Data Sources for NPS-1 Study


Name / Description / Type
American Community Survey / Demographics / Open Source
Dun & Bradstreet / Business locations / Commercial
Navteq / Road network / Commercial
Tiger/LINE / Block group shape files / Open Source
NCES / School and College enrollments / Open Source
NHTS / Travel Survey data / Open Source
Destination DC / DC visitor data / Open Source
Smithsonian Institution / Tourism data / Open Source data catalog / Locations of police stations, fire stations, and hospitals / Open Source
DC MPD / Numbers of sworn police personnel / Open Source


Links to DC transportation data

Information about transit during an emergency in DC.Includes some walking trails and evacuation plans. Copy of PDF added to attachments.

•The Potential for an Uncontrolled Mass Evacuation of the DC Metro Area Following a Terrorist Attack: A Report of Survey Findings

DC Evacuation Routes. Evacuation routes for DC and surrounding areas. Includes designated shelters and hospitals.

Name / Description / Type
NAVTEQ / Road network / Commercial
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority / Bus routes - / Developer registration required
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority / Metro network / Developer registration required
DTRA / Rubble, damage,
debris estimates / Project specific


Data from DTRA

•Finely resolved contours for radiations up to 24 days

•Data from DTRA NUCFASTstudy, includingbuilding collapse data, etc

•Shapefiles forradiological dosage rates, blast circles, probability of casualty including fatalities and injuries in the open and in structures, up to 48 hours

Electrical Power

Name / Description / Type
Substations /
/ Open Source
DC Infrastructure details / Pepco ( / Open Source
Electricity generation / / Open Source
Electricity Consumption / / Open Source
Distribution network / Tracing power lines on Google earth, identify lines based on overhead clearing / Discussion with subject matter expert, ECE-VT
Transmission network / Transmission 2000 data, power system simulation software to find grid interconnects / Commercial, ECE-VT


Name / Description / Type
TowerMaps / Information about cellular infrastructure for major providers, e.g., location, type ( / Commercial
Sprint Sites / Sprint’s API for locating cell towers ( / Commercial
AT&T Towers / AT&T’s API for getting information about cell towers ( / Commercial
CDC Tobacco Use Survey (TUS) / Health survey conducted by CDC that also contains information about device ownership / Open Source
Prof. Jeff Reed / Director, Wireless@VT, Expert in Cellular Networks and Cognitive Radios / Discussion with subject matter expert
Dr. Nishith Tripathi, Award Solutions / Expert in LTE technology / Discussion with subject matter expert


Name / Description / Type
Dun & Bradstreet / Business locations / Commercial
National Registry of Hospitals / Hospital Capacities and coordinates / Open Source
Federal Medical Station Program presentation / Program description, capabilities, resource requirements, layout, deployment times for FMS. / PowerPoint presentation from DHHS and CDC
The “RTR” Medical Response System for Nuclear and Radiological Mass-Casualty Incidents / Program description, capabilities, resource requirements, layout, deployment times for RTRs. / Journal Article
Hrdina et al., 2009
FM 4-02.7 Multiservice CBRNE Manual / Multiservice procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) environment. Including deployment of resources. / DoD Field Manual
Medical Response to a Nuclear Detonation: Creating a Playbook for State and Local Planners and Responders / General information about health procedures, background information about playbook activities. / Journal article
Murrain-Hill et al., 2011