TVA Meeting Action Items

Muscle Shoals has taken over all meteorology work. Ken Wastrack has taken over the work of Wayne Hamberger, who is no longer with TVA. NWS Huntsville has worked with some of the Muscle Shoals folks on the HCN weather station project, so Huntsville will continue to reach out to the Muscle Shoals TVA group.

Reminder of the TVA “hierarchy”:
Chuck Bach is Senior Manager of River Scheduling. David Bowling is the river forecasting manager.
The MOU was discussed and it was noted there was much flexibility and no changes were necessary. The MOU “expires” in 2010.

So who should the NWS call?
Chuck should be considered the ‘first point of contact’ (email or through Kathy Hoskins). For general questions on data requests (where TVA resources will be needed) or other needs that may apply to more than one office, go through Brian Boyd (NWS Morristown). Individual requests on operational issues should go to a specific person at TVA (if known) – or directly to Chuck. If a gage is out, call the Lead Engineer Desk, which is staffed 24/7/365 at 865-632-7063. This also goes for an emergency EAP situation.

Dam EAPs / Dam Safety
All NWS offices have been provided with EAP information from TVA. There was a discussion about “terminology” to be used in the event of a dam failure anywhere in the TVA region (along with training needs on both ends). Brian Boyd will work with Cris Hughes on these issues and on determining what needs to be put in a warning.

NWS is third on the list behind local & state EMAs for notification of a dam failure. NWS will be involved in drills for dam failures in the future. Most of these are in the spring. The TVA tries to do one “functional exercise” systemwide each year.

*Cris will refine his area map to reflect BentonCounty in the Nashville HSA and ensure that Gene Rench is the POC for Perryville.

The process of building a second dam is underway at Bear Creek.
A plan is also in place to work on Blue Ridge in 2009-2010 to draw down and repair the dam.


Rusty Tompkins / Dam Safety

Roger Milstead / Flood Risk


USGS making the change (by 4/1/08); no knowledge of any TVA changes

DCP upgrade to High Data Rate (by deadline – which is 2012)