Data Field Summary: HCA release of NROSH data (data from May 2011)

(Revised 3 November 2014)

Data Extract File / Field name / NROSH Field No / Latest Data Standard (2006) Ref. / Data Standards Field Name / Description
1 / Addr1 / 3 / 1 / (Address) / Address
1 / Addr2 / 4 / 1 / (Address) / Address
1 / Addr3 / 5 / 1 / (Address) / Address
1 / Addr4 / 6 / 1 / (Address) / Address
1 / Addr5 / 7 / 1 / (Address) / Address
1 / Addr6 / 8 / 1 / (Address) / Address
1 / Addr7 / 9 / 1 / (Address) / Address
3 / BedroomCount / 16 / 44 / (BedroomCount) / Number of Bedrooms
3 / BedSpaceCount / 17 / 45 / (BedSpaceCount) / Number of Bed Spaces
2 / bS7666AdministrativeArea / 26 / 1 / (Address) / Address
2 / bS7666Locality / 27 / 1 / (Address) / Address
2 / bS7666PAON / 28 / 1 / (Address) / Address
2 / bS7666PAONDescription / 29 / 1 / (Address) / Address
2 / bS7666PAONStartRangeNumber / 32 / 1 / (Address) / Address
2 / bS7666PostCode / 34 / 1 / (Address) / Address
2 / bS7666SAON / 36 / 1 / (Address) / Address
2 / bS7666SAONDescription / 37 / 1 / (Address) / Address
2 / bS7666StreetDescription / 42 / 1 / (Address) / Address
2 / bS7666Town / 43 / 1 / (Address) / Address
3 / ChoiceBasedLettings / 56 / 94 / (ChoiceBasedLettings ) / Choice Based Lettings
3 / DateCreated / N/A / 14 / (ReportDetails/Created) / Report Date
3 / DateRated / 64 / 55 / (SAP/DateRated) / Date of SAP Rating
3 / DateValued / 69 / 30 / (Valuation/DateValued) / Date of Valuation
3 / Derivation / 70 / 39 / (Derivation) / Purpose Built or Converted
3 / DHS_ODPMStandardMet / 90 / 61 / (DHS/ODPMGuidelinesMet/ / Decent homes standard
3 / DPPropertyRef / 94 / 3 / (DPPropertyRef) / Data Provider’s Property Reference Number
4 / EstateName / 100 / 9 / (EstateName) / Data Provider's Estate Name
4 / EstateRef / 101 / 10 / (EstateRef) / Data Provider's Estate Reference Number
4 / Exclusivity / 102 / 24 / (Exclusivity) / Self Contained or Not Self Contained
4 / Form / 108 / 32 / (Form) / Form of Structure within which the Dwelling is Located
4 / Furnishing / 110 / 25 / (Furnishing) / Furnished/Unfurnished
4 / LALocationOfDwelling / 126 / 1.1 / (LALocationOfDwelling) / Local Authority in which the Dwelling is Located
4 / LivingRoomCount / 133 / 43 / (LivingRoomCount) / Number of Private Living Rooms
4 / ManagementAreaName / 137 / 21 / (ManagementAreaName) / Name of Management Area
4 / ManagementAreaRef / 138 / 22 / (ManagementAreaRef) / Reference Number of the Management Area
4 / ManagerRef / 139 / 8 / (ManagerRef) / Confirmation of Manager
5 / OwnerConfirmation / 152 / 7.1 / (OwnerConfirmation) / Confirmation of Ownership
5 / OwnerRef / 153 / 7.2 / (OwnerRef) / Code of the Owner
5 / PC_LCHO_SharedOwnershipPercentage / 155 / 23.31 / (SharedOwnershipPercentage) / Shared Ownership Percentage
5 / PC_LowCostHomeOwnership / 156 / 23.3 / (LowCostHomeOwnership) / Low Cost Home Ownership NB 23.1, 23.2 and 23.3 are mutually exclusive
5 / Rating / 164 / 54 / (SAP/Rating) / SAP Rating
5 / RentPaymentCount / 168 / 96 / (RentPaymentCount) / Rent Payments Per Year
5 / Type / 194 / 31 / (Type) / Type of Self Contained or Non Self Contained Dwelling or Other Form of Accommodation
5 / Value / 197 / 29 / (Valuation/Value) / Valuation
5 / YearBuilt / 200 / 40 / (PropertyAge) / Year Built

Data Field Description: HCA release of NROSH data (data from May 2011)

(Revised 3 November 2014)

Latest Data (2006) Standard Ref / Field Name / Description of Category / Allowable Data Entry
1 / Address
(Address) / There is a choice between:-
Option 1: A 5 Line Address – Same as Post Office Address – min of 2 lines/max of 5 lines plus a postcode. Each line up to 35 characters in length.
Option 2. A BS7666 address
This is a mandatory Field. Any records which lack a valid entry in this field will be automatically rejected. / 5 line Address
A BS7666 address
1.1 / Local Authority in which the Dwelling is Located
(LALocationOfDwelling) / The local authority administrative area within which the dwelling is geographically located. This will be identified using the Communities and Local Government 5 character code for local authorities prefixed by the letters LA.
This is a mandatory Field. Any records which lack a valid entry in this field will be automatically rejected. / LAX1111
3. / Data Provider’s Property Reference Number
(DPPropertyRef) / The reference number used by the data provider in their housing management system databases to identify the dwelling or dormitory. Format to be provided by the data provider.
For landlords participating in CORE, this should be the same number as they provide in the property details – LA/HA Property Reference box of the CORE log
This is a mandatory Field. Any records which lack a valid entry in this field will be automatically rejected. / 12 characters –allow for alphanumeric, and some common separators like slashes, dots and dashes.
Reduced from 20 Characters
7.1 / Confirmation of Ownership (OwnerConfirmation) / 1. The data provider is the outright owner of the freehold of the dwelling or dormitory
2. The data provider holds a lease of 21 years or more on the dwelling or dormitory
3. The data provider holds a lease of less than 21 years on the dwelling or dormitory
4. None of the above
This is a mandatory Field. Any records which lack a valid entry in this field will be automatically rejected. / OUTRIGHT_OWNER
7.2 / Code of the Owner
(OwnerRef) / If the data provider is the outright owner or holder of a lease of 21 or more years on the dwelling or dormitory as specified in Field 7.1 (OwnerConfirmation Categories 1 and 2), enter your data provider reference number as supplied by Communities and Local Government. This is the same identifier as used in Field 13 (DPCode)
If the data provider is not the owner or leaseholder as specified above on a dwelling or dormitory then the code for the organisation on whose behalf the property is being managed should be entered instead.
There will be a mix of formats:
Local Authoritieswill have the current Communities and Local Government 5 character code prefixed by the letters LA;
ALMOs will have the unique reference number issued by Communities and Local Government prefixed by the letters ALM. ALMO number is 4 numbers usually showing where in the ALMO rounds they were ie 01xx for round 1, 02xx for round 2 etc;
RSLs will use their Housing Corporation number prefixed by HA. The Housing Corporation number format is 1 or 2 letters followed by 4 numbers;
The codes for Other non-statutory organisations have still to be confirmed. For now the entry TBC should be made for any that fall into this category.
A general code (PL0000) applies to all properties which are leased from a private owner.
This is a mandatory Field. Any records which lack a valid entry in this field will be automatically rejected. / LAX1111
8. / Confirmation of Manager
(ManagerRef) / If the data provider carries out all management functions for the dwelling or dormitory this should be entered. If any arrangement exists conferring management of lettings and rent collection on another agency that agency should be identified by entering the appropriate unique reference code used by Communities and Local Government or Housing Corporation to identify local authorities, RSLs or non-statutory organisations which own or manage housing.
There will be a mix of formats:
Local Authoritieswill have the current Communities and Local Government 5 character code prefixed by the letters LA;
ALMOs will have the unique reference number issued by Communities and Local Government prefixed by the letters ALM. ALMO number is 4 numbers usually showing where in the ALMO rounds they were ie 01xx for round 1, 02xx for round 2 etc;
RSLs will use their Housing Corporation number prefixed by HA. The Housing Corporationnumber format is 1 or 2 letters followed by 4 numbers;
The codes for Other non-statutory organisations have still to be confirmed. For now the entry TBC should be made for any that fall into this category.
A general code (PL0000) should be entered for any properties which are leased to or managed by a private agency.
This is a mandatory Field. Any records which lack a valid entry in this field will be automatically rejected. / LAX1111
9. / Data Provider's Estate Name
(EstateName) / The name used by the data provider in their housing management systems to identify the estate in which the dwelling or property is located. For this purpose an estate is an area of predominantly social housing with clear boundaries. An area may still be regarded as an estate if substantial reductions in the stock of social housing have taken place through right to buy/acquire or clearance. It is for the managing agency to decide what is an estate and what is not, but it is recognised that many dwellings are not located in estates and, for these, a not applicable entry should be made. Format to be provided by the data provider. / 100 characters
10. / Data Provider's Estate Reference Number
(EstateRef) / The reference number or code used by the data provider and incorporated in their housing management systems to identify the estate in which the dwelling or property is located. For this purpose an estate is an area of predominantly social housing with clear boundaries. An area may still be regarded as an estate if substantial reductions in the stock of social housing have taken place through right to buy/acquire or clearance. It is for the managing agency to decide what is an estate and what is not, but it is recognised that many dwellings are not located in estates and, for these, a not applicable entry should be made.
Format to be provided by the data provider. / 20 characters
14. / Report Date
(ReportDetails/Created) / Date to the nearest second that the report was created (mandatory).
Standard Date (yyyy-mm-dd) and time format including seconds.
This is a mandatory Field. Any records which lack a valid entry in this field will be automatically rejected. / yyyy-mm-ddT11:11:11
21. / Name of Management Area (ManagementAreaName) / Where the managing agency subdivides its stock into neighbourhood or district units for management purposes the name of the unit that is responsible for the dwelling or dormitory. / 20 characters–allow for alphanumeric, and some common separators like spaces, slashes, dots and dashes.
22. / Reference Number of the Management Area (ManagementAreaRef) / Where the managing agency subdivides its stock into neighbourhood or district units for management purposes the reference number used to identify the unit that is responsible for the dwelling or dormitory. / 20 characters–allow for alphanumeric, and some common separators like spaces, slashes, dots and dashes.
23.3 / Low Cost Home Ownership
23.1, 23.2 and 23.3 are mutually exclusive / All schemes on part buy - part rent terms, equity loan schemes and statutory sales
1. Shared Ownership(SO), New Build and Rehab - Part Buy/Part Rent scheme where RSLs (or others) provide new build or rehabilitated properties for sale on shared ownership terms.
2. Leasehold Housing for Older People or Shared Ownership for Older People.
3. Housing Revenue Account Shared Ownership
An HRA funded dwelling which is subject to a shared ownership lease.
4. Newbuild Homebuy. Where the purchaser buys a minimum initial stake of 25% of a newly provided home including new build, conversion and rehabilitated stock. A housing association will retain the rest of the equity and will be able to charge a levy of up to 3% on their equity. The scheme was introduced in April 2006.
5. Home Ownership for people with Long term Disabilities
6. Social Homebuy. Where the purchaser buys a minimum initial stake of 25% of their rented home at a discount. A housing association will retain the rest of the equity and will be able to charge a levy of up to 3% on their equity. The scheme was introduced in April 2006. Formerly known as Rent to Mortgage.
7. Open Market Homebuy Purchasers are expected to raise finance to purchase around 75% of the asking price of the home on the open market. Housing associations provide a loan for the balance required, funded by Social Housing Grant, up to a maximum of £50,000. A small charge may be made on the equity loan provided. (etc - on 2007 RSR Guidance notes)
8. Any Other Shared Ownership
9. Leased under Right to Buy
10. Leased under Preserved Right to Buy
11. Leased under Right to Acquire
12. Any other sales that do not form part of the schemes above
13. Any Other Social Leased Housing / SO_NEW_REHAB
23.31 / Shared Ownership Percentage
(SharedOwnershipPercentage) / Include all schemes on part rent part buy, Social Homebuy, Newbuild homebuy, HOLD, LHOP and Shared Ownership - what is the current percentage of the equity owned by the occupant? / 0 to 100
24. / Self Contained or Not Self Contained (Exclusivity) / 1. A self contained dwelling is a unit of accommodation (normally a house or flat) designed to allow a household exclusive use of a shower or bath, inside toilet and kitchen facilities. Amenities may be located outside the front door but provided they are for the exclusive use of the occupants the accommodation is classed as self contained. Some self-contained dwellings, especially flats, may benefit from common services such as a central boiler for heating or hot water. The occupants of self contained dwellings in sheltered schemes may also have use of additional space such as a communal lounge.
2. A non self contained dwelling. This will consist of a room or rooms within a block of flats, sheltered scheme, hostel, House in Multiple Occupation - or similar entity, which is/are private to the tenant but which require sharing of some or all living, cooking, bathroom or toilet amenities In this case the size of the dwelling will be measured by the number of rooms, bedspaces, floorspace etc of the area for which the occupant has exclusive use. / SELF_CONTAINED
3. Dormitoryaccommodation. This is accommodation where the occupant has no space which is for their exclusive use. This means that while having their own tenancy or licence the occupant is sharing sleeping space with at least one other having a separate tenancy or licence. In these cases the dormitory, or dormitories if there is more than one in the hostel, is treated as a single unit and the size is measured by the number of bedspaces alone. These bedspaces will be identified specifically as shared bedspaces in field 45. / DORMITORY
25. / Furnished/
Unfurnished (Furnishing) / 1. Furnished accommodation is accommodation where all the basic requirements for sleeping, sitting, eating, storage and food preparation are fully provided as part of the terms of the tenancy.
2. Part furnished accommodation. This is accommodation where some of the basic requirements for sleeping, sitting, eating, storage and food preparation are provided as part of the terms of the tenancy, but the provision is only partial.
3. Unfurnished accommodation is all tenanted accommodation which is not included in 1 or 2 above.
  1. Available furnished or unfurnished. This is vacant accommodation where the basic requirements for sleeping, sitting, eating, storage and food preparation can be included as part of the terms of the next tenancy, but the provision is optional for the prospective tenant.
29. / Valuation (Valuation/Value) / A valuer's estimate of the price, in pounds sterling, that the property would sell for to an owner-occupier on the open market. For social rented properties this is the price that the sitting tenant would expect to pay before any discount is applied. / Positive integer up to 99999999. Do not include a £ sign.
30. / Date of Valuation (Valuation/
DateValued) / Date of valuation is the date at which the value ascribed to the property was a correct reflection of values in the housing market. This is not necessarily the date on which the valuation was carried out.
Standard Date format (yyyy-mm) / yyyy-mm
31. / Type of Self Contained or Non Self Contained Dwelling or Other Form of Accommodation
(Type) /
  1. Bungalow. A dwelling which occupies only one floor at ground level and has no other dwelling or non domestic unit either above or below it.
  1. Dormer bungalow. A dwelling which occupies primarily only one floor at ground level, but has limited additional accommodation in the roof space, and has no other dwelling or non domestic unit either above or below it.
  1. House. A dwelling other than a dormer bungalow, which occupies more than one floor and has no other dwelling or non domestic unit either above or below it.
  1. Flat. A dwelling which occupies only one floor and is located in a structure which contains other dwelling or non domestic units on floors above and/or below.
  1. Maisonette. A dwelling which occupies more than one floor and is located in a structure which contains other dwelling or non domestic units on floors either above or below.
  1. Caravan/mobile home.
  1. Boat
  1. Other
32. / Form of Structure within which the Dwelling is Located
(Form) / 1. Detached. A single dwelling which is free standing from any other structure except its own outbuildings.
2. Semi detached. A dwelling which shares a structural party wall with one other dwelling forming a pair which are free standing from any other structure except their own outbuildings.
3. Terraced. A dwelling forming part of a group of three or more dwellings linked by side party walls in a linear layout, excluding those defined as end terrace. Crescent layouts would be included.
4. End terrace. A dwelling at the end of a terrace of dwellings which therefore shares a side party wall with one other dwelling only.
4.1 Back to back terrace. A dwelling forming part of a group of three or more dwellings linked by side and rear party walls in a linear layout.
5. Grouped Design. A dwelling which shares a party wall with one or more other dwellings set out in a non linear layout such as a cluster or around a courtyard. Entrances will normally be private.
6. Residential block. A dwelling in a block, defined in field 11, which is entirely designed for residential or related use.
7. Mixed use block. A dwelling in a block, as defined in field 11, which contains a mix of units designed for both residential and non-residential use. / DETACHED
39. / Purpose Built or Converted
(Derivation) /
  1. Purpose built as a dwelling with its present design
  1. Converted from a previous residential dwelling or dwellings
  1. Converted from a structure which was previously used for non residential purposes
40. / Year Built
(PropertyAge) / The year in which the oldest part of the dwelling, or the structure in which the dwelling is contained, was originally completed. Provide best estimate where documented date is not available. / Date – year only. (yyyy – restricted between 1600 and 2010).
43. / Number of Private Living Rooms (LivingRoomCount) / The number of habitable rooms including reception rooms, dining rooms, studios, and box rooms but excluding kitchen dining rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, toilets, storerooms, pantries, cellars, garages and any other rooms not designed for living. A room which was intended in the design of the dwelling to be a living room but is being used as a bedroom should still be counted as a living room. Dormitory accommodation will be zero and a bedsit counted as 1. / 0 to 9
44. / Number of Bedrooms (BedroomCount) / Number of rooms intended for sleeping. Where a bedroom has been converted to another use such as an office, it should still be counted as a bedroom. Conversely a living room now used as a bedroom (eg for an invalid) should not be counted as a bedroom. Both dormitory accommodation and bedsits should be categorised as 0. / 0 to 9
45. / Number of Bed Spaces (BedSpaceCount) / A bedspace is an area in a dormitory or a private bedroom for one single bed. A double bedroom would count as two bedspaces; a small bedroom which could only accommodate a single bed would count as one bedspace. A single bedsit would count as one bedspace; a double bedsit as two bedspaces. In some housing management systems this is the permitted number of occupants or capacity / 1 to 99
54. / SAP Rating
(SAP/Rating) / SAP is the Government's Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings. The latest version is SAP2005, the full specification of which can be downloaded from .
The SAP rating method is designed specifically for dwellings and will not be easily applied to many dormitory units or hostels. In such cases the entry should be NK for Not Known. / 1 to 120
55. / Date of SAP Rating (SAP/DateRated) / Date to the nearest day on which the SAP rating ascribed to the property was a correct reflection of the energy efficiency of the property. This is not necessarily the date on which the site survey was carried out. / Standard Date format
61. / Decent homes standard (DHS/ODPMGuidelinesMet/StandardMet) / The dwelling meets the decent homes standard as defined in Communities and Local Government (formerly ODPM) guidelines / YES/NO
94. / Choice Based Lettings
(ChoiceBasedLettings) / Was the letting recorded in field 90 made through a choice based lettings scheme? / YES/NO
96. / Rent Payments Per Year
(RentPaymentCount) / Number of rent payments due per year. / 1 to 366