/ / / NSW Health Education Centre Against Violence
Locked Bag 7118 | Parramatta CBD NSW 2124
Phone: 02-9840-3737
Fax: 02-9840-3754
ABN 48 702 394 764

NSW Certificate IV in Aboriginal Family Wellbeing and Violence Prevention Work

Course Information and Application Flier

Workshop #: AB1 / Location:
PARRAMATTA / Coordinators:
Sigrid Herring Nat Short / Applications Close:
Target Group:Aboriginal applicants only. Aboriginal Family Health workers, Aboriginal Health workers & Aboriginal Community workers, e.g. refuge, legal, community development, women/men/families support workers. Applicants must be employed or work in a voluntary capacity,e.g. Advisory Group, Committee or Board Member, Mentor, Coach
This course has been accredited by the Australian Skills Qualification Authority (ASQA). Over 6 modules, participants will have the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in:
Ways in which power & control are used at a historical, political, social, cultural & personal level
Implications of power & control for work in family violence, sexual assault & child protection in Aboriginal communities
Theories behind work in family violence, sexual assault & child protection & the implications of these for work in Aboriginal communities
Nature, extent & impact of child sexual assault & offender tactics on the child & other family members
Ways of working with Aboriginal communities to address family violence, sexual assault & child protection
Co-operative interagency approaches
Community development strategies to address family violence, sexual assault & child abuse
Respectful approaches to individuals, families & communities affected by family violence, sexual assault & child abuse
Trauma, grief and loss informed practice
Workshop Nos.
AB1-Module 1 - AFHSP
AB2-Module 2 - AFHCD
AB3-Module 3 - AFHDV
AB4-Module 4 - AFHCSA
AB6-Module 5 - AFHCP
AB5-Module 6 - AFHASA / Subjects
Socio-Political context of Aboriginal Family Health
Community Development in Aboriginal Family Health
Issues in Family/Domestic Violence
Protection children & young people/Physical & Emotional Abuse & Neglect
Protecting children & young people/Child Sexual Assault
Issues in Adult Sexual Assault / Dates
27 Feb-3 March
3–7 April
8-12 May
26–30 June
31 July–4 August
18-22 September
Aboriginal workers employed by NSW Health (attendance & assessment)$100/module
Other NSW Aboriginal workers (attendance & assessment)$120/module
Interstate Aboriginal workers (attendance & assessment)$200/module
This course is funded by NSW Health under the Aboriginal Family Well-being and Violence Prevention strategy. For this reason it is free of charge for NSW Health Aboriginal Workers employed under this strategy.
The course is ABSTUDY approved for incidental payments – applications open to all students
Away From Base ABSTUDY payments are available by personal application to Centrelink but not through ECAV
Please contact Centrelink directly for further information {Institution Code: 2PH57}
  • Applicants must be Aboriginal or an Aboriginal Family Wellbeing and Violence Prevention Worker employed under the AFVP Strategy and must be employed or working in voluntary capacity.

Enquiries:ECAV Co-ordinator: Sigrid Herring | Phone: 02-8838-6373 | Email:
/ / / NSW Health Education Centre Against Violence
Locked Bag 7118 | Parramatta CBD NSW 2124
Phone: 02-9840-3737
Fax: 02-9840-3754
ABN 48 702 394 764

Application Form – Section A

NSW Certificate IV in Aboriginal Family Wellbeing and Violence Prevention Work

Surname: / First Name:
Gender: / Date of Birth: / Job Title:
Organisation Name:
Organisation mailing address:
Suburb: / State: / Postcode:
Phone: / Mobile: / Fax:
Mailing address for correspondence
(if different):
Suburb: / State: / Postcode:
Employer Type: / Central Coast LHD
Far West NSW LHD
Hunter New England LHD
Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD
Mid North Coast LHD
Murrumbidgee LHD
Nepean Blue Mountains LHD
Northern LHD
Northern Sydney LHD
South Eastern Sydney LHD
South Western Sydney LHD
Southern LHD
Sydney Childrens Hospital
Sydney LHD
Western LHD
Western Sydney LHD / Other: / Aboriginal Affairs
Community Services
Corrective Services
Dept of Education
Forensic Mental Health
Justice Health
Juvenile Justice
Ministry of Health
Other Government
Private Practitioners
St Vincents/Mater Health
Please indicate the fee payable for your employer type (Table of costs overleaf): $
Do you identify as: / Aboriginal
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander
Torres Strait Islander
Please specify access/mobility requirements:
Your country of origin: / Primary language spoken at home:

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/ / / NSW Health Education Centre Against Violence
Locked Bag 7118 | Parramatta CBD NSW 2124
Phone: 02-9840-3737
Fax: 02-9840-3754
ABN 48 702 394 764

Application Form – Section B

NSW Certificate IV in Aboriginal Family Wellbeing and Violence Prevention Work

Please complete the following questions, as they are relevant to the assessment tasks over all subjects.

Course Details
1.How do you think this course would benefit your work as an Aboriginal Worker addressing sexual assault, child protection and domestic violence?
2.What additional skills would you like to learn?

Personal Learning Requirements

Do you have any learning needs?
Please outline your support needs / YesNo

Recognition of Prior Learning and Work Experience (Recognition)

Recognition allows a person to receive recognition for the knowledge and skills they have acquired, no matter how and where attained, including overseas. Recognition includes:

Availability to all applicants;

Qualifications issued by other RTOs;

Evidenced previous study (including courses at school or college, through adult education classes or training programs at work);

Evidenced work experience (including both, work that is paid and unpaid;

Evidenced life and community experience (for example leisure pursuits or voluntary work)

If you are requesting Recognition then it is an ASQA requirement that you contact the ECAV workshop coordinator to request a recognition application package.

Please note: The ECAVSP401 Competency in Module 1 is only delivered through the Education Centre Against Violence and we will encourage you to complete this module of learning in the classroom rather than through a recognition process.

Language, literacy and numeracy

Learning may be challenging for those people experiencing difficulties in reading, writing, and/or numeracy. NSW Health RTO encourages students experiencing these difficulties, to advise the course coordinator to discuss support strategies.

Additional Information:


We welcome you to the NSW Certificate IV in Aboriginal Family Wellbeing and Violence Prevention Work course delivered by the Education Centre Against Violence under the NSW Health RTO.

The Course:

This course is funded through ECAV by the NSW Health Office of Kids and Families specifically for workers employed under the Aboriginal Family Wellbeing and Violence Prevention Strategy and their interagency partners. These partners can be Aboriginal workers from any non-government, government, or community based organisation or service across NSW and even inter-state.

The Fees:

Unless you are an Aboriginal Family Wellbeing and Violence Prevention Worker employed under the Aboriginal Family Wellbeing and Violence Prevention Strategy you are required to pay the fees listed on page one of the information/application form.The fees are billed to you annually but you can pay them module by module. Please let us know if you want to pay them module by module.

Travel and Accommodation:

It is your workplace responsibility to provide travel and accommodation and pay the course fees. ECAV does not provide travel or accommodation. Students have been successful in applying for ABSTUDY away from base and/or an incidentals payment. These are arrangements between yourself and Centrelink and what we are able to do to support this process is provide the evidence you need that you have enrolled in and are completing the course.

Course Rules:

The course is delivered in 6one-week blocks/modules over the year. One significant course rule is that Module 1 must be completed before any of the other modules can be attempted.

You can complete this course in two ways:

  1. Attend and participate in the classroom-based learning and receive a Statement of Attainment detailing the competencies you have achieved in the course.
  2. Attend and participate in the classroom learning and complete all the assessments for this course and receive a full Certificate IV qualification.


Attendance and participation in the class-room based learning is mandatory and students must attend a minimum 80 percent of each of the modules in the course.

If for any reason you miss a module through the year you will be required to catch this module up in the following year. Don’t worry too much if you cannot catch up in time for your graduation. You can still graduate with a Statement of Attainment and be included in the ceremony with your own class. When you have completed the module you missed, you will receive the full certificate qualification.


Every year at the end of May we hold a graduation for students in all the ECAV accredited courses. We hold this ceremony in Sydney and you will need to negotiate travel and accommodation with your workplace. It is an amazing event and important in celebrating your hard work and success. If you need any assistance with advocacy to attend the graduation please let us know.

Training Pathway:

This Certificate IV qualification can be the beginning of an exciting accredited training pathway to University. If you successfully complete the Certificate IV you will be invited to complete the Advanced Diploma in Aboriginal Specialist Trauma Counselling, also offered by ECAV and on the successful completion of both these qualifications you can apply to complete the Graduate Certificate in Human and Community Services offered through Sydney University.

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