
Day 1: Arrival and acclimation

11:00 am: Welcome at Juliaca Airport

12:30 pm: Check-In, Lunch & Siesta

3:00 pm: Tea Time

3:30 pm: Rowing through the Reeds Excursion (half day excursion)

6:30 pm: Cocktail

7:30 pm: Dinner & Overnight.

Day 2: Active day

7:30 am: Breakfast

8:30 am: Visit to the Uros Floating Islands (half day excursion)

12:30 pm: Lunch & Siesta

3:00 pm: Teatime

3:30 pm: Cycling through the Fields of Plateria (quarter day excursion)

6:30 pm: Cocktail

7:30 pm: Dinner & Overnight


Day 3 Departure

7:30 am: Breakfast

8:30 am: Short excursion near the hotel o on route

11:30 am: Farewell at airport (Juliaca) or train station (Puno)

Please note that this is sample of what a stay at Titilaka could be like. Most likely, a stay may differ based on the guest’s interests, weather or scheduling.


DAY 1:

Welcome at Juliaca Airport by our Guest Services Representative and transported to Titilaka lodge. You will pass through Juliaca and the port city of Puno. Upon arrival at the Lodge, check-in, rest, and enjoy the scenery as you acclimate.

Upon arrival at the Lodge, check-in, rest and enjoy the scenery. Lunch is based on the region’s local cuisine served from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm. We recommend a siesta and plenty of liquids to acclimate to the altitude. Enjoy Teatime at 3:30 pm followed by an afternoon excursion, Rowing through the Reeds near the lodge, where you can observe interesting endemic birds, striking landscapes of a unique geography.

Evening cocktails are served from 6.30 pm followed by dinner from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. Then join other guests and interpreters to share highlands experiences and tales.

DAY 2:

After rising at the hour that suits you, enjoy breakfast in bed if you wish wake at dawn to a magnificent sunrise. In the morning your guides will take you by car and boat to visit the legendary islands of Uros and meet one of traditional families that live there. The Uros Floating Islands are located near the protected National Reserve of Titicaca. The people of Uros are a proud culture who due to persecution by other groups found refuge by living on manmade islands many years ago. They call themselves kot-suña or people of the lake who claim to have "black blood," as they are immune to the cold and consider themselves to be owners of the lake and its waters. Learn about their history, uses for totora reeds and customs after exploring one of these impressive islands. The site is a must for travelers to the area; thus expect to see many other visitors.Return to the hotel for lunch and a siesta.

Return to the hotel for lunch and siesta.After teatime you could you can bike the fields of Plateria. This biking excursion will become one of your memorable bike rides. The fields of Plateria, the district where Titilaka is located, provide the perfect setting for active exploration. Follow country roads along the grand lake and diverse terrains, where you will observe the local villager’s rural way of life. You will see them washing clothes, herding their animals and tending to their children. These are conditions for a great time outdoors; you set the pace and direction.

Return to the hotel for dinner at 7:30 pm.

Cocktail at 6:30 pm followed by Dinner.

DAY 3:

After breakfast, prepare for checkout and transfer to the airport. On your airport transfer enjoy a guided excursion to Sillustani, a spectacular peninsula facing the Umayo lagoon and home to the area’s best preserved remains. In addition to its unique geography, this site was a burial ground for the Pucara, Tiahuanaco and Ccolla pre-Inca cultures long before the Inca expansion. The tower-like structures known as Chullpas, which symbolized life and birth, are ancient and impressive tombs for chiefs and other dignitaries. Later the site was inhabited by the Incas, who made their own version of these towers. The difference in periods and cultures is seen in the two types of chullpas- the rough, smaller pre-Inca towers, and the smooth, larger ones made by the Incas. The biggest tower took about 50 years to construct and holds rocks weighing anywhere from 2 to 6 tons. This is an impressive site that combines archaeology, history and an amazing landscape.

Farewell takes place at the Juliaca airport or train Station where you will board your plane or train to your next destination.

Sales Office: Sáenz Peña 129, Barranco Lima, Peru

T.+51 1 7005105,F. +51 1 7005129,


Skype: Sales.andean.experience