DANCE , Fall 2008 Instructor: Toni Valle
DANCE PRODUCTION Office: Mel 226 or WT 133
“I was running constantly back and forth between classes –I was always running out of class, you know – a lecture - five minutes early to get to a ballet class at the end of the day when I was exhausted. I remember saying to myself, ‘Your body doesn’t know you’re tired. Just keep dancing.’” -Elizabeth Keen-
"Typically a modern dance organization is administered in all aspects by a single person – the choreographer. He either serves as his own secretary, accountant, and business manager or entrusts these tasks to a wife or friend."
-Baumol and Bowen-
Office Hours: TBA Class time: 4-5:30pm
Office phone: (713)743-9842
Cell: (713) 409-2838 Email:
Course Description:
This course develops an understanding in administration, production, marketing, and finance to produce a dance concert. Also utilizes hands-on experience through production of the student dance concert.
Course Objective/Learning Outcomes:
¨ To develop an understanding of the elements involved in the production of a dance concert through practical experience
¨ To develop knowledge and skill in specific areas of dance production to include artistic direction, performance, technical considerations, publicity, and stage and house management
¨ To develop the ability to constructively critique dance productions through participation and observation
Students in a degree granting plan for Dance at the University of Houston must meet the GPA protocol for the School of Theatre: Students who receive below a 2.5 grade in a major/minor/cert class will be placed on probation. Please see handout on GPA protocol for majors.
100 pts Production evaluation of a dance concert
200 pts Production notebook -assignments
100 pts Participation in UDT Concert, an outside concert and FADS
DANCE STUDENT ORIENTATION & Pizza Party - August 29, Friday, 4:00 p.m. Melcher Gym room 230 (dance studio.) REQUIRED ATTENDANCE FOR ALL DANCE STUDENTS. Theater students and theater faculty invited to join us for pizza party at 4:45pm. If you do not attend, two points will be taken from your final grade.
READING ASSIGNMENTS- Reading of text, answering of chapter questions, and ability to discuss material in class is required. Pop quizzes may be given at any time.
COMMITTEE WORK- Every student will serve on a production committee and each committee job is essential in order to produce a professional concert. One of the goals of this class is for the entire concert to be produced solely by the class. This means class participation and team cooperation. Anything that does not get accomplished by the class and must be done by me will result in one point off everyone’s final grade per task.
PRODUCTION LOG- First half due October 16/ Second half due December 2. A log of all committee / concert work and # of min./hours spent must be kept. These hours do not include homework or class time – only hours outside of class pertaining to producing the concert. A minimum number of hours to be worked to receive the full grade is 15 hours pre-concert and 20 hours during the concert.
PRODUCTION NOTEBOOK- Due December 2. A binder must be compiled into separate sections for a grade. Each section needs to be marked clearly. Order of binder:
1) Syllabus/class outline
2) Chapter questions and answers, notes, hand-outs, and quizzes
3) Production calendar
4) Production Log, committee sheet, samples of work (postcard, program, costume closet)
5) Production Assignments: concert names, media list, postcard, grant, press release, costume design, lighting design
PRODUCTION EVALUATION – Due September 25. Each student must attend an outside concert and write an evaluation. This evaluation is ¼ of your grade. You must choose one of these concerts:
Dominic Walsh Dance Theatre’s Sleeping Beauty September 5 & 6
Weekend of Texas Contemporary Dance September 12 & 13
Tapestry of World Dance September 20
Your evaluation should contain at least one aspect of production on EACH PIECE in the concert. Example: There are a total of 7 numbers in the concert. You should have seven paragraphs, critiquing a production aspect of each piece. You may choose costumes for the first piece, lighting for the second, etc. If the paper does not address a production aspect for each piece, the paper will be returned and you will receive zero points for the evaluation. You are being graded on grammar as well as content. For English/Grammar help, Tutorials are offered at Agnes Arnold Hall.
UDT STUDENT CONCERT & FADS- There are several dates in which you are required to attend and participation at these events is ¼ of your grade.
1. FADS - two FADS (Friday Afternoon Dance) in Melcher Gym, Rm 230. You may choose to attend one of two FADS on Sept 26 or Oct. 10. The FAD on October 31 is required.
2. volunteer at a dance concert for house or backstage at one of the three concerts listed above for the production evaluation.
3. Lighting/Sound rehearsal, Technical rehearsal, Dress rehearsal and UDT Concert performance is MANDATORY during concert week (Nov 17-23).
Each FAD, one outside concert, and each tech day is worth 10 points for a total of 100 points. Any day missed (even with prior notice) is an automatic 0 points for that day. If you show up for the entire time that day, you automatically receive 5 points. The other five points per day must be earned through production work. Any conflict with these days must be given in writing to me before Oct. 1. Understand that any conflict you may have that is not an emergency situation will still result in losing your 10 points for the day. Each conflict will be considered on an individual basis. WORK IS NOT AN EXCUSED CONFLICT. Please let your job know NOW that you will need to clear your schedule for this entire week.
The School of Theatre Attendance Policy will apply to this course. Copies are posted on the dance bulletin board, and are also available as handouts at the beginning of the semester. THERE IS NO DISTINCTION BETWEEN AN EXCUSED OR AN UNEXCUSED ABSENCE. Doctor's excuses do not make an absence "excused." Participation is crucial to learning dance. If the student has an injury or contagious illness, please discuss it with the professor. Please notify the instructor before class begins if you must leave before class has ended.