Reading Questions CH 31 Part 1 Text- 32 Part 1 Digital Edition
1 Opening quote: -Who?
- What does “A return to normalcy,” imply about the future of the Progressive Movement?
2 721 PC – 721 bbox – 722 photo – 730 bbox
- According to the PC—What group of Americans is being “kicked out?”
- According to the BB—What is the public reaction to the “deportation” of “REDS?”
- According to the Photo and caption—What violent homegrown terrorist organization becomes popular and widespread during the 1920’s?
- How would YOU describe the marchers and where are they marching?
- In the BB on p. 730 – What is the “title” of the man quoted?
- Summarize his argument against “modernism?”
3 723 PC – 723 BB – 723 Asterisk* - 724 Chart
-What does the comment in the BB suggest about a feature of the growing urban cities of America?
- In the PC – What “tool” is used to reduce immigration in the USA?
- In the PC—Which “ACT” does it refer to based on the 3% sign?
- According to the asterisk* -- The 1929 immigration Act cut the total # of immigrants by what fraction?
- According to the Chart and Caption—
- From 1907 – 1914, How many total immigrants come into the USA?
- What area were the majority of the immigrants from?
- What is the total effect of the three (3) Acts passed in the 1920’s? (2 inferences, please)
- The “system” is called the ______-______system?
- In what year is it abolished?
- What exceptions are made in 1965?
4 725 Bbox – 728 Photo – 729 2 Photo(s)
- According to Ford – What “will cost a man his job?” (3)
- According to the photo on p. 728—What were makers of ‘illegal’ liquor called?
- What were the “zealous” government agents nicknamed?
- According to the photo at the top of page 729 – What does Texas Guinan “operate” in NYC?
- According to the photo at the bottom of page 729 – who?
- Where does he do business?
- What is he imprisoned for in 1932?
5 730 bbox (bottom) – 731 photo – 732 Asterisk*
- What does Billy Sunday object to being taught in schools?
- What occupation does Billy Sunday hold?
-What is the title of the photo on p. 731?
- What Trial occurs in Dayton, Tenn. in 1925?
- What “battle,” a “CONTINUITY” that begins during this period is still being waged today?
6 733 Photo – 734 Chart – 734 Photo
- Who is pictured in the Photo on page 733?
- What is his nickname in the caption?
- According to the Chart and Caption—
- What “techniques” of Ford lowered the cost of the automobile?
- Who could now afford to purchase an automobile?
- By 1920—What is the cost in months of wages for the average person to purchase a FORD?
- 260$ is the stated cost by 1925 for a Ford Roadster—How much is this today?
- In the Photo on the bottom of page 734 –What new business appears due to the rise of the Automobile Age?
- Before these where did drivers store their gasoline for their autos?
Reading Questions from my notes J
7 What is the title of Chapter 31 in the text and the time period covered?
8 What word in red begins this section and what two (2) things caused this?
9 What economic area begins its DEPRESSION in the 1920’s?
10 What three (3) things begin to standardize American Culture?
11 What three (3) words are used to describe this “new” culture?
12 What is the basis of this “fear” (5)?
Seeing Red
13 What is the origins (question) of the 1st “Red Scare?”
14 A 2nd Red Scare occurs later –when?
15 What “bred anxiety” in America? (3)
16 Where are the three (3) major strikes that occurs in the “bloody year” of 1919?
17 Who and How many-- are “deported” on the SS Buford—and to where?
18 In an example of the prejudices and discrimination that rises during this period—what happens to the five (5) socialist party members who are fairly elected to the legislature of NY?
19 What is “the American Plan?”
20 Why is the Sacco-Vanzetti Case significant?
Hooded Hoodlums of the KKK
21 The KKK is anti- a lot--- choose three?
22 In the Third sentence here—what two “forces” are they against that was transforming American Culture?
23 Although the Klan spread everywhere—in what two regions was it the strongest?
24 Who was the maker of the movie, “Birth of a Nation,” and why is it significant?
Stemming the Foreign Flood
25 How many immigrants come to the USA in 1921 alone—and where were 2/3rds of them from?
26 What are the three (3) Acts passed by Congress in the 1920’s dealing with immigration?
27 What according to the 1921 act is this “system” called?
28 What details change in 1924—and why? What nationality is also banned?
29 What exceptions were made in the 1924 act—and why?
30 What happens in 1931 for the 1st time in our history?
31 What was the purpose overall for the three acts?
32 What impact do these “new” immigrants make—what is the “patchwork” describing?
The Prohibition Experiment
33 The 18th Amendment is put into law by what Act of Congress passed in 1919?
34 When exactly does the Act begin?
35 What “compromise” is made to allow this to pass?
36 What new government agency is created during the 1920’s to help enforce Federal Criminal Laws—and who leads it until 1972?
37 The Youth of the Jazz Age, Men and Women, protested this act by drinking liquor in illegal clubs called what?
38 What does “bootlegging” lead to (3)?
The Golden Age of Gangsterism
39 What city is the prime example of the shocking growth of the “mob?”
40 Who was the leader of the “Mafia” in this city?
41 How much in annual income is estimated to made by organized crime syndicates in America during this period?
Monkey Business in Tennessee
42 What pioneering educator begins the idea of “experiential education?”
43 By 1920 what % of Americans had at least a high school education?
44 According to fundamentalists what was destroying faith in God and the Bible?
45 What is the name of the famous trial that takes place in Tennessee in 1925 that illustrates this controversy?
46 Who were the Two (2) attorneys and which side did they represent?
47 When does the State of Tennessee repeal the law that forbid the teaching of evolution?
The Mass Consumption Economy
48 Immediately after WWI was the economy good or bad?
49 Prosperity—a 7-8 year boom---why? (4)
50 What problem arises due to the increased production and higher tariffs blocking some of the foreign markets?
51 What new business venture is created using the concepts of propaganda?
52 Who does Bruce Barton claim is the best “Adman” in history?
53 What goods could people beginning in the 1920’s BUY ON CREDIT? (4)
Putting America on Rubber Tires
54 What was the most significant invention of this era?
55 Who is known as the “Father of Scientific Management?”
56 What industry does the Auto industry take the place of as the most dominant and influential in our country?
57 What city becomes the Motorcar capital of America?
58 Who is the King of the 1920’s auto industry?
59 Fordism?
60 By 1930 there were enough automobiles in America to do what?
61 What other industries benefit from the explosion of the Auto industry—to name a few? (7)
62 Why does Henry Ford pay his workers double the typical wage of the day?