Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation (V.C.O.P)

Vocabulary: In this target we promote good use of vocabulary within the level at which the pupils are working. We encourage pupils to be ambitious with their word choices, always looking for new, interesting words - we refer to these words as ‘WOW’ words.

Connectives: Connectives make sentences longer because they join pieces of information together. Examples of words the children may use are: and; but; so because; however or therefore.

Openers: There are many different ways of opening sentences. Younger pupils may start their sentences with I, my, the or then. We encourage older children to use more extravagant openers such as meanwhile, before long, often or having decided.

Punctuation: Punctuation pyramids will be used in each class room and some teachers may use table pyramids to remind children of the punctuation they should be using at their level of writing.

Ways you can help at home


When you are reading with your child look out for WOW words and help them to understand what they mean. When watching TV listen out for ambitious or unusual words and discuss these as well.

When your child is writing try to help them to point out words they could improve on by replacing with a more ambitious word. For example instead of using ‘said’ try explained, exclaimed, whispered, shouted etc.


When reading point out ambitious connectives you find.

When writing suggest how your child could replace more simple connectives, like and, with more complicated ones.

Also help your older child make their sentences more complex by using ‘after a while’, ‘however’ or ‘nevertheless’.


Spend some time discussing different ways to begin a sentence. Encourage your child to use verbs and adjectives to start sentences to describe what people are doing e.g.

Striding through the trees......

Grumpily, the man spoke......


Punctuation is broken into 5 stages of development starting with the simple full stop and going on to include speech marks, exclamation marks etc. Please see the Punctuation Pyramid for more details.