Data Communications SpecificationVersion 1.05ASIC
Version 1.05
7th September 2000
Notice To Readers
Copyright© Australian Securities & Investments Commission 1996 - 2000 with all rights reserved
This document is the property of the ASIC. No part of this document may be copied and used in other publications unless ASIC authorship is acknowledged
1. Overview...... 1
2. WAN Carrier service...... 1
3. TCP/IP...... 3
3.1. General...... 3
3.2. Link layer ( OSI layer 2 )...... 3
3.3. Network layer ( OSI layer 3 ) Internet Protocol ( IP )...... 3
3.4. Transport layer ( OSI layer 4 )...... 4
3.5 Failover Facilities...... 4
4. Customer Connection Pre-requisites...... 5
4.1 Customer Information for ASIC...... 5
4.2 ASIC Information for Customer...... 5
5. Connection Diagram...... 6
Appendix A - Amendment History...... 7
Data Communications SpecificationVersion 1.05ASIC
This document specifies the data communications protocols at the OSI layers one to four to be used by Australian Securities & Investments Commission Datastream application program. It includes:
·WAN carrier service
- failover facilities
Section 5. illustrates the general connectivity arrangements for the primary line. The secondary line connectivity arrangements mirror the primary - see section 3.5 Failover Facilities for details.
2.WAN Carrier service
Carrier technology / Frame Relay ( FR )Carrier service provider / Telstra National Frame Relay
Circuit type / Permanent Virtual Circuit ( PVC )
PVC Committed Information Rate (CIR) / To be determined by customer
Frame size / 2048 octets per frame
FR access line for customer (A-end) / To be provided by customer
FR access line for ASIC (B-end) / To be provided by ASIC
ASIC FR line number (B-end number) / Primary Y216028412N
Secondary Y216025673N
PVC B-end service address (both primary AND secondary) / Reserve Bank of Australia
Level 2B
65 Martin place, Sydney 2000
PVC B-end site contact / Duty operator
tel: 02-9551 9486
ASIC comms contact / Ben Tran
tel: 02 0011 2759
fax 02 9911 2777
Warren Loughhead
tel: 02 9911 2107
fax: 02 9911 2777
Frame Relay Access Device for customer / To be provided by customer
(Cisco with IOS 11.1 or greater recommended)
Frame Relay Access Device for ASIC / Cisco router
Telstra contact for FR service orders / Contact your Telstra account representative
3.1. General
The Datastream server application uses the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol ( TCP/IP ) protocol stack implementation provided by the Sun Solaris Version 2.5 Unix operating system from Sun Microsystems.
3.2. Link layer ( OSI layer 2 )
1.Link Layer circuit type: Frame Relay Permanent Virtual Circuit ( PVC ) configured as point-to-point link.
2.The IP datagrams are encapsulated in Frame Relay PVC as per RFC 1490.
3.3. Network layer ( OSI layer 3 ) Internet Protocol ( IP )
Note that identical processes must be followed for access to the primary and secondary ASIC assess paths.
1.Internet Protocol ( IP ), as per RFC's 791, 815, 950 etc. by IETF, is used for routing Datastream data between the ASIC's Datastream Server host and a customer's host.
2.Static routes are to be configured and used for the data traffic between ASIC's Datastream server host and a customer's host.
3.Each customer assigns a IP subnet number to its own FR PVC based point-to-point link.
4.Each customer assigns IP addresses to the DLCIs at both ASIC's end and their own end of the FR PVC in order to create a virtual point-to-point serial link connection between ASIC's and the customer's routers.
5.ASIC configures its dedicated Datastream router at RBA site with the IP address assigned by customer for the PVC. This IP address will be used by the static route as next hop address for the IP packets travelling in the direction from the customer's host to the Datastream Server host.
6.The customer configures its own router to use the IP address for its own PVC. This IP address will be used by the static route as next hop address for the IP packets travelling in the direction from the Datastream Server host to the customer's host.
7.The multiple PVCs from Datastream customers terminating at the ASIC's router are configured as subinterfaces on one common physical serial interface used to access the Frame Relay network.
8.ASIC configures its internal network devices to provide a both way static route between ASIC's Datastream server host and a customer's host.
9.The customer configures its internal network devices to provide a both way static route between ASIC's Datastream server host and the customer's host.
3.4. Transport layer ( OSI layer 4 )
Transmission Control Protocol ( TCP ), as per RFC's: 793, 761, 675 etc by IETF, is used to provide connection oriented reliable data stream delivery between ASIC's Datastream server host and a customer's host.
3.5 Failover Facilities
Failover facilities are being provided in the form of duplicate Frame Relay B-ends. This means that ASIC will provide duplicate access services to the ASIC mainframe, accessed through the primary and secondary B-ends.
- the “primary” service, available since the inception of the Datastream service in 1996. This provides access as described in section 3.3 to the Datastream primary application server.
- the ”secondary” service, implemented in August 2000 to duplicate ASIC access services thus allowing customers to implement failover capabilities. This also provides access as described in section 3.3 but uses duplicate ASIC equipment such as firewall, routers, communications links and Datastream application server. This secondary service will provide identical functionality for ASIC information products as the primary service. However, the secondary service does not provide routing capabilities to access State business names applications.
Customers who wish to take advantage of the failover capabilities provided by the duplicate ASIC access services should acquire a link to the both the primary and secondary services, and implement their own switching service. This could be from a single A-end, or from duplicate A-ends. Customers are encouraged to acquire duplicate A-ends because this will maximise the channel duplication and hence failover capability. Switching of traffic between primary and secondary access service must be managed by customer systems.
The primary B-end will permit routing to state business names sites. The secondary line will not. ASIC does not provide failover facilities on the state business names routing service.
New brokers must connect initially to the primary B-end and may choose to have an additional connection to the secondary service,
Passwords are replicated between the primary and secondary Datastream application servers within 1 minute. Customers are advised to not switch between lines for 1 minute after having changed their password.
4. Customer Connection Pre-requisites
Before a customer can be connected, information must be exchanged with the ASIC. Customers must supply the ASIC with the information described in "Customer Information", and the ASIC must supply the customer with the information described in "ASIC Information"
4.1 Customer Information for ASIC
Item / DescriptionCustomer comms contact / Name and telephone number of person responsible for communications link setup only. Once the link has been established and is stable, maintenance will be an operational issue addressed elsewhere.
Customer host IP address and subnet netmask / The IP address of the customer's host/hosts. This is required so that end-to-end static routing can be set up. The netmask for the subnet containing the host is also required.
CIR and DLCI for the Frame Relay PVC / The customer must inform ASIC about the following Frame Relay details:
1.) DLCI number assigned by Telstra to the ASIC end of the Frame Relay PVC.
2.) CIR value assigned to the PVC by the customer
Customer-assigned subnet netmask and IP addresses for link / The customer must assign a subnet and IP addresses to the Frame Relay PVC link. The netmask for this subnet is also required. When complete, this information must be sent to ASIC by fax, mail or email.
4.2 ASIC Information for Customer
Communications-related information provided is:
Item / DescriptionDatastream server IP address and subnet netmask / The IP address of the Datastream server machine and the netmask for the subnet containing the Datastream server.
Additional application-related information is required: port numbers, userids and passwords, but these are not communications issues, and will be supplied by the Datastream application support staff.
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Data Communications SpecificationVersion 1.05ASIC
5.Connection Diagram
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Data Communications SpecificationVersion 1.05ASIC
Appendix A - Amendment History
Version 00.30
Released to brokers on 11/11/96. This version is a firm draft for the implementation of the production pilot on 1 January 1997.
Version 1.00
Released to brokers on 16th December 1996
Added section 4, Customer Connection Pre-requisites, to more clearly specify what information must be exchanged before a customer can be connected.
Version 1.01
Released to brokers on 4th March, 1997
4.1 add extra items
5.0 minor changes to connection diagram
Version 1.02
Released to brokers on 4th April, 1997
2. add additional contact information, update addresses
Version 1.03
Released to brokers on 12th January 1998
2. Altered ASIC comms contact details and Telstra contact details
4.1 Added additional details
Version 1.04
Released to brokers on 1st August 1998
AllAlter naming from "ASC" to "ASIC"
2. Altered "B-end" details to reflect relocation of ASIC equipment
Altered ASIC comms contact details
5. Updated connection diagram
Version 1.05
Released to brokers7th September 2000
1. Add details of secondary service, to provide failover facilities.
2. Update contact details.
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