June 17, 2010

Meeting Summary


Present Board members - Rose Amador, David Baer, Denise Boland, Brian Chrisman, Janeen Dittrick, Jack Estill, Tom Fink, Joe Flynn, Bill Guthrie, Susan Koepp-Baker, Paul Krutko, Van Le, Glenn Ledet, Marcia Lillis, Rocky Maddex, David Matuszak, Dan Miranda, Ananth Nagaraj, Mark Novak, Rachel Perez, Steve Preminger, Luz Marie Rodriguez, Rashad Said, Dani Sellers, Sajeev Sidher, Lloyd Tran, Henri Villalovoz, Jorge Zavala

Absent Board members - Benny Boveda, Barry Cristina, Sarah Do, Richard Friberg, Michelle Montoya, Brenda Moore, Pamela Moore, Kathy Ricossa, Hermalinda Sapien, Alex Torres, Bryan Van Huystee, Erin Wright

II.  OPENING REMARKS: ready by Vice Chair, Luz Maria Rodriguez


Action: Upon motion by Board member Joe Flynn, seconded by Board member Rocky Maddex, and approved unanimously, the Board accepted the following consent items:

(a) CQI Dashboard Reports for March and April 2010.

(b)  Grant Report for May 2010.

(c)  Executive Committee’s April 29, 2010 recommendation to approve consultant for website enhancements with Finance Committee recommendation to approve up to 175K funding.

(d)  Executive Committee’s June 3, 2010 recommendation to approve consultant for Small Business Study.

(e)  American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)/Integration Update.

(f)  NUMMI Update.


A.  Old Business

Action: Upon motion by Board member Steve Preminger, seconded by Board member Jack Estill, and approved unanimously, the Board of Directors accepted the March 18, 2010 work2future Board Meeting Summary.

B.  New Business

1. Action: Upon motion by Board member Jack Estill, seconded by Board member Mark Novak, and approved unanimously, Benny Boveda, District Manager of Target Stores and incumbent Board Chair for FY 2009-2010 was re-elected Board Chair for FY 2010-2011.

Action: Upon motion by Board member Rashad Said, seconded by Board member Steve Preminger, and approved unanimously, Joseph Flynn, Founder/CEO, and President of Lavante, Inc., and Finance Committee Chair, was elected Vice Chair of the Board.

Per the requirements of the Workforce Investment Act, nominees were from the private sector.

2. Rapid Response-Funded Requests for Proposals (RFP)/Green Study

Action: Upon motion by Board member Jack Estill, seconded by Board member Rocky Maddex, and approved unanimously, staff’s recommendation to contract with BBC Research and Consulting (BBC) to provide a rapid response study was accepted.

Action: Upon motion by Board member Steve Preminger, seconded by Board member Rocky Maddex, and approved unanimously, staff’s recommendation to approve the negotiation and execution of a contract with BW Research Partnership, Inc. (BW Research) to conduct a study of emerging industries and technologies in the Green Economy was accepted.

Executive Director Jeff Ruster acknowledged the arrival of Dani Sellers and shortly thereafter, the arrival of Susan Koepp-Baker.

3. FY 2010-11 Budget

Action: Upon motion by Board member Susan Koepp-Baker, seconded by Board member Rocky Maddex, work2future’s FY 2010-2011 operating budget was approved.

4. Healthy Workers

Sarah Muller, Working Partnerships USA, introduced Healthy Workers, a new health insurance program for small businesses in Santa Clara County that do not currently offer health coverage to their employees.

5. work2future Performance Update

Assistant Director Christopher Donnelly reported on work2future’s current performance projections.

6. Adult/Dislocated Worker and Youth Contracts

Action: Upon motion by Board member Steve Preminger, seconded by Board member David Baer, and approved unanimously, the FY 2010-2011 contract for Workforce Institute’s Adult and Dislocated Worker services was approved.

Action: Upon motion by Board member Denise Boland, seconded by Board member Dr. Mark Novak, (recusals by Rashad Said and Rose Amador), the FY 2010-2011 contracts for year-round youth service providers were approved.

7. TANF-Funded Summer Youth Program

Action: Upon motion by Board member Tom Fink, seconded by Board member Van Le, and approved unanimously, the funding plan to provide summer 2010 youth work experience program was approved.

C. Set Items for Next Agenda

General funding update

Tom Fink to report on Transit Career Ladder Program

D. Announcements

Dr. Mark Novak – mentioned the Board Orientation Binder and complimented staff on its production.

Tom Fink – attended the San Diego Workforce and Economic Development Conference and presented a workshop.

Jack Estill – suggested assigning new Board members to an existing Board member to bring them up to speed.

Janeen Dittrick – asked the Board to let her know if anyone is interested in being involved in the Governor’s initiative to make returning vets aware of their benefits.

BJ Sims – announced the last job fair of FY 2009-2010 in Morgan Hill on June 24, 2010.

Van Le – announced the 2nd largest Vietnamese festival presented by Vietnamese Community of Northern California, and encouraged Board members to participate and have booths at the fair.

Steve Preminger – announced that Building Peaceful Families will be holding a program on August 14, 2010 at San Jose State University.

David Baer – announced that the Inside Wireman’s Apprenticeship Program is accepting applications. The website,, has additional information regarding the apprenticeship announcement. Jobs start at $22.00 an hour.

E. Next Meeting

The next Board meeting is currently scheduled to take place on Thursday, September 16, 2010 at 11:30 a.m. at the One Stop San Jose, 1290 Parkmoor Ave., San Jose, 794.1100.


There were no public comments.

VI.  Adjournment

Upon motion by Rashad Said, seconded by Tom Fink, and approved unanimously, the meeting was adjourned.

