Asia Pre-Imperialism Anticipation Guide

Directions: On the line to the left, write T or F if you believe the accompanying statement is True or False. Then use the packet to search for the correct answer. If your response is true, write the page number. If the statement was false re-write the statement to make it true, and write the page. Write your revisions on the back of this sheet or a separate sheet.

Before / Statement / After
1. / In 1514, China had become the dominant power in the region under the rule of the Ming Dynasty (pg. )
2. / The Ming rulers would not allow outsiders from distant lands to threaten the peace and prosperity they had brought to China following the end of Mongol rule. (pg. )
3. / The first Ming emperor used respected traditions and institutions to bring stability to China. (pg. )
4. / In 1349, Hongwu, the first Ming Dynasty ruler, died leaving his son Yongl to rule. (pg. )
5. / In 1405—before Europeans began to sail beyond their borders—Yonglo launched the first of seven voyages of exploration.(pg. )
6. / To keep the influence of outsiders to a minimum, only the government was to conduct foreign trade, through three coastal ports. (pg. )
7. / Profit-minded Chinese merchants smuggled out of the country into the eager hands of European merchants who paid with silver, mainly from the Americas. (pg. )
8. / In 1644, the Machus took over China renaming themselves the Qing Dynasty. (pg. )
9. / However, China did not become highly industrialized for two main reasons. (pg. )
10. / If foreign states wished to trade with China, they would have to follow Chinese rules. (pg. )
11. / In 1467, civil war shattered Japan’s feudal system. (pg. )
12. / As a result of Japanese civil war, Japan became ruled under a new for of feudalism. (pg. )
13. / Tokugawa Ieyasu completed the unification of Japan (pg. )
14. / The Japanese first encountered Europeans in 1543, when shipwrecked Portuguese sailors washed up on the shores of southern Japan. (pg. )
15. / Firearms forever changed the time-honored tradition of the Japanese warrior, whose principal weapon had been the sword. (pg. )
16. / In 1549, Christian missionaries began arriving in Japan. (pg. )
17. / Missionaries converted about 300,000 Japanese to Christianity by the year 1600. (pg. )
18. / The Shogun wanted to repress Christianity. Tokugawa banned Christianity and focused on ridding his country of all Christians. (pg. )
19 / By 1639, Japan instituted a “closed country policy.” (pg. )
20. / For more than 200 years, Japan remained basically closed to Europeans.
(pg. )
  1. Why didn’t China undergo widespread industrialization?
  2. Do you think Japan’s closedcountry policy effectively keptWestern ideas and customs out of Japan?