Episode 1
- Edward Coke used to be an army officer, but he is in prison now. Every day is exactly the same for him.
It is winter now and Coke and all the other men get up at six, when it is still cold and dark. They have breakfast at six thirty. Work begins at seven thirty. Some of the men work in the prison factory, where they make mail – bags, but Coke often works in the fields outside.
2. The men have lunch at twelve. Lunch lasts an hour and then the men go back to work again. Dinner is at six. Coke usually goes to the prison library after dinner and reads until 9.30. The lights go out at ten.
The day is long, hard, and boring and every man has a lot of time to think. They usually think about why they are there. Coke does. He always thinks about two men.
3. One of the men is called Eric Masters. He used to be an army officer just like Coke. Coke knows that Masters has a lot of money now. The second man’s name is Hugo. That is all Coke knows about him. Masters knows where and who Hugo is, but Coke doesn’t.
Every night Coke lies in bed and thinks about Eric Masters and Hugo. There is another thing he thinks about, too. Escaping. He wants to escape and find Masters, and then the other man. Coke is in prison for something he did not do.
(From “Kernel Lessons Intermediate” by R. O’Neill, R. Kingsbury, T. Yeadon)
Words and Word Combinations
adj (adjective) – прилагательное
adv (adverb) – наречиеv (verb) - глагол
compar (comparative degree) – сравнительнаястепень
conj (conjunction) – союз
n (noun) – существительное
num (numeral) - числительное
pl (plural) – множественное число
prep (preposition) – предлог
pron (pronoun) – местоимение
smb (somebody) – кто-то
smth (something) – что-то
superl (superlative degree) – превосходнаястепень
to be (am, is, are), used to be; officer, n an army officer; prison, n to be in prison; every, pron every day; the same, adj; exactly, adv to be exactly the same; for, prep; winter, n It is winter; men, n, pl of man (зд. заключенные); all, pron; other, pron (all) the other men; to get up; still, adv; cold, adj to be cold, It is (still) cold, Iam cold; dark, adj to be dark, It is (still) dark; to have, v (have, has); breakfast, n to have breakfast; work, n; to work, v; to begin, v; some, pron some of the men; factory, n the prison factory; to make, v; mail-bag, n to make mail-bags; often, adv; field, n in the flield(s); outside
lunch, n to have lunch; to last, v; (an) hour, n; then, adv; back, adv; to go, v to go back to work; again, adv; dinner, n; usually, adv; after, prep after dinner; to read, v; until, prep; light, n the lights (зд. свет); to go out (зд. выключать), The lights go out at ten; long adj; hard, adj; boring, adj; a lot of, a lot of time, to have a lot of time; to think, v to think about smth; why; there, adv; always, adv
to call, v to be called, He is called Masters; just, adv (зд. вточности); like smb (Coke), just like Coke; to know, v; second, num the second man; name, n; That is all…; where; who; night, n every night, at night; to lie, v to lie in bed; thing, n; another, pron, There is another thing; too, adv, also, either- synonyms; to escape, v; to want, v; to find, v; to do, v.
1. Edward Coke used to be an army officer. “Used to be” means “когда-тобыл”.
2. Some of the men work in the prison factory. “The man (men)” stands in this context for “prisoners” (заключенные).
3. That is all Cokeknows about it. Это все, что Коук знает об этом.
There is another thing he thinks about too. Coke is in prison for something he did not do.
Notice that in sentences of this type we have asyndetic (бессоюзные) attributive clauses.
4. They usually think about why they are there. Masters knows where and who Hugo is.
Notice that “why they are there” and “where and who Hugo is” are not direct questions. They are indirect questions (косвенныевопросы). The word order in indirect questions is not inverted, it is direct as in affirmative sentences.
- They usually think about why they are there. Coke does.
“Does” here is a verb substitute. It stands for the verb “think” in the preceeding sentence.
6. He used to be an army officer just like Coke. The word “just” here means “вточности”, the word “like” – “как (подобно)”.
7. There is another thing he thinks about. Есть еще кое-что, о чем он думает.
The construction “there is” is used in sentences when the subject is not yet known. “There” is an introductory particle. Usually sentences of this type are translated beginning with an adverbial modifier standing at the end of the sentence, F.ex. There is a book on the table.На столе (какая-то) книга (есть, имеется, находится, лежит).Comparewiththesentence: Thebookisonthetable. Книга (о которой уже шла речь раньше) на столе.
When there is no advervial modifier sentences with the construction “there is” are translated beginning with the predicate: “есть”, “имеется”, “находится”. …
Ex. 1. Find is the text English equivalents for the following:
быть в тюрьме; все еще холодно и темно; в точности такой же; начинать(ся); вставать; заключенные; некоторые из заключенных; все; другие заключенные; каждый день; делать почтовые сумки; работать на тюремной фабрике; работать вне тюрьмы; работать в поле; часто; завтракать; когда-то он служил в армии.
длиться; обедать; возвращаться на работу; час; ужин; после ужина; снова; обычно; всегда; до 9.30; ходить в тюремную библиотеку; читать; длинный; тяжелый, утомительный (скучный); думать о чем-то; почему; иметь много времени на раздумья; там; свет выключается в 10
знать; называть; много денег; в точности, как…; имя второго мужчины; лежать в кровати; каждую ночь; думать о побеге; где; кто; убежать (совершить побег из заключения); еще одна вещь; хотеть; найти; другой; Это все, что Коук знает о нем; Коук находится в тюрьме за что-то, что он не совершал.
Ex.2. Learn the following prepositional and adverbial phrases:
1. to be in prison for smth 2. (to be the same) for amb 3. to get up 4. at six 5. to work in the factory 6. some of the men 7. to work in the flieds 8. to work outside 9. to go to the library 10. to go back (to work) 11. after dinner 12. (to read) until nine 13. to go out (about the lights) 14. to thinkabout smth 15. to know smth about smb/smth 16. to lie in bed
Ex.3. Recall the situations in which the following words and word combinations are used in the text. Use them in retelling the episode
to be an army officer; to be in prison (for smth); to be exactly the same; to get up; to be cold and dark; to have breakfast; to begin; to work in the prison factory; to make mail-bags; to work in the fields outside
to have lunch at…; to last; to go back to work; to go to the prison library; until; the lights; boring; to have a lot of time to think; there
to be called; just like; to have a lot of money; name; that is all…; to know; every night; to lie in bed; to think about; another thing; to escape; to find
Ex.1. Answer the following questions:
1. Where does the action take place? 2. Where is Edward Coke now? 3. Coke is a former army officer, isn’t he? 4. What is Coke im prison for? 5. Is life hard in prison? 6. Where do prisoners work? 7. Why do you think Coke often works outside? 8. What does Coke do after dinner? 9. What do men in prison usually think about? 10. Why does Coke often think about two men? 11. What are the names of the men Coke often thinks about? 12. Do you think Coke is really guilty?
Ex. 2. Ask some questions of your own based on the contents of the story. Think of questions of a discussing character, such as: “Why do you think every man has a lot of time to think in prison?” (notice that the Russian “КакВыдумаете, почему…?” is not translated as “How do you think, why…?” See the correct variant adove.)
Ex. 3. Correct the following statements using the phrases given in the Supplement on page 40.
1. Express partial disagreement: a) All the men in prison work; they make mail-bags in the prison factory.
b) Eric Masters and Coke know each other; they are both in prison now.
2. Express complete disagreement: a) Prisoners work only until twelve.
b) Lights never go out in prison.
Ex.4. Make wrong statements of your own.
Ex.5. Change the following direct special questions (beginning with: why, where, when, what, who…) into indirect special questions. Compare the word order:
Note: To introduce indirect questions along with the verb “to ask” we may also use phrases of the kind: “Iwonder” (He wonders); “I want to know”; “I know”; “I’d like to know”; “Do you know…?”; “Ithink”; “Can you tell me”; “Tell me, please…”.
1. “How can I escape from prison?”1. Coke thinks about how he can escape
(Coke thinks about) from prison.
2. “What do other men in prison2. Coke does not know what other men in
think about?” (Coke does not prison think about.
3. “Where does Coke go after3. One of the prisoners wonders where
dinner?” (One of the prisoners Coke goes after dinner.
4. “Where is Masters?” (Coke4. Coke wants to know where Masters is.
wants to know).
5. “When do the lights go out5. Do you know when the lights go out
inprison?” (Do you know). in prison?
6. “Where do the prisoners6. Can you tell me where the prisoners
work?” (Can you tell me). work?
7. “How long does lunch last?”7. Tell me please how long lunch lasts.
(Tell me please).
1.“Why are other men in prison?” (Coke wants to know) 2. “When does work begin?” (Coke asks one of the men in prison) 3. “Where does Coke work?” (Some of the men in prison wonder) 4. “What do you always think about?” (One of the prisoners asks Coke) 5. “Why does Coke often go to the prison library?” (One of the men in prison wants to know) 6. What is Coke in prison for? (Do you know) 7. “Who works outside?” (Can you tell me)
Ex. 6. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the word order of indirect questions:
1.Коук думает о том, почему он в тюрьме. 2. Коук хочет знать, кто такой Хьюго. 3. Коука интересует, где находится Мастерс. 4. Скажите мне, пожалуйста, когда встают заключенные. 5. Вы не знаете, когда заключенные возвращаются к работе снова? 6. Интересно (Iwonder), когда Коук обычно ходит в библиотеку.
Ex.7.Change the following direct general questions (beginning with: am, is, are; have, has; do does; can, may…) into indirect general questions. Compare the word order.
Note: Indirect general questions are introduced by the conjunctions “if”,”whether”.
- “Do you think about escaping?”1. One of the prisoners wonders if he (the
(One of the prisoners wonders). other prisoner) thinks about escaping.
- “Are some of the men in prison 2. Coke wants to know whether some of
for something they didn’t do?” the men are in prison for something they
(Coke wants to know). didn’t do.
- “Has Hugo a lot of money?”3. Coke does not know if Hugo has a lot
(Coke does not know). of money.
- “Does Coke go to the library4. Do you know whether Coke goes to the
every day?” (Do you know). library every day?
1. “Do you make mail-bags in the prison factory?” (Coke asks the prisoners). 2. “Is work in the prison factory hard?’ (Coke wonders) 3. “Do you often go to the prison library?” (One of the men in prison asks Coke) 4. “Are nights in prison so long for everybody?” (Coke asks one of the men in prison) 5. “Do the prisoners work every day?” (Do you know)
Ex.8. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the conjunctions and word order of inderect general questions:
1. Коук не знает, может ли он совершить побег из тюрьмы. 2. Коука интересует, все ли дни в тюрьме одинаковые. 3. Коук хочет знать, работает ли кто-нибудь из заключенных за пределами тюрьмы. 4. Вы не знаете, работают ли заключенные после обеда? 5. Коуку хотелось бы знать, думают ли другие заключенные о побеге. 6. Интересно, ходят ли другие заключенные в библиотеку. 8. Коука интересует, думает ли о нем Хьюго.
Ex.9.Collect all the information about:
- The characters of the story (Edward Coke, Eric Masters, Hugo).2. The scences of the action.
Ex.10. Points for discussion:
1. Describe prison timetable. Express your opinion on life in English prisons.2. Describe E. Coke’s day in prison. 3. Epeak on Coke‘s thoughts. 4. Speak on Coke’s plans after escaping from prison.
Ex.1. Supply the correct prepositions or adverbs (or leave a blank if necessary) in the following sentences:
1. Coke is in prison….something he did not do. 2. All the men in prison get….at six. 3. Coke doesn’t work….the prison factory. 4. Coke often works….the fields outside. 5. The men in prison usually have lunch….twelve. 6. The prisoners never go….home. 7. Every day Coke goes….the library. 8. After lunch the prisoners go….to work. 9. Coke reads….nine thirty. 10. The lights in prison go….at ten. 11. Coke often thinks….escaping. 12. Eric Masters likes to watch….TV programmes.
Ex.2. Replace the words underlined by the words in brackets.Make all necessary changes:
1. All the other men get up at 6. (Coke) 2. Do all men know why they are in prison? (Coke) 3. They have breakfast at six thirty. (He) 4. Coke is in the prison library. (Some of the men) 5. Coke does not work in the prison factory. (Some of the prisoners) 6. The day is hard, long and boring. (The days) 7. There are a lot of things he thinks about. (Another thing) 8. Every day is exactly the same for him, isn’t it? (All days) 9. A lot of men work in the fields outside, don’t they? (Coke) 10. Some of the prisoners think they are in prison for something they didn’t do. (Coke)
Ex.3. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in brackets:
1. He….not….about money (to think). 2. Work… at seven thirty (to begin). 3. Some of the men….in the prison factory (to be). 4. When….they….breakfast? (to have) 5. Coke….in the library (to be). 6. ….Coke….to escape? (to want) 7. They….not….about escaping (to think). 8. Masters….a lot of money (to have). 9. Coke….not ….where Masters is (to know). 10. ….days in prison long and boring? (to be) 11. After lunch Coke….back to work again (to go). 12. ….Coke often….in the fleids? (to work)
Ex.4. Make sentences with “too”, “also” or “either”. See examples below.
Note 1. In negative sentences only “either” is used.
Note 2. “Too” and “either” always go at the end of sentences. “Also” usually goes in front of the verbs. When the predicate is expressed by the verb “tobe” it goes after the forms of the verb “to be” (am, is, are…)
- Some of the men in prison work in the fields outside. (Coke)
a)Coke also works in the fields outside.
b)Coke works in the fields outside too.
- Coke is in the prison library now. (Some of the men)
a)Some of the men are also in the prison library now.
b)Some of the men are in the prison library too.
- Eric Masters is not in prison. (Hugo) Hugo is not in prison either.
1.Coke is in prison for something he didn’t do. (Some men) 2. After lunch all the men go back to work. (Coke) 3. Coke doesn’t think about work. (The men in prison) 4. Some of the men in prison don’t make mail bags. (Coke) 5. Some of the prisoners are in the fields now. (Coke) 6. Edward Coke used to be an army officer. (Eric Masters) 7. Coke doesn’t know what he is in prison for. (Some of the prisoners) 8. The men in prison think why they are there. (Coke) 9. Coke likes to read. (Some of the men in prison) 10. Coke doesn’t work in the prison factory. (Some of the men):
Ex.5. Translate the following sentences into English using the verb “to be”:
1. Коук в тюрьме. 2. Сейчас Коук – не офицер армии, он – заключенный. 3. Зима. 4. В шесть утра еще холодно? 5. В тюрьме много заключенных. 6. Некоторые заключенные сейчас на тюремной фабрике. 7. Где находятся почтовые сумки? 8. Дни в тюрьме одинаковые? 9. Коук сейчас не в поле, он – в библиотеке. 10. Для Коука дни в тюрьме не длинные. 11. Как Вы думаете, Эрик Мастерс – друг Коука? 12. Где сейчас Эрик Мастерс и Хьюго? 13. Эрик Мастерс и Хьюго – не в тюрьме, они где-то за ее пределами. 14. «Я не знаю, почему я в тюрьме», думает Коук. Но Мастерс и Хьюго знают.
Ex.6. Translate the following sentences into English using the verb “to have”.
1. У заключенные в тюрьме нет книг, но они ходят читать в библиотеку. 2. Есть ли у Коука в тюрьме друзья? У каждого в тюрьме много времени на раздумья. 4. Как Вы думаете, у заключенных в тюрьме есть все, что они хотят? 5. Коук и все другие завтракают в 6.30. 6. У Коука много вопросов относительно того, почему он в тюрьме. 7. Когда они обедают? 8. Эрик Мастерc не думает о Коуке; у него много денег и никаких проблем. 9. Как Вы думаете, почему у Эрика Mастерса много денег? 10. Эрик Мастерс не часто обедает дома.
Ex.7. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the position of “usually”, “always”, “often”, “never”:
Note: Remember, that when the predicate of the sentence is expressed by the verb “to be” (am, is, are) the position of adverbs of frequency is not before the verb, but after it.
Example:1) Coke usually reads until 9.30. 2) Coke is usually in the prison library after dinner.
1. Утром обычно холодно и темно. 2. Дни в тюрьме всегда длинные, утомительные и скучные. 3. Как и другие заключенные, Коук обычно встает в шесть часов. 4. Зимой здесь никогда не бывает тепло. 5. Коук часто ходит в библиотеку читать. 6. Коук обычно не работает на тюремной фабрике. 7. Часто заключенным в поле холодно. 8. Свет никогда не выключают раньше 10 (before 10). 9. О чем обычно думает Коук? 10. Коуквсегдадумаетопобеге.
Ex.8. Put the words in their correct order to make sentences.
Example: gets up/every day/ at 6/ he
1)He gets up at 6 every day. 2) Every day he gets up at 6.
- for/he/what/is/prison/in?
- don't/about/they/escaping/think
- the library/Coke/ to go/does/to/like?
- doen't/is/Coke/Hugo/where/know
- lasts/always/lunch/an hour/
Ex.9. Translate the following sentences into English using asyndetic (бессоюзные) attributive clauses:
1. Это все, что я об этом думаю. 2. Некоторые заключенные находятся в тюрьме за что-то, о чем они не знают. 3. Есть многое, что не нравится заключенным в тюрьме: 4. Есть еще один человек, о котором Коук думает, это – Хьюго. 5. Это все, что он помнит. 6. Есть еще кое-что, что Kоук хочет сделать – бежать из тюрьмы.7. Существует многое, чего Коук не знает. 8. Все о чем он думает, это – побег.
Ex.10. Translate the following text into English:
У меня есть дядя (uncle). Мой дядя когда-то был рабочим. Сейчас он инженер (engineer). Мой отец тоже инженер. Они работают на одной и той же фабрике. Они встают в 6 утра, завтракают и идут на фабрику. Они никогда не опаздывают (to be late). На улице еще темно. Работа на фабрике начинается в 7 утра. В 12 часов у рабочих обед. Как Вы думаете, сколько времени (how long) длится обед? Интересно, почему многие рабочие не обедают на работе? Мой отец тоже не обедает на фабрике. Он часто обедает дома или за пределами фабрики. После обеда он всегда возвращается на работу. Вечерами отец обычно дома. Есть многое, о чем мы говорим (to speak). Я точно не знаю, трудная ли у него работа. Как вы думаете, много ли на фабрике проблем? Мне бы хотелось знать, что это за проблемы.
Episode 2
1.It is six o'clock on a very cold winter evening. All over England people are sitting down in their living-rooms and are watching the news on television or are listening to it on the radio. There is one very important piece of news this evening.It is this.
«In the West of England this evening, hundreds of policemen are looking for a man who escaped from Princeville Prison early this morning. The man’s name is Edward Coke. He is 30 years old, six feet tall, and has black hair and blue eyes. He is wearing a dark blue prison uniform. The police do not think he can stay free very long. It is only a few degrees above zero and it is snowing.”
2. The radio is on in an expensive pub in Soho, in the centre of London. Most of the people there are not very interested in the news programme, but one man is. His name is Eric Masters. He is abous 45 and is wearing very expensive clothes. He is looking very afraid of something. There is another man standing next to him at the bar. Masters is asking him a question.
“Did they say the man’s name was Coke?”
“Yes, that’s right. Coke… Edward Coke. Why? Do you know him?”
“Do you know him?”
“No…no. I don’t know him…I…I just wanted to know the man’s name, that’s all.”
3. In another part of London, a young detective is standing in the office of his chief at Scotland Yard. The young detective’s name is Richard Baxter.
“You knew Coke, didn’t you, Baxter?”
“Yes, air. I arrested him four years ago.”
Baxter’s chief is nodding his head.
“Yes, I know that, Baxter. That’s why I’m giving you this order, now. Find Coke again! You must find him immediately!”
(From “Kernel Lessons Intermediate” by R. O’Neill, R. Kingsbury, T. Yeadon)
Words and Word Combinations
clock, n o’clock, It is six o’clock; very, adv very cold; evening, n in the evening, this evening, on a cold winter evening; all over, adv all over England; to sit down; their, pron; living-room, n; to watch, v; important, adj; news, n important news, a piece of news, the news programme; television, n on television, to watch the news on television; to listen, v to listen to the news; radio, n on the radio; this, pron (pl, these); west, n in the west of (east, north, south); police, n; policemen, n pl of policeman; hundred, hundreds of policemen; to look, v to look for, to look at; to escape from prison; early, adv; morning, n in the morning, this morning, early this morning; year n; old, to be old, He is 30 years old, to be about 45; feet, n pl of foot; tall, adj to be 6 feet tall; black, adj; hair, n to have black hair, His hair is black; blue, adj; eye, n to have blue eyes; uniform, n a prison uniform, a dark blue prison uniform; to wear, v; can, v; to stay, v; free, adj to stay free, to stay free very long, He can’t stay free very long; only adv; a few, pron; degree, n; above, adv above zero (below zero), to be a few degrees above zero; to snow, v