Dates to Remember

·  August 29 – September 30 – STAR fall benchmarking occurs for 1st & 2nd


·  Sept. 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30 – School Banking Days.

·  Sept. 5 – Labor Day – No school.

·  Sept. 6 – Behavior Ladders start.

·  Sept. 12 – OLWEUS Anti-Bullying Kick Off Week.

·  Sept. 13 – AIT Data Team Day – 2 hour delay for students. No school for Pre-K.

·  Sept. 13 – PTA meeting in the café at 6:30 p.m.

·  Sept. 15 – Fall Pictures.

·  Sept. 17 – PTA Yard Sale. Watch for details.

·  Sept. 22 – Interims issued.

·  September 24 – Rain Date for yard sale.

·  September 26 – October 10 – Wolfgang Candy Sales.

·  September 27 – Local School Improvement Council meeting (4:30 p.m.).

School Times: Please note arrival and dismissal times!!!

Arrival = 8:20-8:35 a.m.

Dismissal = 3:30 p.m.

Arrival after 8:35 a.m. or a sign out prior to 3:30 p.m. will result in a tardy/early out.

State Attendance

·  The parent/guardian of any student who has accumulated 3 or more unexcused absences will be mailed a letter notifying them of absences.

·  If a student accrues 5 or more unexcused absences, then Written Notice will be served to the parent/guardian and a meeting scheduled with the County Attendance Worker and a school representative.

·  If a student accumulates 10 or more unexcused absences, then State Law requires that legal action be taken against the parent/guardian.

Berkeley County Schools’ goal is to ensure every student attends school regularly. We realize some absences are unavoidable. Students are considered excused from school for reasons including, but not limited to: student illness, family illness, death in family, medical appointment, religious holiday, health exclusion, medical documented chronic illness, illness or injury verified by physician, bus failure to run, family emergencies, school approved extracurricular activity, legal obligation, hospitalizations, and if the student is placed in an alternate setting.

If these circumstance occur, a student must turn in verification, within two (2) school days of the student’s return to school, in order for date(s) absent from school to be considered excused. If a verification of absence is not received, then the absence(s) will be considered unexcused.

Web Page Information:

·  Our school’s web address is:

·  Please check it out as we add new information to keep you informed.

·  We welcome any suggestions for additions to this page!

Teacher Web Pages – Each teacher has a web page that you can access through the school web page. We will be uploading class information such as skills of the week, newsletters, resources for practice, and much more. Then you will have instant access to whatever you need – right at your fingertips!

Engrade – We are continuing to use Engrade for online grades this year. This allows us to provide you with real time information about your child’s progress as well as messaging and class and school events. This system DOES NOT take the place of our school website or the Berkeley County NTouch system. We will also be able to attach practice tests, flashcards, and other supplemental materials that you can use at home for additional practice.

Security Features -- In order to keep everyone as safe as possible, we ask that you keep the following procedures in mind:

·  ALL visitors must enter through the front door and sign in. They are asked to wear a visitor’s badge while in our building.

·  Any one signing out a student must be 18 years of age and listed on the emergency card. IDs will be checked.

·  We ask that our guests not loiter on school grounds during school hours.

·  Please do not open the security doors for other adults.

·  Please talk to your child about the importance of not opening any school door for any adult, including yourself or their teachers.

We do practice emergency drills throughout the year, including medical, lock down, partial lock down, weather-related, and fire drills. Please talk to your child about the importance of following directions during these drills.

Driving on School Grounds – It is very important that ALL visitors drive with caution while on school grounds. We have many students who are moving about outside, and we do not want to have any unfortunate accidents.

Breakfast and Lunch Menus – Beginning in October, Berkeley County Schools will be implementing the app Nutrislice instead of printing paper menus. Please be watching for more details.

Lunch and Recess with your Child

·  We invite all parents to come in and eat lunch with their child at Marlowe. In compliance with the state and county nutrition policies, we cannot have fast food brought into the school, but we would be happy to serve you a hot meal prepared by our wonderful cooks. We do ask that you call the school by 9:00 a.m. to let us know so we prepare enough food. The cost is $4.00 per meal.

·  We ask that parents who wish to visit for recess remain outside of the fence while your child is on the playground. Part of the education at Marlowe is to learn to be independent problem-solvers, and we encourage all of our students to go to the duty person who will assist them with solving any issue they may have. If you have a concern about what is occurring on the playground, we ask that you kindly allow the duty personnel to handle it. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Doctor’s Appointments – If your child misses any portion of the school day for a doctor’s appointment, he/she will need a note upon their return for the absence to be excused. We will take the official doctor’s excuse or a copy of the bill.

Expected Behaviors – Marlowe’s faculty and staff have created school-wide behavior expectations, and our teachers have worked diligently to teach all our students how to follow them. Please take some time to discuss with your child the expected behaviors and what each one looks like while at school (pages 20 & 25 in the Marlowe Handbook). We also ask that you emphasize the difference between what is expected while at school and what is allowed at home. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.

Remind – This is an app that many of our teachers are using this year to help increase parent communication. If your child’s teacher is participating, you will get a letter home with sign up information. It is free and is a great way for teachers to remind you of upcoming events, tests, homework, etc. The Marlowe PTA is using this tool as well!