/ ENV.net
Development of the ENV.net in West Balkan and Turkey: giving citizens a voice to influence the environmental process reforms for closer EU integration
2012/306-642 /

Final Narrative report

1.1.Name of beneficiary of grant contract:
1.2.Name and title of the Contact person:
1.3.Title of the Action:
1.4.Contract number:
1.5.Start date and end date of the Action:
1.6.Project beneficiaries
1.7.Locations and country in which the activities took place

Financed in the framework of the EU-funded project:

Development of the ENV.net in West Balkan and Turkey: giving citizens a voice to influence the environmental process reforms for closer EU integration

PROJECT CODE: 2012/306-642


  • The information provided below must correspond to the financial information that appears in the financial report.
  • Please expand the paragraphs as necessary.
  • The Contracting Authority will reject any incomplete or badly completed reports.
  • The answer to all questions must cover the full implementation period of the Project.


1.General information

1.1.Executive summary of the Project

Please give a global overview of the Project's implementation for the whole duration of the project (twenty lines maximum)

2.Assessment of implementation of Action activities

2.1. Activities and results

Please list all the activities using the following table (1 table for each activity) in line with Annex 1 of the contract (application form) for the whole implementation of the project.

Title of the activity
(in line with annex 1)
description of its implementation
Problems incurred, if any
(including delay, cancellation, postponement of activities, changes in target, etc)
Number of beneficiaries (quantify these as much as it is possible)
Comments (observations on the performance and the achievements to specific objective, and whether the Action has had any unforeseen positive or negative results)

2.2. Activities that have not taken place

Please outline any activity foreseen in the contract, that have not taken place, explaining the reasons for these

2.3. Materials produced

Please list all materials (and no. of copies) produced during the Project on whatever format (please enclose a copy of each item).Please state how the items produced are being distributed and to whom.

Materials / Number of copies / Distributed to

2.5. Follow-up

Describe if the Action will continue after this project has ended. Are there any follow up activities envisaged? What will ensure the sustainability of the Action?What has your organisation/partner learned from the Action and how has this learning been utilised and disseminated?

3.Co-operation and synergies

3.1Relationship with Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development?

How do you assess the relationship between your organisation and the contracting authority?

3.2Relationship with public Institutions

How would you assess the relationship between your organisation and State authorities in the Actioncountry? How has this relationship affected the Action?

3.3Relationship with other organisations

Where applicable, describe your relationship with any other organisations involved in implementing the Action

3.4 Links with other projects

Where applicable, outline any links and synergies you have developed with other actions.


How do you evaluate co-operation with the services of the Contracting Authority?

Name of the contact person for the Action: ……………………………………………

Signature: ………………………………Location: ……………………………………

Date ……………………..…………………



The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission