Date: Program: DGS:
Registrar Information
Program abbreviation (e.g.: ARTHIST or EPI): Course number:
Course title:
Short title (30 characters max, including spaces and punctuation):
Long title:
This is a variable topic course. This course can be repeated for credit, up to times.
Contact hours with students (per week):
Grading basis (check one): Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Student Option
Credit hours: Fixed, at hours. (Max 12 hours) Variable, hours. (Enter range.)
Permissions:Students need permission from the instructor to enroll in this course.
Effective date – what year and semester will the course be offered for the first time:
This course replaces another course, which should be deleted: (course name/number)
Please provide a short course description (170 characters max):
Please list any prerequisites for this course, if applicable:
Will this course be taught online, completely or partially? yes no
If “yes,” will this course be taught (check one):
Online only Hybrid, with both online and in-class meetings Mixed, offered as online or in-class section
Course Rationale
On a separate sheet, provide a brief rationale for the introduction of this new course. Be sure to address the following issues:
Program structure: How does the course fit into your graduate program? How does it relate to the program’s focus and goals? How does it fit into the candidacy requirements for students in your program? Are there any prerequisites for this course (or will it be a prerequisite for other courses)?
Interdisciplinarity: How does this course relate to courses in other programs? Does it complement strengths or fill needs in other programs? Are there issues of overlap or redundancy with existing courses? Where the course is relevant to other programs, e.g. cross-listed or regularly attended by students from other programs, letters of support from those programs should be attached.
Resources: Are there sufficient faculty who can teach the course, given the anticipated rotation of course offerings in your program? Will this course require new resources (lab space, library materials, etc.), and if so, how will they be acquired?
Sample Syllabus
Provide a sample syllabus for the course. The syllabus should clearly indicate:
Intellectual scope: What topics, methods, techniques, or other subject matters will be covered? Include a list of relevant texts or other sources that students will be expected to study and become knowledgeable about.
Goals: What learning outcomes does the course envision for students?
Assignments: What assignments will students be expected to complete?
Grading: What will be the basis for students' final grade?
Executive Council Action:Date: Approve Deny