SWL TIA Clinic Details as at April 2011
Hospital / Weekdays / Weeknights/Weekends
Bank Holidays / Service details
Fax TIA Referral to:
0208 401 3741
(ward fax)
Name and Number of key contacts:
TIA administrator
Denise Fido
020 8401 3351 (3701) / High Risk:
Tell patient to attend Open Access clinic within next 24 hours (or A&E) / High Risk:
Admit to Hospital via A and E. / Open Acess clinic 9.00 – 3.30pm Monday to Friday (excl BankHolidays)
Heathfield 1 Ward
Ground Floor London Wing
London Road Croydon.
020 8401 3351 (3701)
Report to Reception Desk
Low Risk:
Tell patient to attend Open Access clinic same or next day / Low Risk:
Send to next open access TIA clinic
TIA Fax Referral to:
020 8934 3884
Name and
Number of key contacts:
020 8934 3883
(Catie Patterson) / High Risk:
Telephone MGPU and Fax referral Mark as urgent. Let patient know they will be seen within 24 hours / High Risk:
Refer to medical SpR on call for admission to MAC for investigations / Monday to Friday (excl Bank Holidays) daily clinics held at 2pm on the MGPU.
The stroke/TIA clinic can also be accessed via Drs McNabb / Choy secretary (ext 2276), fax 020 8934 3287
Low Risk:
Fax referral Mark as urgent / Low Risk:
Fax referral Mark as urgent
St George’s
For any patient with a TIA in the last 7 days:
Call 07826 934 376
Mon-Fri 9am-6pm
If afterhours bleep Stroke Registrar via 0208 672 1255
NB: High Risk patients can also be referred to the ED / High Risk or TIA in last 7 days:
Between9am-6pm Mon-Fri
Call the Stroke Consultant on
0782 693 4376 / High Risk or TIA in last 7 days:
Onweekday evenings and at weekends: bleep Stroke Registrar via St George’s switchboard - 0208 672 1255 / High Risk patients or TIA in last 7 days seen on Hyperacute Stroke Unit HASU or Neurosciences day unit within 24 hoursnds)
Late presenting patients with TIA seen on Neurosciences Day Unit Mon-Fri.
If last TIA >7 days ago:
fax referral form to
020 8725 4591 / If last TIA >7 days ago:
fax referral form to
020 8725 4591
St Helier
TIA Fax Referral to:
020 8296 2421
Name and Number of key contacts:
See individual pathways for High risk and Low risk for further details / High Risk:
Mon-Thur 8.00-16.00
Fri 8.00-12.00.
Phone 07791 123499 and fax referral to 0208 2962421 / High Risk:
Sun –Thurs 16.00-08.00
Ask patient to phone stroke secretary on 020 8296 2404at 9am to arrange assessment. Fax referral to 0208 2962421 / See St Helier pathway for further details.(next page)
Pathway and referral form also available on intranet and trust website
Fri 12.00 – Sun 16.00 and Bank Holidays
Arrange admission via Medical registrar
Low Risk:
Fax referral to TIA clinic on 020 8296 2421.
Ask patient to phone stroke secretary on 020 8296 2404 next working day for low risk appointment


KingstonHospital NHS Trust
**FAX NUMBER: 02089343884
(Please fax referral urgently)
Stroke team bleep 463 (Stroke registrar) / Source of referral (please ring):
GP / A&E / MAU / Paramedic / Other

Date and time of First Contact with 1st HCP

Date__ /__ /__: time __ : __ (24h clock)
Name of referrer and contact phone number:
Date and time of referral:
Date__ /__ /__: time __ : __ (24h clock)
CLINIC DATE: Date__ /__ /__: time __ : __ (24h clock)
GP STAMP( name and address)
Patient details
Name :
Sex :
D.O.B. :
Tel. No.:
Carer’s name
Tel / Date and time of onset of symptom(s)
Date__ /__ /__: time __ : __ (24h clock)
Brief history
Previous TIA’s or Stroke? Yes / No
If yes, when and how many
Handed Left / Right
Preferred language
Interpreter needed Yes / No / Driver Yes / No
Is Hospital transport required? Yes / No
Type required Car Ambulance
if presenting within 7 days / POTENTIAL
POINTS / POINTS / Past Medical History:
Age >/=60 / 1
< 60 / 0
BP Systolic >140 or Diastolic ≥ 90 / 1
Systolic <140 & Diastolic < 90 / 0
Clinical features
Unilateral weakness / 2
Speech disturbance / 1
Sensory Loss/ other symptoms / 0
Duration >/= 60 minutes / 2 / Family History:
10 – 59 minutes / 1
< 10 minutes / 0
Diabetes Present / 1 / Social History:
Absent / 0
If score 4 or above, or more than 1 TIA in a week, or on anticoagulant follow high risk pathway
Current Drug Therapy:
Please start aspirin 300mg of immediately. If aspirin intolerant consider alternative anti-platelet
Please specify: -
  • If on Aspirin at time of event and/or other anti-platelet drug(s)
If on Warfarin and why? Most recent INR with date (if known):
Please circle any known additional risk factors:
Previous TIA / CVA, IHD Known carotid disease Atrial Fibrillation
Hypertension, Diabetes, Impaired LV function Acohol
Hyper-lipidaemia, Smoking Current /Ex Peripheral vascular disease Obesity
if current number/day