Reference Guide

The Data-Maxx JAVA application can be used to enter or scan information for labor hours for employees, equipment hours used, materials used, and/or production quantities placed. This information can be collected either real time or after the fact. Scanners can be attached to certain models of Motorola phones to allow for easier input of the data, however, all data can be input on the keypad of the phone, or selected from a dropdown list.

When loading the application to the website for distribution to handsets, the DATA-MAXX.jad file can be modified before load for easier distribution. You will need to know what levels of information you would like to collect (up to 9 levels per transaction are available), and the type of data that will be in each type of field being collected. You will also need to know your static IP address for your internet connection. The file is normally modified by your Data-Maxx technical support representative based on discussed criteria for your implementation. The following is an example of a .jad file.



departmentScanDefault: yes


lbl-department: DEPARTMENT



MIDlet-Jar-Size: 81840





lbl-Level9: LEVEL 9


lbl-job: JOB

lbl-Level8: LEVEL 8

lbl-Level7: LEVEL 7




costcodeTextboxType: N

lbl-costcode: COST CODE

level7ScanDefault: no

gpsinterval: 15

level8TextboxType: N

jobTextboxType: N

lbl-phase: PHASE

level9ScanDefault: no

phaseTextboxType: N


lbl-qty: QUANTITY

lbl-employee: EMPLOYEE

MIDlet-Vendor: Motorola, Inc.

MIDlet-1: DATA-MAXX,,punch.AppMain

quantityScanDefault: no


departmentTextboxType: N

opchkbox: false

lbl-operation: OPERATION

showClearMenuItem: true

port-number: 5900


level7TextboxType: N

lbl-punchtype: PUNCH TYPE

costcodeScanDefault: no

gps-delay: low

level8ScanDefault: no

jobScanDefault: yes

employeeTextboxType: N

level9TextboxType: N

MIDlet-Version: 1.0.0



usePrefixEmp: yes

phaseScanDefault: no

gps-use: false



The Data-Maxx JAVA application can have up to 9 fields requested per transaction. By default, they are labeled Employee, Department, Job, Phase, Cost Code, Quantity, Level 7, Level 8, and Level 9. If this file is configured before it is uploaded to the website, all phones downloaded with the application will not have to have additional configuration done on the handset. This file also allows for your static IP address under server name, along with the port number (should be 5500). Under normal circumstances, your Data-Maxx technical rep will configure this file and upload it to your phone service login during installation based on your answers to configuration questions. Once the .jad file is configured according to your specifications, it can be uploaded to the website.

To load the application to the website and assign it to the phones, login to the website, go to Mobile Application Manager. Select Application Library, then Upload Application. Point to the appropriate DATA-MAXX.jar and DATA-MAXX.jad files. Then fill in the information, typing in an application name, listing 100 as the size of the program and data space, and at least one supported version #, minimum 355, all versions. Assign the application to the appropriate handsets in this same section. If the handset is not showing, you must contact your service carrier. It is possible that the particular handset does not have data transmission service on it or that Mobile Application Manager is not on your account.

If you are using the bar code scanner, you must also load the AC25 Updater .jar and .jad file to the website and also assign it to the phones that will be using it.

Once the application has been uploaded and assigned to the appropriate handsets, you can install it from the handset itself. In order to do this, hit the menu button on the phone, then go to JAVA applications.

From JAVA applications, choose:

  1. Download Apps, New Purchases
  2. You should see the following: DATA-MAXX and AC25 UPDATER (note you will only see the AC25 UPDATER if you are using the bar code reader)
  3. Select to install each application.

Once installed, go into JAVA applications, choose DATA-MAXX.

The main menu has the following functions

Punch – used to input or scan punches.

Review/Edit – only available once punches have been input. Allows user to edit or review punches.

Reports – allows user to get the total hours per employee

Send/Receive – sends punches to the server database

Configuration – allows user to set up fields requested in punch screen. Also allows entry of defaults for the fields, and the static IP address and port number to send to. This information can also be put in the .jad file so everything is already set up correctly when the application is installed.

About – allows user to view information regarding the application.

Clear – clears all transactions in the data file.

If your configuration was pre-set in the DATA-MAXX.jad file loaded to the website, then there is nothing needed in configuration. You may start using the application right away by going into the punch menu. You can move throughout the DATA-MAXX menu by hitting the up or down arrows on the keypad of your phone. To access the punch menu, highlight Punch, then hit Select, which corresponds to the button underneath the screen.

When you enter the Data-Maxx main menu, if you have turned GPS on in the configuration file, you should see a “G” in the upper right corner of the screen. The GPS module is available as a module add-on to your data collection system. It allows all timestamps to contain GPS coordinates available at the time they were punched in, which can then be viewed and printed with the punch.


Punch will go through each of the prompts that have been set up in configuration, one line per screen. It will also show the last data scanned or input underneath each of those prompts. When you go into Punch, it will first ask Operation. This is either In, Out or Switch. In means the employee or resource is punching in. Out means they are leaving for the day, and switch means they are switching from job to job or task to task. You can either scan the operation bar code or input a 1, 2 or 3. 1 is an In, 2 is an Out, and 3 is Switch. If you input information in any of the fields instead of scanning it, you then must hit Scan to enter it and move on to the next field. You can also select the data from a dropdown list if you have enabled that option by hitting the menu button when you are in that field, then Select, then Sel From List.

Next, the punch menu will ask for the next field listed in configuration. At each of the prompts, as above in Operation, you can scan the data, input it, or select it from a list. To scan it, just touch the scan button and bar code scan the bar code. Once read, the screen will move on to the next item. When you scan the first person or resource in, and are returned to operation, you can scan additional employee or resource #s in without going through all prompts if all items are to be the same. For instance, if you have punched or scanned Operation In, input a job #, input a cost code #, and input the first employee, if subsequent employees are going to be working on the same job and cost code combination, when you return to Operation after the first employee, then you can scan the second employee #, the third employee #, the fourth employee #, etc., and all subsequent employees will be punched in with the job and cost code from the first employee transaction.


Once you have input or scanned transactions, you can review and edit them in the Review/Edit menu. If no transactions exist, the Review/Edit feature will not exist on the Main Menu.

Select Review/Edit and it will show the transactions in the window, one line for each transaction. Each line contains the employee number, the time punched, and the type of transaction, in or out. A switch will contain two lines with the same time, an out to clock out of the first job/task and an in at the same time to clock into the new job/task. In order to change a transaction, simply highlight it by moving down to it with the up or down arrows and then hit the send button the phone. This will go into the screen containing all of the information that can be edited, such as the job or task. You can change any of the information with edit boxes on it, then hit the Save button (corresponding button at the bottom of the screen). You can also remove a transaction by highlighting it and then hitting the remove button. In order to exit the Review/Edit screen, simply hit M Menu for Main Menu.


Once the application has been registered, you will see an item on the main menu titled Send/Receive. In order to register your application, within configuration there is a registration key code that Data-Maxx will give you a registration key from. The application will not send information until it has been registered.

Once you enter the Send/Receive function, you have the option of sending information or receiving updated data. The receive function will send all transactions that have been collected to the host using the information in the configuration screen for the IP address and port number. It will then return to the main menu. Once the transactions have been sent to the host, they will automatically be cleared from the phone. You can also receive updates of employees, departments, jobs, cost codes, etc from the host (corporate system running Data-Maxx software), by hitting receive on any of those items showing in this section. The handset will then be updated with the latest data from the Data-Maxx system.


Reports allows you to get a report to the screen of each employee and their total hours for the day. Select Reports, then Labor Reports, and you will see a total of all hours for all employees.


You need only go into the Configuration screen if your configuration was not set from the initial upload of the DATA-MAXX.jad file.

When you enter the configuration screen, the program allows you to select which fields you are tracking by selecting yes or no for each. Simply cursor through the different fields to either turn them on or off for tracking, and enter defaults, if necessary. Defaults will be carried with all transactions until they are changed. When done, hit Save and return to the main menu.


The About section lists the application name and copyright information for the Data-Maxx Traxx application.


The Clear option clears all transactions on the handset, useful for testing purposes.

Copyright All Rights Reserved 2004, Data-Maxx Technologies, Inc.