St. Mary’s County Public Schools
2014-2015 School –Wide PBIS: Specific Action Plan / School: / Town Creek Elementary
Together Creating Excellence
At Town Creek Elementary School (TCES) we believe in the potential of each student and
will do everything we can to help each child succeed in a safe and supportive learning environment.
Our Goals
Continue Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Achieve Gold Standard Recognition ( 5 consecutive years to date)
Fully Align Instruction and Assessment to the Maryland College and Career Readiness Standards
Emphasize Healthy Habits
Determine Appropriate Interventions withMaintenance and Generalization of Skills into the General Education Curriculum
Use Visualizing and Verbalizing for Language Comprehension and Thinking Program School-Wide
Maximize Use of Technology for Instruction/Learning (Moodle; Google Drive, Sites, Calendar; Promethean Boards; iPads; Laptops; “Clickers”)
Use Cooperative/Flexible Grouping and Movement Breaks
Develop Higher Order Thinking Skills/Questioning
Provide Differentiated Professional Development (PD)
Continue Green School Initiatives- determine a project i.e. butterfly garden, rain barrels
Have Fun While Learning!
Critical Elements
  1. PBIS Team established (membership, meeting times, leader roles, mission)
  2. Basic behavioral principles taught/reviewed with staff
  3. Faculty commitment is obtained and maintained throughout the school year
  4. Existing discipline data system is meaningful, data entered weekly and analysis plan established
  5. Discipline referral form compatible with SWIS
  6. Behaviors defined & categorized (minor/major)
  7. Discipline referral process established and flow chart developed
  8. Develop a Crisis Plan integrated into overall safety and PBIS Plans
  9. Consequences hierarchy developed (for classroom & office)
  10. Expectations developed (3-5 positively stated)
  11. Rules developed for specific settings
  12. Lesson plans developed for teaching expectations/rules
  13. Reward/recognition program established (what, when, how)
  14. Plans developed for training staff and students and involve families and community
  15. Implementation plan established (what’s going to happen, when, how)
  16. Evaluation of PBIS activities (How are we doing? What needs to be modified, maintained or terminated?)

Critical Element # / Action/Activity / Who is responsible? / When will it be started? / When will it be completed? / When will we evaluate it?
1,4, 15 / PBIS Team established, meeting times scheduled, leader roles established, review mission, review current data at team meetings and staff meetings / SMCPS Specialists/
TCES Staff / August 2014 / Ongoing / June 2015
2,6, 7,9 / Behaviors defined/categorized as minor/major, referral process established via flow chart. Adjustments to the classroom consequences hierarchy for better alignment with PBIS initiatives / SMCPS Specialists/
TCES Staff / August 2014 / September 2014 / June 2015
11, 12, 14 / Provide staff with a procedural handbook for recess that includes specific rules for the recess setting that align to the school PBIS rules of behavior, supervision guidelines, and activity suggestions. Lesson plans developed and implemented with regards to playground expectations reviewed by the classroom teacher and physical education teacher / Debora Settle, PBIS Coordinator/
Marie Hankinson, Principal / September 2014 / September 2014 / June 2015
Critical Element # / Action/Activity / Who is responsible? / When will it be started? / When will it be completed? / When will we evaluate it?
6 / Collect/Analyze data for ODR and ISIC referrals – consider disproportional, second and third tier interventions at GLPLC/SIT meetings and make referrals to PST/IEP Team / GLPLC Teams / August 2014 / Ongoing / June 2015
14 / Guidelines for classroom consequences hierarchy established. School-wide training on strategies from 1,2,3 Magic for Teachers: Effective Classroom Discipline Pre-K through Grade 8 / E. Tex/S. Langton / August 2014 / Ongoing / June 2015
14 / Provide 3 school-wide classroom behavior management system options: Option 1 (Preferred) Strategies from 1,2,3 Magic for Teachers; Option 2 Color/Clip System with Recovery; Option 3 Token Economy System with Response Cost / PBIS Team/SIT Members / August 2014 / Ongoing / June 2015
3, 13 / Revise rewards/incentives for both students and staff. Include school wide PBIS celebrations (ex. Terrapin Tuesdays, Tenacious Terrapins, school TC ticket events, special seat drawing for assemblies). Establish tentative dates for celebrations / PBIS Team/SIT Members / August 2014 / Ongoing / June 2015
Critical Element # / Action/Activity / Who is responsible? / When will it be started? / When will it be completed? / When will we evaluate it?
4, 5 / Use of SMCPS discipline referral form compatible with SMCPS data system (no funding for SWIS) / PBIS Team/TCES Staff / August 2014 / Ongoing / June 2015
6 / -Daily check-in/check-out with a staff member / Guidance Counselor/TCES Staff/Parents / September 2014 / June 2015 / Improved positive behavior and work habits
8 / Crisis Plan developed according to SMCPS guidelines and posted on SMCPS Safety & Security website / TCES Crisis Team / July 2014 / August 2014 / Quarterly Crisis Team Meetings and after each scheduled drill
16 / Evaluate PBIS activities / PBIS Team / August 2014 / Monthly / June 2015
10 / Identify Yellow/Red Zone students reinforcing school rules in FLOW / Flow Coordinator / September 2014 / Ongoing / June 2015

Critical Elements

  1. PBIS Team established (membership, meeting times, leader roles, mission)
  2. Basic behavioral principles taught/reviewed with staff
  3. Faculty commitment is obtained and maintained throughout the school year
  4. Existing discipline data system is meaningful, data entered weekly and analysis plan established
  5. Discipline referral form compatible with SWIS
  6. Behaviors defined & categorized (minor/major)
  7. Discipline referral process established and flow chart developed
  8. Develop a Crisis Plan integrated into overall safety and PBIS Plans
  9. Consequences hierarchy developed (for classroom & office)
  10. Expectations developed (3-5 positively stated)
  11. Rules developed for specific settings
  12. Lesson plans developed for teaching expectations/rules
  13. Reward/recognition program established (what, when, how)
  14. Plans developed for training staff and students and involve families and community
  15. Implementation plan established (what’s going to happen, when, how)
  16. Evaluation of PBIS activities (How are we doing? What needs to be modified, maintained or terminated?)