Davey and Goliath’s Devotions: For Families on the Go

General Information

Davey and Goliath’s Devotions: For Families on the Go is a 64 page, four-color, quarterly devotional with weekly content designed to help families with children Age 3 - Grade 4 explore and share faith together at home and on the go, in fun, active, real-life ways. Each week is focused on a different Bible story, so each year, families will have the opportunity to explore and experience 52 stories together!


Each week will have 2, two-page spreads of content for a total of 4 pages per week. The first 2-page spread will be Bible story focused, and the second spread’s content is designed to support families as they share faith together and with others in the world.

Additionally, at the end of the devotional there will be engaging puzzles, word finds, games, mazes, and other kid-friendly activities related to the Bible stories, stewardship theme, or Davey and Goliath – one puzzle or game per story.


Each quarter of Davey and Goliath’s Devotions will have 2 writers. One writer will create four pages of content for each week, and one writer will create 13 puzzles, mazes, and other fun games for kids.

Submitting a Sample of Weekly Content

If you are interested in writing weekly content, please use the Weekly Content guidelines below and write one sample week using the Bible story of Jesus feeding the 5000 from Matthew 14:13-21. Assume the season to be Advent.

Submit your samples electronically to Congregational Life and Learning Submissions at , and please type “Family Devotions” in the email subject line.

Submitting a Sample Puzzle or Game

If you are interested in writing puzzles and games, please use the Games and Puzzles Content guidelines below and write 2 or 3 sample puzzles using the Bible story of Jesus feeding the 5000 from Matthew 14:13-21. Assume the season to be Advent.

Submit your samples electronically to Congregational Life and Learning Submissions at , and please type “Family Devotions” in the email subject line.

Weekly Content

Pages 1 and 2 (350-400 words)

The first two pages of content for each week will feature the Bible story and other Bible related content. As you write each of the sections described below, be sure to include specific guidance suggesting how families might use the information, and make as many connections to the Bible story as possible. (Cuddle under a blanket to pray; Write and illustrate this week’s Bible memory verse outside on the sidewalk; Listen to your favorite Christmas carols as you decorate cookies; Celebrate Jesus’ birth by decorating receiving blankets for babies in your congregation; and so forth.) Additionally, offer ideas about how families with tweens and teens (kids in grades 5-12) can be included in places where it is appropriate. (Ask older kids to read the story; Invite older siblings to create a family prayer; and so forth.)

Include the following sections in your manuscript. Pay close attention to the word count.

  1. The Bible story (100-170 words). Retell the story in your own words. Provide a title.
  2. Offer 1 or 2 ideas for different ways to share the story. (Drama, dramatic reading, illustrate it as its read, pantomime, and so forth.) Please suggest that families use their favorite Bible for the story.
  3. Goliath Wonders (15-20 words): Write 1 or 2 open-ended questions that will help families talk about the story. (How has your family helped a stranger?) One of the questions can be a wondering question. (I wonder what it felt like to walk by the injured man… I wonder why the Samaritan stopped to help…)
  4. Davey’s Fun Bible Facts (30-50 words): Provide general Bible knowledge tidbits focused on the text or testament of the week. (Luke’s gospel is the third book of the New Testament; The path from Jerusalem to Jericho was dangerous and very steep; and so forth)
  5. Prayer (15-20 words): Write a short prayer for the week that families can pray together. Include ideas for when and how to pray this prayer. (Chant this prayer each evening; Whisper this prayer just before bed; and so forth)
  6. Words to Remember (10-30 words): Choose a Bible memory verse from the Bible story, or another verse that captures the essence of the story, and suggest ways to incorporate it throughout the week. (Hang the BMV on the refrigerator; Tape the BMV to the front door; write it on the sidewalk; and so forth.)
  7. Bible Activity (100-125 words): Write and title an activity for families to do at home or on the go that connects with some aspect of the Bible story. Include recipes, games, crafts, music, and other family fun. (Visit the zoo and learn more about the animals that might have been on Noah’s ark; Gather on a blanket under the stars and try to count them; Bake homemade bread together; and so forth.)

Weekly Content

Pages 3 and 4 (350-400 words)

The second two pages of content for each week will be filled with ideas that will bring the story alive for families with kids. Include the following sections.

  1. Sharing 24-7 (100-125 words): Write an activity describing something families can do in their communities or the world that shows caring and love for others. Make direct connections to the Bible story for the week with this activity. (Send money or other needed items to a flood ravaged area of the world; Invite new neighbors to share a meal with you; Each time you visit the grocery store, purchase an extra loaf of bread to donate to your community’s food shelf; and so forth.)
  2. Celebrating Advent (75-100 words):Suggest ways that families can celebrate Advent at home and with friends, making connections to the Bible story if at all possible.
  3. Everybody Praising (40-50 words): Write an active prayer that kids and their caregivers will love to do together. Offer suggestions about where they might pray the prayer (in the tub, outside, in the sandbox, in bed, on a treasure hunt, in the car, while making dinner, etc.).
  4. Caring for Kids (30-50 words): Affirm parents and other caregivers and the job they are doing. Be sensitive to all kinds of family configurations, and be careful not to assume that everyone who picks this resource up will be part of a 2 parent family system. Make suggestions for ways they might care for themselves and each other as they go about the incredible job of caring for children!
  5. Blessings On the Go (50-75 words): Write a blessing that even the busiest of families can do at some point during each day. It might be something that is done around the table, in the car, on a trip, or anywhere else that families can be found! (Make the sign of the cross on your child’s forehead before they go out the door; Have a family pajama hug in the morning; and so forth.)

Games and Puzzles Content

Each issue of Davey and Goliath’s Devotions: For Families on the Go will have puzzles and games that kids will look forward to doing each quarter. This content is designed to be for kids in Kindergarten – 2nd grade, but will appeal to some older kids too. Younger children will be able to enjoy the pages with the help of a parent, sibling, or other caregiver.

As you create and title the puzzle or game, gear it to the developmental abilities of early readers. Because the page size of the devotional is rather small, one to two puzzles per page will work well. Inspiration for the content of these puzzles can come from the Bible texts, stewardship theme, or Davey, Goliath, and the gang. (Sally, Cisco, Jonathan, Mr. and Mrs. Hanson). If a puzzle, game, or maze requires specific art, please specify that requirement between double pound signs. ##Show a maze in the shape of a circle with the start on the top and the end on the left side of the page. Include Davey and Goliath somewhere in the maze.##