LASTNAME*
*Address of Author 1 & Author 3
**Address of author 2
Abstract:This template gives you guidelines to prepare papers for NG2CT’2017International Workshop. Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 6.0 or later. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. Please note that use of NG2CT’2017 templates is meant to assist authors in correctly formatting manuscripts for submission. This template must be used for both initial and final submissions. An abstract should be 100 to 200 words, and should clearly state the nature and significance of the paper. Abstracts must not include mathematical expressions or bibliographic references.
Key words: Keywords should closely reflect the topic and should optimally characterize the paper. Use about four key words or phrases in alphabetical order, separated by commas.
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NG2CT 2017
This document provides style guidelines which must be respected by authors in order to ensure the uniform appearance of articles published in NG2CT’2017International Workshop. This document should be used as a model, particularly for the first page, the headers, sub-titles, headings, etc. Articles should be no longer than 12 pages.
In the folder containing the file:, copy the file NG2CT’
Then, when opening a new file in MSWord, you can choose to create it as a NG2CT’2017 model.
If your paper is already written, you can create a new file as NG2CT’2017model and then you proceed with "copy-paste" from the old written file you have prepared.
1.First title of paragraph
1.1.first sub-title
The main body of the text is in Times Roman (Mac)/Times New Roman (PC), 10pt, lower case, without breaks in the text, and with a 5mm indent at the beginning of each paragraph. All text is justified. A space of 6pt should be left between each paragraph (format > paragraph > spacing after > 6pt).
Authors wishing to emphasise a term may use bold or italic but never underscore.
Be careful not to isolate a sentence on the top or the bottom of the page. In order to do so, use the following setting:
Format > Paragraph > Line and Page Breaks > check Widow/Orphan Control box.
1.2.Second sub-title
If you are using Word on a PC or Mac, use the following settings. In the menu go to:
File > page setup > margins > Top: 2 cm, Bottom: 2 cm, Left: 2 cm, Right: 2 cm, Header: 1.25
cm, Footer: 1.25 cm.
View > Header and Footer > On the Header and Footer toolbar write the short title of the International Workshop: (NG2CT’2017), all flush right (see headers of this document for an example).
3.Main title
Capitalize the first letter of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs; do not capitalize articles, coordinate conjunctions, or prepositions unless the title begins with such a word (Times New Roman 20 pts bold 63 pts above, 12 ptsbelow :NG2CT’2017 title).
4.Author name(s) and affiliation(s)
Author names and affiliations are to be centered beneath the title. Multiple authors may be shown in a two- or three-column format, the authors' names should be " Firstname LASTNAME" as" Manel TURKI", you should respect the uppercase and lowercase (Times New Roman 14 pts4 pts above, 10 pts below : NG2CT’2017Authors), with their affiliations below their names (Times New Roman 11 pts12 pts above, 0 ptsbelow : NG2CT’2017Adress). Include e-mail addresses if possible (Times New Roman bold10 pts4 pts above, 10 ptsbelow:NG2CT’2017Email.)
5.Paragraph titles and headings
All titles and heading should be aligned left, with no indent, numbered decimally. The spacing before and After headings depends on their location in the text (at the top of a page, followed by another heading, etc.).
They are presented as follows:
4. Level one (Times New Roman 12 pts bold, 16 pts above, 4 pts belowNG2CT’2017 title 1orNG2CT’2017 title UN).
4.1. Level two (Times New Roman 10 pts bold 12 pts above, 4 ptsbelow:NG2CT’2017 title 2).
4.1.1. Level three (Times New Roman 10 pts italic, 0 pts above, 0ptsbelow:NG2CT’2017 title 3).
Headings should not be isolated at the bottom of the page; they should always be followed by a paragraph.
These are numbered 1 to n in the body of the article[1]. At the foot of the page the text of the footnote is in Times New Roman, 8pts, justified with no indent. The main body of text and the text of the footnotes are separated by a thin line (¼pt) 2.5cm long. (This is the default style in MS Word).
Figures, illustrations and tables should be incorporated into the text. Figures and illustrations are numbered 1 to n in the articles, as are tables. The legends are in Times New Roman 10pt, justified, with no indent, Figure x in bold followed by a bold full stop, the text of the legend is in italic.
Formulae referred to in the text are numbered from (1) to (n) in brackets. The number is put on the first or last line of the formula, flush right. The formula is separated from the text by one blank line above and below. If the formula runs over one line, half a blank line should be left between each line.
/ (1)9.Conclusion
This document gives the instructions to respect in order to ensure the uniform appearance of articles published in the book of the International Workshop:Next Generation Computing and Communication TechnologiesNG2CT’2017(with ISBN 978-9973-02-070-3). This International Workshop will be held from 25 to 27August 2017 in Tunisia.
The authors wish to thank A, B, C. This work was supported in part by a grant from XYZ.
These should be in Times New Roman, 9pt on 11pt. The references are listed at the end of the article in alphabetical order, separated from each other by 6pt(Times New Roman 9 pts, 0 pts above, 6 pts below:NG2CT’2017Ref ). In the main body of the article they are presented as follows:
[XXX 04]
[XXX 05a]
[XXX 05b]
[YYY 06]
Where XXX are the first three letters of the first author's name written in uppercase
for several authors. They are justified with a negative indent of 5mm.
– For books: title in italic, the rest in Times New Roman.
– For journal and proceedings, title of the journal/International Workshop in italic, the rest in Times New Roman.
– For internal reports and thesis: all text is in Times New Roman.
For example:
[KAL 10] Mohamed KALLEL, Mohamed Salim BOUHLEL & Jean-Christophe LAPAYRE: “Use of Multi-Watermarking Schema to Maintain Awareness in a Teleneurology Diagnosis Platform”Journal Radioengineering, vol. 19, no. 1, April 2010, ISSN 1210-2512
[MAN 10a] Ali MANSOURI and Mohamed Salim BOUHLEL “On the equality of the grundy number of a graph” International Journal of Next-Generation Networks IJNGN,ISSN: 0975-7023 (Online), ISSN: 0975-7252 (Print)
[MAN 10b] Ali MANSOURI and Mohamed Salim BOUHLEL “Result for grundy number of the complement of bipartite graphs” Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal, Special issue for the International International Workshop on Computing, Communications and Information Technology Applications (CCITA-2010), Vol: CCITA-2010, September 2010, ISSN Online 1992-8424, ISSN Print 1994-4608
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[1]Footnote of the article