Daniel 8 : A balanced view on things to come

Daniel 8 describes how Daniel received a third vision of future things to come. Remember, Daniel finds himself in the 6th century BC during the period of the Babilonian Empire (where he is in exile along with his fellow Jews). In the first two visions, the Lord showed him a view over the entire future, right up to the completion of the world (chapters 2,7).

The Lord showed Daniel that, after the Babilonian Empire, there will come another 3 world-kingdoms who would dominate the entire (at that time) world: Medes and Persian, Greek, Roman. After the Roman Empire has come to a fall (476 AD), there would exist numerous autonomous kingdoms - independent from each other - until a man with world-influence would emerge and whose mission would be to persecute and exterminate the followers of Christ. The final Antichrist. He will personify satan himself, but his tyranny will be cut short by the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ. That will be the end of all human kingdoms. Christ and His followers will reign in the final and eternal kingdom. All this is written in Daniel 2 & 7.

The vision of chapter 8 takes a part of the above and zooms in on it. The visions of chapters 2 & 7 show the entire scenario - from the 6th century BC up to the completion of time. The vision of chapter 8 zooms in on only the next two Empires which would follow on the Babilonian Empire, namely the Medes and Persian and the Greek Empire. The angel who interprets the vision for Daniel says explicitly that it concerns the two empires which is to follow (vv 20-21).

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the vision, because the angel Gabriel explains the meaning of the ram and the goat, and history - which we know - confirms it. It is astounding and wonderful that the Lord could show the future to Daniel in such detail - even the specific names of the kingdoms to come - Media (the present-day Kurds living in the northern parts of Iraq), Persia (present-day Iran), Greece.... The future, welfare and woes of the world truly belong to the Lord!

There are theologians who say that the book of Daniel was written 2 centuries after all these things had happened, pretending to be a future-prophecy, because Daniel could not possibly know everything ahead of time. But, nowhere it is written that Daniel could predict the future. Of course he could not! However, what is written there is that THE LORD gave it to him - not 2 centuries, but SIX centuries BC! This emphasizes the fact that the LORD knows the future, holds it in His hand, brings it about according to His plan. It also emphasizes the infallible divine inspiration of Scripture and the accuracy of Biblical prophecy. We surely can rely wholy-heartedly on the Word of God!

Come, let us take a look at the 2 animals which Daniel saw in the vision:

1. RAM WITH TWO HORNS - One of the horns was longer than the other but grew up later. Meaning: The 2 empires which replaced the Babilonian Empire. First the Medes and then Persia, who was the stronger (therefore longer horn). History confirms this.

2. GOAT WITH ONE HORN BETWEEN HIS EYES, SPEEDING LIKE LIGHTNING ACROSS THE EARTH: Crushed the ram. Becomes powerful. At the height of its power, the large horn broke off and 4 prominent horns grew up. Out of one of them came another horn which started small but grew in power, and hated and ridiculed and destroyed everything which was from the Lord.

Meaning: The Greek Empire, which replaced the Persian Empire, under Alexander the Great. Until today, there has not been an empire which could spread with such speed. After the death of Alexander (at the age of 33), the Greek Empire continued and divided into 4 kingdoms, and out of one of them, the present Syria, Antiochus Epiphanes ("glorious god") emerged who was very powerful, who occupied Palestine and also almost wiped out the Jewish religion. He wanted to force the whole world to become Greek, but the Jews were an obstacle with their obstinate religion. Antiochus despised them because of that. He wanted to force them to give up their religion. Therefore, he forbade circumcision, keeping of the Sabbath, sacrifices in the Temple. He desecrated the Temple by sacrificing a pig on the altar and dedicating the temple to the idol, Zeus. Approximately 100,000 Jews were killed. He literally trampled underfoot the truth of the Lord. The temple, the sacrifices and the truth were the three things Antiochus focused on to destroy. He actually challenged the Lord. The power of satan made him strong (v 24). He was exceptionally cruel and caused enormous devastation and had the spirit of antichrist in him.

Daniel heard a holy one asking another holy one: "How long will it contnue!" "2300 evenings and mornings" came the answer. Clearly a symbolic number which means: it will end. There is a boundary over which Antiochus could not step. And so it was. Daniel sees how Antiochus Epiphanes is suddenly destroyed - but not by human power, in other words, by the Lord himself.

This is the end of the vision. The main focus is on Antiochus Epiphanes which did his terrible persecution among the Jews in the years 171 to 165 BC. This man was one of the great haters of the Jews in history, the same as Haman at the time of Esther. And so he was one of the forerunners of the ultimate Antichrist which must still appear, which we heard of in chapter 7. Every detail of this vision has been fulfilled in history.

It is a bit confusing that the angel says the vision concerns "the time of the end" (vv 17, 19). It sounds as if this vision stretches until the end of the world (like the previous 2 visions), because that is how we understand the notion "end time". "The time of the end".

But it cannot be, because the vision ends with the Greek Empire and the splitting of the Greek Empire into four kingdoms after the death of Alexander the Great. There the vision ends, and it is still very far from the END!

What is meant with "end-time" is the following: time of the end of the suffering of the Jews until the promised Messiah comes. The time of Antiochus Epiphanes was the last phase of Jewish suffering before Jesus was born. And these words of Daniel's was their encouragement when they needed it, to see how the Lord promised 300 years ahead of time that Antiochus' reign of terror would be cut short. They were in possession of Daniel's writings. It would have comforted them exceedingly.

The question is what does it mean for us today. The prophecy was fulfilled and brought to a close. Why is it documented in the Word? In what way does it speak to us in 2017 as Word of God? I wish to point out a few things:

Our human hearts are always inclined - when we look to the world/future - to be either too optimistic or too pessimistic. Some Christians are inclined to take a dim view at everything. Everything is headed for chaos: personal life/ future of country/world. They do not take into account the sovereignty and authority/dominion of the Lord.

Other Christians are over-optimistic. Now already heaven-on-earth. The Lord will solve absolutely all problems, heal all illnesses, alleviate all financial difficulties, etc. Once you have come to faith, the rest is all one great song. They do not keep in mind the reality and power of satan and evil.

Daniel 8 helps us to maintain a balanced perspective. Keeping in mind the reality of the evil of fallen man. Keeping in mind the reality of the sovereignty and dominion of God. We should hold on to both to have the right perspective on life/future.

1 REALITY OF THE EVIL OF THE HEART OF MAN > It helps us to look more realistically at life/future. The inherrent evil in the heart of fallen man is a reality and will cause destruction and devastation till the end of time. As simple as that. Again and again, Antiochuses will appear on the scene. Go look on the internet what the previous president of North Korea, Kim Jong-il, got up to. He had a giant statue of himself made, and expected everyone to kneel and bring honour to it! There is a video of this on the internet. And then we do not even mention what the present dictator of North Korea is doing. It is common knowledge on the news.

Take note of verse 24: Antiochus will become very strong, but not by his own power > by the power of satan (according to 2 Thess 2:9). The monster residing inside every person - the desire to be god - is a power to be wary of.

The people who belong to the Lord are not unaffected by what is happening in the world. They are seriously affected when rams and goats clash horns. This conflict will continuously manifest itself until the coming of the final Antichrist.

Keep this in mind: Antiochus Epiphanes' main focus was on 1) the sanctuary 2) the sacrifices 3) the Truth.

Today, that is still the focus of the enemy: 1) Christ (Hé is the NT sanctuary) 2) work of Atonement on the cross, and 3) Truth of Scripture. The 3 focal points of attack.

Therefore: We must keep the reality of evil in mind. That is why, even if Christ rose from the grave and is He sitting on the throne, all believers will not be healed from illness and disease, will not abound in riches, not sing and dance for joy from morning till night, not be free from persecution and torture.

Still, it does not make us pessimistic and depressed, because...

2 THE REALITY OF GOD'S SOVEREIGNTY AND DOMINION > The Lord is reigning = the message of Daniel. You can go through the entire book of Daniel and you will see how terrible the powers of evil looks, but how weak they all are in reality. Let us go down the list:

The mighty Nebuchadnezzar, troubled and restless in his bed after the Lord gave him a dream, the arrogant Belshazzar's knees buckled when a mysterious hand wrote on the wall, the powerful hungry lions are powerless to harm the children of the Lord, the very cruel Antiochus Epiphanes' reign is cut short from heaven (by the invisible hand of God (v 25)). The rams and goats come and go, but the LORD remains for ever. He holds the future in His hand. He gives the future in detail to His prophet.

No evil will just continue for ever and ever. In the same way Antiochus was restricted by the line which the Lord had drawn for him, so it has been through all the centuries. No manifestation of Antichrist will last for ever. The LORD is sovereign and He reigns. And He is absolutely holy and His love for His people is great.

Just look at who it is bringing the interpretation of the vision to Daniel:

The angel Gabriel ("man of God").

In the Scriptures, only two angels are mentioned by name: Gabriel and Michael (whom we will meet later in Daniel). Gabriel who is standing always in the presence of God (Luke 1:19) and 5 centuries after he spoke to Daniel, he appeared on earth again - to Zechariah to announce the coming birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:19) and a few months later to Mary to announce the coming of the birth of Jesus (Luke 1:26).

It is very interesting that, when Zechariah sang his song of praise, he prophecied the coming of the Lord Jesus and called Him "the hornof salvation" (Luke 1:69).

Is it not remarkable that Gabriel talks to Daniel about several horns - and 500 years later - the very same Gabriel announces the coming of another "horn" - JESUS in whose presence the Antiochus-horn looks like a midget.

Jesus remains for eternity. God is sovereign. That is why we do not become pessimistic when we keep the reality of evil in mind!

Do you understand now why Daniel - even when he was exhausted and lay ill for several days after the vision - could get up and go about the king's business? (v 27). Even though he could not understand what the Lord was doing, and although he was appalled and made ill by the vision about the manifestation of evil, he had faith in the Lord.

Even although he was the only person on earth who knew that the Babilonian Empire was going to come to a fall, he could continue with his duties in service to the king (who was going to disappear). He had hope and courage. He did not sit in sackcloth and ashes, even though he knew the office where he worked was going to close. Because he received insight into how the Lord reigns, and how sovereign He is in control of the future.

Translated by Marthie Wilson