Pencaitland Parent Council

Date | time20/11/201719:00| Meeting chaired byC. Snow

In Attendance

Carol Snow (CS) Chair, Vivien Small (VS), Dave Osborne (DO), Flor Jackman (FJ), Neill Russell (NR), Jim Fraser (JF), Loreen Pardoe (LP), Ralph Averbuch (RA).

Others Present: Nicola Wilson (NW) Head Teacher, Katharine Ranyard (KR) Teacher Rep, Shamin Ahktar (SA), Brian Small (BS) Local Councilors

Apologies noted from: Parent Members;Erica Burberry (EB),Local Councilors; John McMillan (JM), Tom Trotter (TT),

Standing Items: Approval of Minutes & Review

1. Agenda and Minutes were circulated. The Minutes from October were approved and adopted with no changes. Action Points considered also and updates are included in main text. Matters Arising: ELAPCM meeting this Wed.

2) Head Teacher Report: Attached. Key points: Initial feedback from Review of school was positive. Reviewing and updating Vision, Values and Aims following the ELC recommended and will influence the SIP. Staff will consider what may require postponing as focus is given to VV+A to inform PPS curriculum development. Parent Council role will be significant and ideas shared re engaging parent / carer views. All agreed that finding examples of VV+A from other schools, (including outwith E. Lothian) would be worthwhile. School gates now closed to deter / stop non-staff traffic from entering carpark and those on official business to school (ege.g. deliveries). This should have been communicated to parent/carer forum but, it would seem, that this has not gone out. NW to check. Safety is at heart of decision. SA shared that CPP asked to focus on schools’ busy times and traffic over next month. Policy review work ongoing but delayed due to other priorities meantime. School re-branding also discussed – uniform, logo. Meaningful pupil engagement wished also.

Staffing – Teaching staff all now appointed. Kelly Thomson also appointed to Nursery staff

AP: NW to check re communication to parents/carers re use of school carpark, incl for Breakfast Club/ASC.

3) Email Review. Consultation – Empowering Schools / Education Bill, Parental Strategy. Be Like St. Andrew. If anyone would like to be involved for PC response, please contact Carol Snow / Loreen Pardoe.

4) PC Training –no new information. Recruitment and Selection previously shared. SPTC opportunities.

5) Learning Council – looking at Homework review following consultation at parent information sessions (Oct).

6) Class Reps

Issues raised prior to meeting. NW shared responses re *use of Tempest for photographs and pc welcome to help source alternatives. *Consideration around spreading costs of school related options will be given too. *P2 and Play: it would be particularly liked for IG development to support this further, but no clear offers of help to date. “Kindness Rocks” also mentioned as an engaging idea. *New housing impacts on school will be managed by ELC but unlikely to result in extension, more likely to use existing space and then school will lose more of their general space. *P1B parents noting query around potential parent consultation with temp teacher was shared. KR shared idea of a soft start morning where parents / carers could join children P1 in class for first ½ hour and see what they are doing. This was thought to be a very desirable idea, with options open to speak to Ruth Watson at end of school day / by appointment during day, if desired. The written info from MC was noted to be excellent also.

AP: NWKR to plan with RW for a P1 Soft Start morning over next couple of weeks – to happen before xmas.

*Book Fair – other ideas are being discussed. NW has created a book wish list. NR liaising with NW re this. Perhaps reducing book fair visits or stopping them, but creating the school wish list will improve school resources with less impact on family finances. PC consulting with families re ideas and suggestions is recommended. *Discussion around Highland Active Schools class – outcome is ‘best left as is with parents organising a rota. ’May be possible to wait in dining room area if hall still in use. *NW hopes to train playground support staff in Restorative Practice and will be investigating this. It was noted that there is a‘no phone whilst in playground’ rule for all, with exception of ASN K. Westwater, to cover any emergency situation. Policy is to ensure children with (smart)phones do not carry or access phones whilst on breaks and should only use in school to support learning (class based project). Devices supporting learning are allowed, hence new school open network for internet.

Forward Planning

7) Improvement Plan - Very fluid now with new focus and priority around Vision, Values and Aims. More information to follow following staff meeting this month.

8) Parental Engagement Strategy–PC to help build knowledge and awareness, our own and the wider parent/carer forum. The summary leaflet and full strategy links are to be shared on blog and facebookFacebook page, however CS also suggesting that each family receive a paper copy of the summary leaflet in school bags. There is a high expectation of schools to engage with parents and carers for‘best practice, good relationships’ as this is evidenced to support children’s achievement and well-being within school. Ideas around sharing this could link well with ideas around consulting on Vision, Values and Aims – using key times when parents and carers will be on school premises.

AP: RA, LP to ensure digital formats are added to Pencaitland Parents facebook and Edubuzz Blog. (done)

9) Year of the Community at PPS and Year of Young People 2018 -

NW spoke with Rev Torrance re community interest in engaging with school. This was very recently shared so no further info at this time. Plans for P6 to visit with Lunch Club are developing – great enthusiasm for this with lunch club organisers, staff contact is Kayla Smith and PC contact is LP. Community members mentioned a real interest in a village choir which would be wonderful on IG basis. LP has mentioned to some key people and this looks like it could have some real interest. Wondering if KR may be interested in being PPS staff contact if a small group were to be set up to look at this.

10) Garden – DO to meet with Emma Kerr and Kirsty Robertson as key staff members to discuss further development for community of school and beyond. Grateful thanks to Nursery Parents who helped develop to current stage. Polytunnel now being used as a reading niche also.

AP: DO to organise meeting.

11) Sub Groups:

Jargon Busting - Updated again. See Edubuzz. Most recent entry – addition of SPTC acronym list. LP shared printed copy (in parent information folder). (Also to be shared to Pencaitland Parents facebook page).

Intergenerational Work–See Year of the Community. Launch of YoYP takes place on 25th Nov along with other events. Duncan and Heather attending St. Andrews Day reception at Edin Castle on 30th Nov. with Scot Gov. Theme – Be Like St Andrew. Family organised carols and musicians to be opened to more pupil/family involvement, for performing in village and nursing home. This was very well received last year.

AP: Tree Lighting Ceremony to share news from Duncan and Heather re #YoYP2018 if possible.

Play. Sub groupmeeting to be arranged and talk with pupils re themes from the consultation. Loose Parts Play donations to be encouraged. Still confusion over Toy Thursday and some children being ‘told off’ for having items from home. LPrequested information re Sanderson’s Wynd P.S in May. – PowerPoint awaited and offer made for pupils to meet those involved in SW for more information and insights. Still not received.

Doors finally painted over Oct break, but LF had hoped to paint in May – so the planned work will have to wait until next spring and more suitable weather.

A.R. / Library Review. PC to share initiative with ELAPCM, when the initiative has been communicated to parents at PPS.Work ongoing re final categorising and identifying which types of books are understocked. Earlier comment re Wish List / Book fair relevant also.

Training Opportunities. Possibility of hosting SPTC regional training should we be interested, or attending other schools in area / online training if interested. CS and LP also taking part in “Many Faces of Dementia” course online. No further info re Equalities training through ELC meantime.

12) Policy Review. Work ongoing. NW has had to prioritise other pressing matters for the school but will return to these as opportunity presents. Lunch Clubs - Maths ongoing. Book club (Reflective Reading) re-starting as a lunch club with interested children. Good response to request for parental help.

Updates & Action Plan Review

13). No NPF updates currently. SPTC newsletter circulated for November. SPTC training evening at Pathhead was very good.

14). Community Council update (Attached). “Thief on a bike” back in area. Be vigilant as tends to be opportunistic in crime. Tree Lighting Ceremony on 1st Dec from 5pm. “All welcome and share the news”. Friends of Pencaitland Park group to be launched. LP shared that good understanding of different options supporting play is a strong positive in early consultation and planning. ELPA offering support where possible.

Councillor’sCouncilor’s Update: SA updated re line painting for Glebe, delayed again as department ‘too busy’. Discussion ensued, with thanks noted for Shamin’s support and input, but CS noted intention to write letter of complaint to ELC regarding this matter, on behalf of PC. Work on upgrade to Woodhall Park started. (20/11).

Area Partnership – no update re shared representation at this point.

14). PTA Update – new secretary has come forward. New Treasurer and Chair required this year. Xmas Cards orders have been processed, Xmas Discos organised and Quiz Night also – all very well supported. Calendar is process.

15). ELAPCM. Rota circulated. Please advise if anyone can attend. Flor noted potential to attend 22nd but won’t know until date of meeting for certain.

Next Meeting

15thJan19:00 hrs.Staff Room,Pencaitland Primary School.

Diary Dates

22.11.17ELAPCM meeting Brunton Hall. 7pm

22.11.17ELPA AGM Townhouse Haddington 6:30 pm

30.11.17PTA Big Quiz Fundraiser.

14.12.17School Xmas Show 2pm

15.12.17School Xmas Show 9:30 am

15.12.17PTA – Xmas Discos – Nursery to P7. Bowling Club

22.12.17School Closes for Christmas and New Year holidays. HAPPY FESTIVE SPELL wished for all.


East Lothian Council Consultation Hub – Citizen Space online. Opportunity to share your views on Scot Gov consultation (Fracking) and more.East Lothian School Uniform Bank, Freecycle East Lothian and Children’s Bursary are all open to referral. Parents can request pre-worn school clothing through facebook page, but otherwise all requests should be referrals to Carefree Kids, from appropriate professionals.Carefree Kids also deal with Bursary referrals and Active Schools are partnering too.

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