David Was a Young Boy Who Cared for His Father S Sheep

David was a young boy who cared for his father’s sheep. Being a shepherd was sometimes easy, but other times it was very dangerous. Wild animals like lions or bears tried to eat the sheep! David would beat off the animal and, if it attacked, he would have to kill it. David learned to use a sling made of leather with strings. He would put a stone in the leather and twirl the sling by the strings. When he let go of one cord, the stone flew out. Stones could fly at 100 miles per hour!

David lived 3000 years ago in the town of Bethlehem. The Israelites who worshipped God were under attack by a tribe called the Philistines. One day David’s father asked David to take some food to his older brothers who were helping King Saul fight the Philistines.

When David reached the battlefield, he discovered that a very large Philistine named Goliath had shouted out that he was the best soldier in his army and the Israelites should send their best soldier to fight him. Whoever won the battle, would win the war for his army.

Everyone was so frightened that they couldn’t do a thing! Then David told King Saul that he wanted to fight the giant. King Saul first said that David was too young. David insisted! So King Saul tried to protect David with armor. David did not feel right dressed like that. He took off Saul’s armor and collected five smooth stones from a nearby stream. Then he walked toward Goliath, putting one stone in the leather sling.

Goliath laughed when he saw the boy coming toward him. David said: “You’ve come out to fight me with a sword and a spear and a dagger. But I’ve come to fight you in the name of the Lord All-Powerful. He is the God of Israel’s army, and you have insulted him. Today the Lord will help me defeat you.” Then David used his sling to throw one stone at the giant’s head, knocking him flat! David the shepherd boy from Bethlehem had won the battle for the people of God.

Used with permission from Kirk of Kildaire Presbyterian Church, Cary, NC. “David and Goliath: Creation

Station.” 2003. <http://www.kirkofkildaire.org/quest/FQlessons/D&GCreationStation.html>.

Modified by Carol Hulbert for First United Methodist Church, 2015.

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