Mr. Randazzo is a partner atRMA Consulting – Securitization Process Advisers.Among other positions, he worked for the Structured Products Group of Deutsche Bankand participated in several securitization transactions Has worked as Senior Associate Consultant for PriceWaterhouseCoopers Uruguay as a team leader in the feasibility analysis performedon Banco Hipotecario del Uruguay MortgageSecuritization Project and onAgricultural Investment Trusts.
His main professional activities have been
- Advisory on Standardization of Mortgage Loan Origination Procedures in El Salvador, as part of a program sponsored by the IDB for the development of a Secondary Mortgage Market.
- Researcher in ‘Basel II: Adoption and Adaptation in Latin America: Case of study El Salvador’, for IDB Research Department.
- Advisory to CTH (Corporación de Desarrollo de Mercado Secundario de Hipotecas) (Ecuador) on Risk management in Mortgage Securitization Processes in the Ecuadorian market.
- Advisory to Banco Pichincha (Ecuador) on the improvement of Origination and Servicing processes for Consumer and Mortgage loans, as a first step in the Securitization of those types of loans.
- Arrangement and structuring of the Mortgage Repo Facility established by Banco Central de la República Argentina.(U$S 500 MM) 1999
- Advisory to Banco Central de la República Argentina on Mortgage Loan Origination and Servicing guidelines. 1998
- First local currency mortgage loans securitization (Banco Hipotecario Nacional) U$ 222 millions 1996/7
- Creation, implementation and Setup of an Origination and Servicing Unit, including all Delinquency Recovery Processes for BACS (Banco de Crédito y Securitización S.A.), financial institution controlled by Banco Hipotecario and the IFC
- Advisory to IRSA (largest real estate investor in the Latam region) on the setup of a Mortgage Loan Origination and Servicing Unit. 1995
- Due Diligence and Pricing evaluation of Non-performing loans on an acquisition process analysis for Deutsche Bank.
- Pre-feasibility analysis for a Credit Card receivables Securitization for Diners Club International (Ecuador).
- Arrangement and structuring of BI Creditanstalt Multi-Asset Securitization Program ( U$S 200 MM). 2000
- Millennium Trust Securitization Programs
- Series 01: Euro Commercial Paper (U$S15 MM)
- Series 02: Bonte 03 (U$S 100 MM)
- Series 03: Export Loans (U$S 12.5 MM)
- Arrangement and structuring of Latin America's first non-performing loan Securitization for Banco Bansud-Banamex. 2001
- Banco de la República OrientaldelUruguay Payroll-loans Portfolio Securitization Project. 2001
- Consumer loans securitization programs, Banco Velox 2000
- Arrangement and structuring of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Financial Trust Securitization Global Program. 2000
- Analysis of the legal and regulatory frameworks the legal framework, regulations and market impact of potential securitization transactions in Mexico, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Uruguay and Costa Rica.
- Advisory to Banco de Córdoba on the improvement of Delinquency Recovery Processes
- Business Manager for the Argentine subsidiary of Deutsche Morgan Grenfell since its start up in 1995.
Mr. Randazzo held a post-graduate degree in Strategic Management School of Economics - National University of Buenos Aires, a post-graduate degree in Systems Engineeringfrom the School of Engineering of National University of Buenos Aires, and a degree in Economics from the School of Economics of the National University of Buenos Aires
Av. Santa Fe 1480 – Piso 5 – Of. “D”
C1060ABN – Buenos Aires – Argentina
(5411) 4813-4910 (Office)
56 years old