Data Types Suggested by Virginia DCR in

“Local Watershed Management Planning in Virginia:

A Community Water Quality Approach”

Compilation by Hal Hunter as of January 1, 2005

Data In Hand or Available Locally

Conservation easements – Virginia Outdoors Foundation and County Clerk; also mapped in comprehensive plan

Land ownership – 2004 Rappahannock County Real Estate Database (in hand)

Existing and historical land uses - local

Zoning and subdivision regulations – County Administrator; also available electronically

Permitted point source discharges –call Medge Carter to confirm Sperryville Sewage Treatment Plant as the only permitted source

Future land use – local

Highway rights of way – a have a call into VDOT

Recreational sites – Stewart Field & new ballpark in Amissville plus county park

Historical sites – historical survey results are shown in USGS quad maps

Forest cover – Beverly has? (note: this will result from our computer analysis of aerial photos)

Rare, endangered or threatened species – see attached list

Missing Data

Water chemistry Biological monitoring Habitat

Water flow Wetlands Soils

Floodplain mapping Riparian buffers Stream morphology data Identified NPS pollutant sources

Existing GIS Data at Bev’s office (see County Comprehensive Plan)

Geology (Virginia Division of Mineral Resources: Map 2)

Topography (USGS Digital Elevation Model: 30 meter resolution: Map 3)

Rappahannock River Watershed (Rappahannock River Basin Commission: Map 4)

Streams (US EPA Reach Files; USGS 30-m DEM Hillshade: Map 5)

Sub-Watersheds (Virginia’s 1995 Hydrologic Unit System: Map 6)

Slopes (USGS Digital Elevation Model 30 Meter: Map 7)

Prime Agricultural Soils on Moderate Slopes (Virginia DCR & Middle Peninsula Planning District Prime Agricultural Soils. USGS Digital Elevation Model 30 meter: Map 8)

Land Cover (USGS National Land Cover 1992-2002: Map 9)

Agricultural/Forestal Districts (Rappahannock County Administrator: Map 10)

Conservation Easements (Virginia Outdoors Foundation 2003: Map 11)

Public Facilities (Rappahannock County Administrator: Map 12)

Data Sources

Organizations and contact persons are shown below, with the types of missing data that DCR says they should have, and notes on progress.

Commonwealth of Virginia

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)

Shelby Hertzler, Warrenton: 347-6420 (no data)

Ms. Jody Aston: (804) 371-8984 (no contact yet)

Kelly McDaniel; (804) 443-8237. Kelly recommends . . .

Karl Huber: (804) 371-7484; - he’s the right person; I told him that Beverly will call. (He has a CREP overlay that shows points but not persons.)

Floodplain mapping: Kelly will get

Riparian buffers

Topography (We have Digital Elevation Models GIS layers)

Identified NPS pollutant sources – Soil & Water EO1, etc.

Also land use cover, according to Jeff Walker

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)

James Beckley: 804 698-4025 is to send me stuff; nothing yet

[Bryant Thomas, Woodbridge: (703) 583-3843]

Water chemistry Biological monitoring

Habitat Water flow

Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF)

Tom Gunter: (804) 367-6764; cell (804) 305-8940: trout surveys on the Rappahannock & north fork of the Thornton; see and Shenandoah National Park

Shelly Miller, aquatic biologist: (804) 367-0909: has GIS, species locations, cold water survey data, threatened & endangered species:

Kathy Graham: (804) 367-9717 fish & wildlife information system

Water chemistry

Biological monitoring -

Stream morphology data - no

Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (DMME)

(276) 523-8146 (no contact yet)

Water chemistry Biological monitoring

Soils Topography

Stream morphology data Existing and historical land uses

Permitted point source discharges Identified NPSA pollutant sources

Virginia Department of Forestry (DOF)

Michael Santucci, Forester:

Herb Reynolds, Technician:

Virginia Department of Forestry

P. O. Box 148, 308 Thrift Road, Madison, Virginia 22727-0148


Water chemistry Habitat

Riparian buffers Stream morphology data

Forest cover

Department of Health (DOH)

Medge Carter: 675-3516 (8:00-9:30 am)

Sperryville and the two public schools are the only permitted point source discharges. The Town is considering what to do. Aileen had a permit, not likely to be renewed.

Water chemistry Identified NPS pollutant sources

Virginia Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (VDACS)

(804) 786-2373

Identified NPS pollutant sources – no data; talk to conservation

Virginia Dept of Transportation (VDOT)

Ben Atkins, Environment: 347-6441 left callback

Highway rights of way Stream morphology data -

Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC)

Not related

Regional Organizations

Rappahannock-Rapidan Planning Commission (RRRC)

Jeff Walker: (540) 829-7450

Culpeper Soil & Water Conservation District (CSWCD)

Greg Wichelns, District Manager: 825-8591; .

Cliff Miller, Director: 987-3165 home, 987-9559 office, 804 564-7981 cell;

Monira Rifaat, Director: 987-8613;

Dick McNear, Associate Director & former Chairman of the Board: 987-8150;

CWOs ???

Federal Agencies

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Virginia DEQ is the state contact for EPA

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

Joe Thompson: 825-4200 ext 108

Habitat Wetlands

Soils Riparian buffers

Identified NPS pollutant sources

USDA Virginia Cooperative Extension Office

Kenner Love: 675-3619

USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA)

Robert Williamson, County Executive Director: 825-4200

Digital Ortho Aerial Photos of County 2003

US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS)

See Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries: (804) 367-1000

US Geological Survey (USGS)

Shenandoah National Park

Dan Hurlbert, GIS Specialist: (540) 999-3302; left voice message.

Shane Spitzer, Hydrology: (540) 999-3434 and I are playing telephone tag

Programs and Initiatives for Agricultural Land Uses

Virginia Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) Cost-Share Program

Virginia Agricultural Best Management Practices Loan Program

Virginia Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) Tax Credit Program

Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)

Gary Moore: (804) 692-0070. Query database at

Conservation Reserve program (CRP)

Wildlife Habitat Incentives program (WHIP)

Environmental Quality Incentives program (EQIP)

Rappahannock County Rare and Endangered Species

Federal Endangered/State Endangered

Salamander, Shenandoah Plethodon shenandoah

Federal Threatened/State Threatened

Shrike, migrant loggerhead Lanius ludovicianus migrans

Skipper, Appalachian grizzled Pyrgus wyandot (=centaureae wyandot)

Federal Species of Concern (not a legal status; list maintained by USFWS Virginia Field Office)

Darter, Appalachia Percina gymnocephala

Warbler, cerulean Dendroica cerulea

Myotis, eastern small-footed Myotis leibii

Cottontail, Appalachian Sylvilagus obscurus

Fritillary, regal Speyeria idalia idalia

Woodrat, Allegheny Neotoma magister

State Threatened

Shrike, loggerhead Lanius ludovicianus

Falcon, peregrine Falco peregrinus

Sandpiper, upland Bartramia longicauda

State Special Concern (not a legal status)

Tern, Caspian Sterna caspia

Harrier, northern Circus cyaneus

Moorhen, common Gallinula chloropus cachinnans

Wren, winter Troglodytes troglodytes

Thrush, hermit Catharus guttatus

Owl, barn Tyto alba pratincola

Egret, great Ardea alba egretta

Otter, northern river Lontra canadensis lataxina

Nuthatch, red-breasted Sitta canadensis

Creeper, brown Certhia americana

Kinglet, golden-crowned Regulus satrapa

Warbler, golden-winged Vermivora chrysoptera

Finch, purple Carpodacus purpureus

Warbler, magnolia Dendroica magnolia

Dickcissel Spiza americana