Data Analysis Through

Data Driven Dialog

March 2013

What do you know about the Collaborative Learning Cycle?

Sketch or write what you know about the Collaborative Learning Cycle and using Data Driven Dialog to analyze data.

The Collaborative Learning Cycle (Wellman & Lipton, 2004)


Prediction / Assumption
1. / 1.
2. / 2.
3. / 3.
4. / 4.
5. / 5.
6. / 6.

Activate and Engage

Exploring and Discovering

Rough Observation / Refined Observation

Planning for Collaborative Data Inquiry

Problem Solving Focus:


Potential Data Sets:

Meeting Date(s):

Organize and Integrate

Theories of Causation
Use this space to record at least three possible theories of causation related to your observation:
Select one theory to test against additional data. In the space below, record at least three sources of data that you could use to confirm this theory.

Collaborative Inquiry Process

Summary of Steps

Activate and Engage

·  Plan ahead for focus of the inquiry process.

·  Prediction and Assumption activity

·  5-10 minutes to generate personal list; work individually

·  Share out round robin and post.

·  Total Time: 10-20 minutes

Explore and Discover

·  Post on data sets on wall related to above inquiry focus

·  Rough and Refined activity

·  Work individually on observations at least 5 minutes

·  Share out round robin and post

·  Choose observations(s) to look at for causal theories

·  Total time: 20-40 minutes

Organize and Integrate

·  Theories of Causation activity

·  Individually fill out for observation chosen above

·  Round robin and post all theories.

·  Select theory to test with additional data.

·  Record additional data sources

·  May repeat for multiple theories

·  Assign additional data selection

·  Choose meeting date

·  Total Time: 20-40 minutes

Data Driven Dialog: A Facilitator’s Guide to Collaborative Inquiry (Wellman and Lipton)

District Data Analysis Session, March 2013