3 / Location: / North Hertfordshire College, Cambridge Road, Hitchin, SG4 0JD
Applicant: / North Hertfordshire College
Proposal: / Construction of an all-weather pitch with associated floodlighting, acoustic bund, fencing and landscaping and footpath link (as a variation to planning permission ref 05/01262/1 dated 14 Nov 2005 )
Ref.No: / 10/02345/ 1
Officer: / Tom Rea

Date of expiry of statutory period : 17 December 2010

Reason for Delay (if applicable)


Reason for Referral to Committee (if applicable)

The site area exceeds 1 hectare

1.0 Relevant History

1.1 / 97/0690/1: Construction of sports centre for community/college use following removal of existing classroom and sports hall, new car parking, landscaping and ancillary works - granted 21/8/97
1.2 / 99/1015/1: Temporary building for use as changing room and siting of six 11.5 metre floodlights around football pitch, permission granted for changing room and refused for floodlighting 9/12/99
1.3 / 00/00499/1: Renewal of outline planning permission ref: 97/0690/1 granted 21/8/97 for the construction of a sports centre for community/college use, car parking, landscaping and ancillary works - approved 23/5/00
1.4 / 03/01355/1: Redevelopment of the existing site to provide a new three storey college complex plus a part basement area, to include theatre and sports hall (19,077sq.m gross external area); surface level parking; landscaping and ancillary works. All weather sports pitch with floodlighting and 2.5m acoustic fence. Demolition of all existing buildings excluding Walsworth House. Access as existing via Cambridge Road and St. Michaels Road - granted 22/1/04. Permission expired on 22/1/09.
1.5 / 05/01262/1: All weather sports pitch with six 13 metre floodlight columns, earth bund and acoustic fence, landscaping, access road and disabled parking spaces - granted 14/1105
1.6 / 08/02915/1: Redevelopment to provide a replacement 3 storey building with part lower ground floor and detached sports hall for North Herts College with associated parking for 370 vehicles including 26 disabled spaces, 112 cycle spaces and other associated works, including internal access roads, landscaping and floodlit (15m high columns) all-weather pitch. Approved 27th February 2009.

2.0 Policies

2.1 / Central Government Policy Guidance:
PPG 17: Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation
PPG 24: Planning and Noise
Planning Policy Statement (PPS) 1 'Delivering Sustainable Development'
Planning Policy Statement PPS 4: 'Planning for Sustainable Economic Growth'
Planning Policy Statement PPS 9: Biodiversity and Geological Conservation
Planning Policy Guidance note (PPS) 13 'Planning and Transportation'
Planning Policy Statement PPS 22: Renewable Energy
Planning Policy Statement PPS 23: Planning and Pollution Control
Planning Policy Statement PPS 25: Development and Flood Risk
2.2 / North Hertfordshire District Local Plan No. 2 - with Alterations:
Policy 8: Development in Towns
Policy 14: Nature Conservation
Policy 21: Landscape and Open Space Patterns in Towns
Policy 39: Leisure Uses
Policy 55: Car Parking Standards
2.3 / Supplementary Planning Guidance:
Vehicle Parking Provision at New Development (adopted January 2006)
Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (adopted November 2006)

3.0 Representations

3.1 / Environment Agency: Recommend a condition requiring a surface water drainage scheme in accordance with sustainable urban drainage principles.
3.2 / Anglian Water Services Ltd:
Any comments will be reported to the Committee.
3.3 / Hertfordshire County Council (Highways):
Comment that they do not wish to restrict the grant of permission.
3.4 / Sport England:
Comments received 8/10/10
Comment that Sport England raised no objection to the 2005 application. Acknowledged that the variations are consistent with the floodlit pitch approved in 2009. Sport England state that they are supportive of the application. Comment that the pitch size would meet Football Association standards and that the proposal responds positively to previous comments made by Sports England and the FA/Herts FA. Considers that the amended floodlighting scheme would seek to minimise impact on residential amenity while meeting the needs of the users of the pitch. Note that although slightly more playing field is lost the benefits associated with the increased size of the all weather pitch offset any harm. The proposal will still accord with exception E5 of Sport England's policy 'A Sporting Future for the Playing Fields of England' (1997). Accordingly, Sport England raises no objection to the proposal.
Comments received 4/11/10:
Confirm that the provision of a 106x71m pitch instead of a 101x63m pitch is clearly preferable because this size allows the pitch to be used for 11-a-side senior and under17/under 18 matches as confirmed in the Football Association's Guide to Artificial Turf Pitches (2009) - page 10. A 101x63m pitch represents the recommended dimensions of an all weather pitch that is designed for hockey use. While these dimensions can also accommodate 11-a-side youth football they are not large enough for 11-a-side senior football. As the all weather pitch on the application site is being designed principally for football use, providing dimensions that will offer the flexibility for matches to be played for all age groups is clearly preferable for both college and community use especially as the college's students (the principal users) will be in the senior or under17/18 age group.
Advise that the FA would always prefer a 106x71m pitch to a 101x63m pitch because of the additional flexibility it would provide as set out in the guidance.
Advise that both a 106x71m pitch and a 101x63m could accommodate three five-a-side pitches as the dimensions for small sided football on all weather pitches are flexible as set out on page 10 of the FA's guidance.
Urge the Council not to consider imposing any restrictions on the pitch in terms of pitch markings or five-a-side use. First, it has not been demonstrated that the noise associated with the operation of three five-a-side pitches (30 players) would be substantially greater than that associated with a single 11-a-side pitch (22 players) to justify restrictions being imposed. Second, it would be unreasonable to prevent five-a-side pitch markings given that a large proportion of the use will be during the day when noise will be less of an issue for residential amenity. Third, it would be difficult to enforce as in the absence of markings, pitches are usually delineated in other ways e.g. cones. Fourth, there are no restrictions on the 2005 or 2009 permissions in this regard although the pitches in both schemes would allow three five-a-side pitches to be marked out without restrictions.
In terms of the hours of use of the all weather pitch, it is expected that a similar approach to be taken to the 2009 planning permission as a pitch of this size has already been permitted in the same location. The same would apply to the floodlighting proposals as these are the same proposals that were approved as part of the 2009 permission.
3.5 / Hertfordshire Football Association:
Support the application. Comment that the proposal will be a much needed modern facility will provide a significant boost to the prospects of continued development and investment in young people and sport in North Hertfordshire. Comment that the College has forged excellent links with the community as well as many organisations such as ourselves. This facility will enable the community to benefit from access to excellent new facilities, currently not available anywhere else in Hitchin. Indeed the local artificial pitches in nearby Baldock and Stevenage are currently over-subscribed, so the addition of this facility will greatly enhance access. The College will of course also benefit from the facility and with the scale of sports courses offered this type of project will only succeeded in ensuring that applications for these courses remains as high as in recent years. Whilst those fortunate enough to take the courses will see massive benefits from being able to use the modern and safe surface throughout the year.
The Hertfordshire FA is very fortunate to have an excellent relationship with the College, best evidenced through the delivery in partnership of coach education courses. One of the limiting factors for us when producing our annual course programme is access to high quality facilities. We would be delighted to work with the College to provide such courses during holiday periods and at weekends to ensure that the grassroots coaches of North Hertfordshire also benefit from the facility.
Considers that the pitch will be heavily subscribed but would not displace users from other sites and that there is a clear need for this facility in the Hitchin area. Strongly advise that pitch conforms with the Football Association’s artificial pitch recommendations (106m x 71m).
3.6 / Landscape and Urban design officer:
Raises no objections to the scheme.
3.7 / Environmental Health officers: Any additional comments will be reported to the meeting
3.8 / Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust: Comment that they have no objection to the development and recognise the distance of the pitch from the Purwell Meadows, acknowledge the native wildflower strip and the recommended EPS condition.
3.9 / Hertfordshire Biological Records Centre: Recommends that if NHDC is minded to grant permission that consideration is given to the following:
·  that the type and design of the floodlights minimises light spillage and glare as much as possible
·  that the hours of use for the floodlights are restricted such that they are turned off at 10pm throughout the year
·  consideration is given to a sustainable drainage system
·  the adjacent wildlife site is given protection.
3.10 / Response to Statutory Site Notice, Press Notice and Neighbour Notifications:
Letters received from the occupiers of no. 94, 95, 96, 99, 100, 101, 118 Coleridge Close and 19 and 22 Campbell Close raising the following points
·  Existing pitches are used less than 15 hours per week and is not for curriculum training. Floodlighting is not necessary curricular activities.
·  Query weather the pitch is to be used for curricular or commercial purposes or both.
·  Height of columns are above the roof apex of nearby properties
·  Concern at noise from new pitch to the detriment of local residents amenity
·  Concern at justification of expenditure in current economic climate
·  Funds should be used to replace/refurbish buildings rather than sports facilities
·  If AWP is to be approved then consideration should be given to a reduction in hours from 0900 – 1800 weekdays, 0900 – 1400 Sept – June weekends 0900 – 1200 July – August on Sundays and no permitted use on Sundays or Bank Holidays
·  Pitch should be used for one football match only and not 5-a-side matches and a separate light switches to reduce light spillage.
·  Lighting height should be restricted to 13m
·  Acoustic barrier with fence and tree planting required and pitch moved as far as possible from residential properties.
·  Lighting would influence local landscape character
·  Loss of residential amenity
·  Suggest separate lighting arrangements
·  Noise and light pollution to nearby property
·  College has not consulted residents
·  Acoustic barrier should be increased and earth bund should be extended
·  Query the reasoning for the enlarged pitch
·  Previous restrictions should apply
·  AWP should be moved further away from residential property
·  Previous correspondence still relevant
·  Concern that noise issue has not been fully evaluated
·  Restrictions should be placed on the College to correct any adverse impact with the development.
·  Old AWP pitch should be removed.

4.0 Planning Considerations

4.1 Site & Surroundings

4.1.1 / The North Hertfordshire College Hitchin Centre site, including playing fields, extends to approximately 7.7 hectares (19 acres) and is sited between the Purwell Meadows Nature Reserve to the north-east and residential property within the Poets Estate to the south east and south west. The A505 Cambridge Road runs along the northern boundary of the site providing one of the two vehicular and pedestrian accesses into the site the other being directly off St. Michaels Road 30m south of the Cambridge Road roundabout. The college site is located approximately 0.3 km from Hitchin railway station and 1 km north east of Hitchin Town Centre. The Centre for the Arts (CfA), also part of North Hertfordshire College, is located 400 metres to the east of the Hitchin Centre.
4.1.2 / A public footpath (FP81) runs from the St. Michaels Road entrance to the College for a distance of 520m along the length of the south western boundary of the site. The site slopes down from the St. Michaels Road entrance to the Purwell Meadows boundary (approximately 5 metres) in the northern part of the site. Beyond the existing sports hall the playing fields slope gently down towards Purwell Meadows and are located up to 5 metres below the level of the public footpath FP 81 which rises above the level of the playing fields towards Chaucer Way. A hedge runs along the south west and south east boundaries at approximately 2m in height. Beyond the public footpath are two storey dwellings forming part of Gibson Close, Coleridge Close, Campbell Close and Browning Drive. Several of the properties which adjoin the footpath boundary are sited with their flank walls facing the college site. The south eastern boundary of the site adjoins the rear garden boundaries of properties in Chaucer Way.
4.1.3 / The site is within the Hitchin settlement boundary as defined on the District Local Plan Proposals Map. The Green Belt boundary follows the boundary of the college site with Purwell Meadows and the playing fields which form part of the college site south east of the existing sports hall are covered by Policy 21 of the local plan (Landscape and Open Space Patterns in Towns).
4.1.4 / The application is accompanied by the following reports:
·  Design and Access statement
·  External Lighting Design
·  Acoustic Planning Report

4.2 Proposal

4.2.1 / The application seeks to vary a planning permission granted on 14th November 2005 (reference 05/01262/1) for an all weather sports pitch (AWP) with six 13 metre high columns, earth bund and acoustic fence, landscaping, access road and disabled parking spaces.
4.2.2 / Permission is sought to vary the size of the AWP from one with a Total Playing Area (TPA) of 101m x 63m to one with a TPA of 106m x 71m. The new pitch would be therefore 8 metres wide (4 m either side) and would have an additional length of 5 metres. Permission is also sought to vary the height of the floodlight columns from 13 metres to 15 metres.
4.2.3 / For clarity, the car parking and hardstanding area previously proposed in the 05/01262/1 application adjacent the new pitch is not now proposed as existing car parking on the site adjacent the existing sports hall is considered sufficient.
4.2.4 / The proposed AWP is sited in the same location as the AWP approved in the 2005 permission and there is no proposed change to the hours of operation/use (i.e. use restricted to between the hours of 9.00am and 8.00pm Monday to Friday and 2pm on Saturdays and Sundays and 12pm on Sundays during July and August and at no time on Public of Bank Holidays).
4.2.5 / A landscaping bund incorporating a 2m high acoustic screen is also proposed along the southern boundary of the site. The bund is to include semi-mature and extra heavy tree planting within a 1.5m depth of topsoil.

4.3 Key Issues