Able and Talented students inScience

Provision within Science and enrichment offered

  • All students should be given the opportunity to tackle more challenging work. It is being written into the SOW for both KS3 and 4. Key stage 3 have laminated challenge questions incorporated into each scheme of work. Our Triple science groups contain almost all the able students and these often extend themselves by using the A’ Level text books
  • We run CREST award and science club for students. Last year two groups of students achieved the Bronze award and 3 students the Silver.
  • This year 30 students have signed up. One group is aiming to tackle Gold ( A’level standard )work
  • There will be others as staff encourage students to start the enrichment activities
  • We are also using spare lesson time to challenge two students who have completed their maths course. They are going to carry out a Gold Crest award.
  • There are NS activities which we take a small group of year 8 students to as part of STEM activities
  • We have in the past taken groups of students to the SALTERS Chemistry challenge held in Bath. This year a small group of year 8’s are being trained during lunch-time sessions. They have been offered the opportunity by their teachers

Identification criteria and / or characteristics of more able / talentedScience student

Cats scores over 115 in conjunction with a target for the end of key stage 3 of 7b.

Within first term at school must show a greater aptitude for the subject than other achieving test scores in the top 5 of the class.

A/A* GCSE /A Level target grades

ASPIRE:Where can the more able and talented students within Scienceaspire to progress

Our most talented students can aspire to studying Pure Sciences/ Natural Sciences at an Oxbridge College. Many other Russell Group Universities deliver excellent science courses.

Engineering degrees and apprenticeships with prestigious companies will also be challenging.

Some able students will aspire to medicine and veterinary science.

There are 100’s of different applied science courses. These may offer more direct routes to careers.

BELIEVE: In order to achieve these aspirations students should:

This depends upon the course. It would be expected that students will read around the subject which they are interested in studying. A Crest award or extended project would also be beneficial

Relevant work experience may be beneficial for applications to studying engineering or applied science.

Both veterinary and medicine courses are difficult to get into. Relevant work experience is essential. There are also many pre-med courses that deliver experience and help students to apply to these oversubscribed courses

Achieving A/A* Grades at GCSE /A level and Level 8 in KS3.

SUCCEED:Success stories from Nailsea school

Alice Packham is studying medicine at an Oxbridge College.

More able and Talented coordinator for this subject
