Water Glass Magic — Instructions

Test 1Take the glasswith paper in it and turn it upsidedown.

Slowly lower the glass straight down into the water.

Bring the glass straight up and out, wipe off the edge and examine the paper.

Record your observations on your worksheet.

Test 2Lower the glass with paper into the water.

NEW!Hold the glass to the bottom and then slowly tip it just a littleto one side.

Remove the glass and examine the paper.

Record your observations on your worksheet.

Test 2Lower the glass with paper into the water.

NEW!Hold the glass to the bottom and tip it a lot!

Remove the glass and examine the paper.

Record your observations on your worksheet.

Clean Up — Please wipe up water and tape fresh paper inside the glass.

Pop Bottle Challenge — Instructions

Allergy Alert!

This experiment uses latex balloons. If you have an allergy or sensitivity to latex please tell a grown up and do not do this experiment.

Note: You can do this experiment on your own or in groups of 2

Step 1Make sure that each bottle has a balloon inside it, as pictured.

Step 2If working alone, first try to inflate the balloon in Bottle #1 and then try to inflate Bottle #2.

If working in pairs, make sure you have a Bottle #1 and a Bottle #2 and inflate the balloons.

Do Not Blow Too Hard!

Step 3Record your observations on your worksheet.(Hint: Examine the bottles closely.)

Clean Up — Please throw out the balloons and put new ones in the bottles.

Heavy Balloons — Instructions

Allergy Alert!

This experiment uses latex balloons. If you have an allergy or sensitivity to latex please tell a grown up and do not do this experiment.

Step 1Turn on the digital scale.

Step 2Place a deflated balloon on the scale and record its weight on your worksheet.

Step 3Inflate the balloon with the pump provided.

Step 4Place the inflated balloon on the scale and record its weight on your worksheet.

Optional StepRepeat the experiment using an analog scale.

Note: Make sure the scale is balanced and the slider is at 0.

Clean Up — Please turn off the scale and leave the work area neat and tidy.

Venturi Tube — Instructions

Test 1Take a straw and tape it to the cardboard as pictured.

Fill a cup ¾ full of water.

Place straw in cup as pictured.

Blow into the horizontal straw.

Record your observations on your worksheet.

Test 2Check that your straws are still securely tapedto the cardboard as pictured.

Make sure cup is still ¾ full of water.

Place straw in cup as pictured.

NEW! If nothing happened on Test 1, be sure the vertical straw covers most of the opening of the horizontal straw.

Blow into the horizontal straw.

Record your observations on your worksheet.

Test 3 Check your straws are still taped and make sure the cup is still ¾ full of water.

Place straw in cup as pictured.

NEW! If nothing happened on Test 1 and Test 2, cut the vertical straw shorter.

Blow into horizontal straw.

Record your observations on your worksheet.

Clean Up — Please wipe up water and leave the work area neat and tidy.

Flying Newspapers — Instructions

Test 1Fold up a big sheet of newspaper.

Place a ruler half on, half off the table.

Place the newspaper over the ruler as pictured.

Hold a bean bag at shoulder height, an arm's length away from the ruler.

Drop the bean bag so it falls onto the part of the ruler that is off the table.

Record your observations on your worksheet.

Test 2Open the sheet of newspaper completely.

Place a ruler half on, half off the table.

Place the open sheet of newspaper over the part of the ruler as pictured.

Hold a bean bag at shoulder height, an arm's length away from the ruler.

Drop the bean bag so it falls onto the part of the ruler that is off the table.

Record your observations on your worksheet.

Clean Up — Please leave the work area neat and tidy.

The Four Forces of Flight

Step 1Discuss the meaning of following terms: Drag — Lift — Thrust — Weight

Try using each word in a sentence. For example,"I needed my sister's help to lift up the heavy box".

Step 2Place the magnets on the board at your station to show in which direction you think each force will act.

Step 3Record your answers on your worksheet.

Extension Question

Why is there a 5th magnet labelled "Gravity"?

Clean Up — Please leave the work area neat and tidy.