1.  Click on the SpectrumView app

2.  Click on “Microphone allowed on”

3.  Click on Spectrogram (tool bar — bottom left)

4.  Click the microphone icon so it is playing

5.  Say some sound such as, “EEK !!!!” in a high voice

6.  ** What happens on the screen? ______

7.  ** How many Hz (frequency hertz) did your voice register on the y-axis? ______Hz

8.  ** How many seconds did your voice register on the x-axis? ______s

9.  Now make a very low sound with your voice such as a rumbly, “ AAAAHHHHHH”

10.  ** What happens on the screen? ______

11.  ** How many Hz (frequency hertz) did your voice register on the y-axis? ______Hz

12.  ** How many seconds did your voice register on the x-axis? ______s

13.  Now CLICK on Spec. Analyser on the tool bar

14.  Say some sound such as, “EEK !” in a high voice

15.  ** What happens on the screen? ______

16.  ** How many Hz (frequency hertz) did your voice register on the x-axis? ______Hz

17.  ** What is the amplitude(dbFS) on the y-axis? ______dbFS

18.  Now make a very low sound with your voice such as a rumbly, “ AAAAHHHHHH”

19.  ** What happens on the screen? ______

20.  ** How many Hz (frequency hertz) did your voice register on the x-axis? ______Hz

21.  ** What is the amplitude(dbFS) on the y-axis? ______dbFS

22. Go to Home Page & CLICK on Oscillo

23. Say some sound such as, “EEK !!!!” in a high voice

24. ** Describe what these waves look like ______

25. ** What are the high spikes called? (Think about compression wave labels) ______

26. ** What are low areas called in between the spikes? ______

27. Now make a very low sound with your voice such as a rumbly, “ AAAAHHHHHH”

28. ** Describe how the low frequency waves look ______

29. ** About how many waves go by per second on the high frequency waves? ______w/s

30. ** About how many waves go by per second on the low frequency waves? ______w/s