Evenlode Vale Churches: Personnel & Administration
Benefice Website: www.evenlodevalechurches.org
Rector / Revd Richard Rendall 01451 831866
Day off: / Tuesday
Curate / Revd Helkias Mapimhidze 01608 658500
Day off: / Saturday
Sports Youth Worker
Day Off / Bridgid Duffy 07891 936826
Administrator / Cressy Landless
Church Office / Church Office, Holy Ascension Oddington, Gloucestershire GL56 0XA
01451 831424 email:
Monday 9am to 2pm, Wednesday 9am to 2pm
Friday 9am to 2pm
If possible please avoid telephoning the office between 10 and 11am on Monday morning as there is an administration meeting in the office. Thank you.
Please note the office will be closed from 25th December until 2nd January and will reopen on Wednesday 3rd January.
Collect for the Fourth Sunday of Advent
God our redeemer,
who prepared the Blessed Virgin Mary
to be the mother of your Son:
grant that, as she looked for his coming as our saviour,
so we may be ready to greet him
when he comes again as our judge;
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Collect for Christmas Day
Almighty God,
and as at this time to be born of a pure virgin:
and made your children by adoption and grace,
grant that we, who have been born again
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
may daily be renewed by your Holy Spirit;

one God, now and for ever.

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

to take our nature upon him

who is alive and reigns with you,

you have given us your only-begotten Son

Collect for First Sunday of Christmas

Almighty God,

who wonderfully created us in your own image

and yet more wonderfully restored us

through your Son Jesus Christ:

grant that, as he came to share in our humanity,

so we may share the life of his divinity;

who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever.

Sunday 24th December 2017
The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Monday 25th December
Christmas Day
Sunday 31st December
The First Sunday of Christmas
Sunday 24th December
4th Sunday of Advent
Christmas Eve
3.30pm / Family Carol Service Westcote / Revd Richard Rendall
4pm / Crib Service and Carols Bledington / Revd Helkias Mapiimhidze
6pm / Family Carol Service / Canon David Cook
11pm / Holy Communion (CW)
St Nicholas Oddington / Revd Richard Rendall
11pm / Holy Communion (CW) Bledington / Canon Tim Sedgley
11.30pm / Holy Communion Westcote / Revd Stephen Blake
Monday 25th December
Christmas Day
9.30am / Holy Communion (CW) Adlestrop / Canon Tim Sedgley
9.30am / Family Communion(CW) Westcote / Revd Peter Goodwin Hudson
10am / Holy Communion (BCP) Evenlode / Anita Ferrero
10.30am / Christmas Family Service Icomb / Revd Helkias Mapimhidze
11am / Family Communion Bledington / Revd Peter Goodwin Hudson
11am / Family Communion Broadwell / Revd Richard Rendall
Sunday 31st December
First Sunday of Christmas
9am / Holy Communion (BCP) Bledington / Revd Stephen Blake
11am / Joint Service, Westcote Chapel / Tony Gibson
Forthcoming Services
Sunday 7th January
First Sunday after Epiphany
10.30am / United Service Holy Ascension Oddington Preacher / Revd Helkias Mapimhidze
Revd Richard Rendall
Sunday 14th January
Second Sunday of Epiphany
9.30am / Holy Communion (BCP) Broadwell / Canon David Cook
9.30am / Morning Service (BCP) Icomb / Tim Royle
9.30am / Morning Service (CW) Westcote
Preacher / Revd Hellkias Mapimhidze
Revd Stephen Blake
11am / Morning Prayer (BCP) Evenlode / Revd Peter Goodwin Hudson
11.30am / Family Service with Baptism / Revd Richard Rendall
2.30pm / Plough Sunday Service Bledington / Revd Richard Rendall
4pm / 4 O’Clock Church HAO
Preacher / Revd Helkias Mapinmhidze
Revd Stephen Blake
Diary Dates
Please note that Silver Service takes a break for January and there will not be a lunch on 4th January. The next Silver Service lunch will be on February 1st.
Friday 5th January
Prayer Meeting – 5.00pm at The Well House, Donnington
Sunday 7th January
Covenant Service. A great opportunity to receive inspiration to rededicate ourselves to the Lord’s service. Led by Revd. Stephen Bywater. – 3.00pm at Westcote Methodist Chapel.
Friday 12th January
Youth Café – 7.30pm at Holy Ascension, Oddington.
Save the Date - Evening Concerts at HAO
Saturday 10th February – Hotfingers at Holy Ascension Oddington
Saturday 10th March – Mila Piano Trio at Holy Ascension Oddington