Title:Shell's Floating Liquid Natural Gas Facility -- FLNG - from YouTube
Duration: 1:46 minutes
Shell's Floating Liquid Natural Gas Facility -- FLNG - from YouTubeFilm Transcript
[Background music]
Futuristic keyboard music
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Natural gas
Shell’s floating liquefied natural gas facility – FLNG
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Demand for energy is expected to increase
Circle filled with rows of stickmen. Labelled, “Population.”
Circle filled with a small mountain village scene with a pylon and electricity lines running through it. labelled, “Energy use.”
Circle disappears for graphic to fill whole screen. A train goes past behind the village, cars driving in front.
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Natural gas could help bridge the planet’s energy gap.
Camera pans over the graphic, across a river with a bridge, to a gas plant.
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Natural gas is:
- Abundant
- Cleaner burning
- Versatile
Pans further down the gas plant. Pipes with mountains behind.
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But gas in its natural state can only be transported by pipeline over relatively short distances.
For longer distances, other methods of transportation are required.
Blue sky with sun in the corner.
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The solution?
Two liquefying tanks.
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Liquefying gas by cooling it to -162˚C, to shrink its volume 600 times.
Crane lifting a crate.
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This allows it to be transported by ship.
Ship at sea filled with cranes and gas tanks.
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It’s like a land based liquefaction plant but squeezed onto a 488m floating facility.
Size comparisons of the ship. Shows the ship bigger than the USS George H. W. Bush, much bigger than a 30m blue whale. 1.93m tall Michael Phelps is a speck in the ocean.
The blue whale dips under the ocean surface.
Four football pitches laid end to end above the ship to show a size comparison.
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Its deck is almost 500m – longer than four football pitches, end to end.
Zooms in on choppy water next to the ship.
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It displaces 600,000 tonnes of water
Stick men standing on platforms of the ship.
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Preparing to build FLNG took:
10 years of research
600 engineers
1.6 million man-hours
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It will produce 3.6 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas a year.
On top of a crane on the ship.
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And will remain on location for some 25 years.
Rain pouring down onto the ship, the ship rocks back and forth.
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FLNG can withstand the category 5 cyclones…
Dot on a map off the north west coast of Australia.
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… that it may encounter 200km off the coast of Australia.
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FLNG is being built now to produce the energy we’ll need tomorrow
Shell logo
WIRED logo.
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Wiredmpromotion/video by: toastdigital.co.uk