Dan SOEN, 5 Gazit St., Ne’oth-Afeka, Tel-Aviv 69417, Telefax (972 3) 6 473 432; P.O. Box 53163, Ma’oz-Aviv, Tel-Aviv 61531; e-mail: ; .


Date:April, 2010

1. Personal data:

Place of birth: Jerusalem

Family status: married + 4

2. Academic degrees:

B.A. (The Middle East in Modern Time & Islamic Culture), The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1951-1954 ;

Dr.Phil. (Cultural Anthropology) [cum laude], The University of Vienna, 1959.

Supervisor: Prof. Robert von Heine-Geldern.


3. Academic Nominations and Ranks :

1998 : Assoc. Professor, Academic College of Judea & Samaria

1994 : Assoc. Professor Academic College of Emeq Yizra’el

1987 : Adjunct Professor, Bezal’el Academy of Arts & Design

1987: Visiting Prof., Dept. of Urban Planning, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.

1987 : Professor, Narok University, Kenya

1982 : Assoc. Professor, P. Sapir Academic College of the Negev

1981: Adjunct Professor, Hubert Humphrey Centre for Social Ecology, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

1979: Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa

1976: Research Professor, The Interdisciplinary Centre for Technological Analysis & Forecasting, Tel-Aviv University

1967: Senior Lecturer, School of Social Work, Bar-Ilan University

1966: Lecturer, Waikato University, Hamilton, New Zealand

1961: Instructor, Tel-Aviv University

4. Academic Administrative positions:

2008 to date: Founder and Head, Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology, Ari'el University Center.

2003 to date: Founder and Head, Multidisciplinary Social Sciences Dept., Academic College of Judea & Samaria (Currently: Ari'el University Center).

2001- 2003: Head, Dept. of Behavioural Sciences, Academic College of Judea & Samaria

1998- 2005: Head, Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology, Bar-Ilan Extension, Academic College of Judea & Samaria

1994-1998: Founder and Head, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Dept., Academic College of Emeq Izra’el;

1994-1998: Head, Division ( “Megama”) of Sociology & Anthropology, ibid.

1996-1997: Acting Head, Division (“Megama”) of Political Sciences, The Academic College of Emeq Izra’l

1982-1987: Head, Division (Chativa) of Business & Administration Studies.

1982-1987: Head, Dept. of Gerontology, P. Sapir Academic College of the Negev

1976-1978: Head, Social Sciences Research Division, The Interdisciplinary Centre for Technological Analysis & Forecasting, Tel-Aviv University

1966 : Head, Sociology and Anthropology Studies, Dept. of Behavioural Studies, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.

1961-1965: Head, Academic Advisory Service to the students at the Dept. of Middle Eastern & African Studies, Tel-Aviv University.

5. Membership in Academic Committees and Council:

2009: Chairman, CHE (Council for Higher Education) committee for the appraisal of the running MA programme in migration & social integration, Ruppin Academic Center.

2007: Member, CHE committee for the evaluation of Ruppin Academic Center MA programme in migration and social integration.

2006 to date: Member , Human Research Ethics committee, The College of Judea & Samaria.

2005 to date: Member Departmental Self-Evaluation Committee.

2001 to date: Member, The Academic Council, Ha’Kibbutzim College of Education.

2005: Member, Constitution (Takanon) Committee, ibid.

2005 to date: Member, Disciplinary Committee, The Academic College of Judea & Samaria.

2004: Member, Prof. Emeriti Rights Committee, ibid.

2004 to date: Member, M.Ed Humanities Studies Programme, Ha’Kibbutzim College of Education.

2003-2004: Member, M.A.Committee, Behavioural Studies Dept., The Academic College of Judea & Samaria.

1998 to date: Memebr, The Academic Council, The Academic College of Judea & Samaria

1999 to date: Member, Social Sciences Advisory Committee, Research Authority, Academic College of Judea & Samaria

1999 to date: Member, The Academic Council, Israel National Strategic Assessment Center (INSAC), Academic College of Judea & Samaria

1999-2000: Chairman, Library Committee, Academic College of Judea & Samaria

2000 to date: Member, Committee for the Initiation of M.Ed Studies in the Social Sciences, Ha’Kibbutzim College of Education

1998 to date: Member, The Academic Council, The Academic College of Judea and Samaria

1994-1998: Member, The Academic Council, Academic College of Emeq Yizra’el

1995-1998: Member, Academic Nomination and Promotion Committee, Academic College of Emeq Yizra’el

1995-1998: Member, The Executive Committee, Academic College of Emeq Yizra’el

1995-1997: Acting President on the President’s absence, Emeq Yizrael Academic College.

1995-1998: Chairman, Library Committee, Academic College of Emeq Yizra’el

1995-1998: Member, Research Committee, The Academic College of Emeq Yizra’el

1982-1987: Member, Research Committee, P. Sapir Academic College of the Negev

1976-1978: Member, Coordinating Divisional Committee, The Interdisciplinary Centre for Technological Analysis & Forecasting, Tel-Aviv University

1966 : Member of the Academic Senate, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

6. Fellowships and Prizes:

1956-1959: Ph.D. Fellowship, The University of Vienna, Austria

1955-6: UNESCO Research Fellowship, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand; Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

7. Research Grants:

2008: (with N. Davidovitch and a whole team) The impact of the travel to Polish death camps on Israeli high school students. A 2-year 1.000.000 NS Grant by the Ministry of Education.

2006: (with N. Davidovitch and S. Sharlin) The College’s influence on its graduates’ attitudes towards the Region. Samaria & The Jordan Valley R&D Regional Center.

2005: “Israel- From Welfare State to Social Darwinism,” Ha’Kibbutzim College, Tel-Aviv.

2003: “Land of Rage and Fury- Cleavages and Identity in Israeli Society”, Ha’Kibbutzim College, Tel-Aviv.

2000 : “Young married descendants of settlers in the Samaria and Benyamin regions and their bind to the Area”, The Research Authority, Academic College of Judea and Samaria.

2000 : “Jewish-Arab Interaction in Samaria in a Fluid Situation - Present Reality and Attitudes vs. Future Scenarios,” The Ministry of Science & Culture.

1987: “ Founders of the kibbutzim in Sha’ar Ha’Negev Regional Council - Ageing in a collective settlement,” The Research Authority, P. Sapir College of the Negev.

1986: “Crossing the border- Multi-facet cooperation between Sh’ar Ha’Negev Regional council and the township of Sderot,” The Ministry of the Interior.

1978: “Shalach Lachmecha - Analysis of Israeli aid contributions to Third World countries”, The National Council for Research & Development.

1966: “Indians and Fijians - The racial cleavage in the Fiji islands,” The Universities’ Grants Committee,

New Zealand.

8. Initiation and Organisation of Scientific Conferences, Symposia and Sessions or Panels:

1. 2008: Panel Chairperson, " Israeli higher education system at a crossroads", The 39th Conference of the Israeli Sociological Assn., 12-13 February, Tel Aviv University.

2. 2007: Panel Chairperson, “Arab-Jewish relations on Israeli academic campuses,” in the 38th Conference of the Israeli Sociological Assn., 14-15 February, Haifa University. Paper presented: “ A discourse of diversity: The campus climate as seen by Jewish and Arab students.”

3. 2005: Panel Chairperson: “Higher Education,” in the 3rd Hawaii International Conference on Education. Paper presented, “ Realized opportunity- Centre and periphery in the Israeli Higher education system”.

4. 2004: Panel Convenor: “Multiculturalism in a changing era,” 36th World Congress, International Institute of Sociology, Beijing.

5. 2003: Panel convenor and chairperson: “School violence- Global issues and interventions facing the education system,” in the 2003 Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences. Paper delivered: “School violence and its prevention in Israel.”

6. 2002: Panel Convenor and Chairperson, “Social Issues as Reflected in the educational System – Israel as a Case in Point, “ in the 4th Intl. Conference on Education, Athens Institute for Education & Research; Paper presented, “ Let’s beat the hell out of them! “ – School violence and its prevention in Israel.

7. 2002: Session Convenor and Chairperson, “Nationhood and Nationalism – The Israeli Case”, in Crossroads in Cultural Studies 4th Intl. Conference, University of Tampere, Finland. Paper to be presented, Jewish-Arab cleavage as reflected in Jewish attitude surveys in Israel.

8. 2002: Session Convenor and Chairperson, “Majority and Minority Relations - Israeli Jews and Arabs as a Case in Point” in the 1st World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Mainz, Germany. Paper to be presented, The Jewish-Arab cleavage, democracy and the Israeli educational system as a tolerance agent.

9. 2001: Symposium Convener and Chairperson, “Identity and Inter-Group Relations - The Israeli Case,” in the 2nd biennial Conference of the International Academy for Intercultural Research - “International Perspectives on Race, Ethnicity and Intercultural Relations,” University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi. Paper presented, The Arab-Jewish Cleavage in Israel: Can the Education system Mediate and Improve Inter-group Relationships?

10. 2000: Session Convener and Chairperson, “Dynamic Identities in a Changing World,” in the 3rd International Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference”, University of Birmingham, England. Paper presdented, “Israel as a Bi-National Society: The Jewish Arab Cleavage and Tolerance Education

11. 1984: Convener: International Symposium on “Regional and Community Colleges as Agents of Change”, The American Association of Community Colleges and P. Sapir Regional College of the Negev. Paper presented, Community Colleges as Instruments of Social change - The Israerli Case, P. Sapir Regional College of the Negev, Sderoth.

12. 1982: Convener and Chairman, “The 1980’s Cause for Alarm or Optimism ?” International Conference organised by The International Technical Cooperation Centre (ITCC) and The Ben-Gurion university of the Negev, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva. Paper presented, Social Indicators of Distress as Decision-Making Tools in Israel’s Urban renewal Project.

13. 1977: Convener and Chairman, “New Trends in Urban Planning,” International symposium organised by the International Technical Cooperation Centre (ITCC), Tel-Aviv. Paper presented, Habitability - A Sociological Analysis.

14. 1977: Academic Coordinator, New Outlook, International Symposium on “New Prospects for The Middle East,”, Tel-Aviv.

15. 1973: Academic Coordinator, the 3rd World Congress of Engineers and Architects, Tel-Aviv. Paper presented, Introduction of Modern Methods of Cooperative Organisation into a Traditional Rural Community - The Case of Cameroun.

9. Papers (other than the above-mentioned) presented in Scientific Conferences and Symposia:

On top of the Papers presented in forums organized or chaired by me and mentioned above the following Papers were presented:

1.  2009: (with N. Davidovitch): "The link between unit size and performance assessments of teaching and administrative staff: A case study of the Ari'el University Centre." 6th Intl. Conference on Excellence in Academia, Ari'el University Centre, Sept. 1-3.

2.  2009: (with N. Davidovitch): "Academic social climate min support of e-learning: A key to students' perception of academic success." 6th Intl. Conference on Excellence in Academia, Ari'el University Centre, Sept. 1-3.

3. 2009: (with N. Davidovitch): "Integrity and discipline in academia: Dealing with renegade students on two Israli campuses." The Clute Institute for Academic Research: College Teaching and Learning Conference, Prague, June 8-11.

4. 2009: (with N. Davidovitch): "Myths and facts about student surveys of teaching: The links between students' evaluations of faculty and course grades.". The Clute Institute for Academic Research: College Teaching & Learning Conference, Prague, June 8-11.

5. 2009: (with N. Davidovitch & Z. Sinuany-Stern): "Absorption of immigrant scientists in the academe: Ari'el as a case-study." The 2nd Quality Conference, Ort Braude College, 26.5.

6. 2009: ((with N. Davidovitch & Z. Sinuany-Stern): "The link between academic staff evaluation and students' grades." The 2nd Quality Conference, Ort Braude College, 26.5.

7. 2009: (with N. Davidovitch): "Open for me an opening the size of a pinhole": The link between students' achievements and their socio-economic background- The Ari'el University Centre as a case study. The 40th Conference of the Israeli Sociological Association, HaMichlala Leminahal, 17-18 February.

8. 2008: (with N. Davidovitch): "The link between institution size and performance assessments of academic and administrative faculty – A case study of the Ari'el University Centre," the 17th International Conference of the Israeli Society for Quality: QUALITY TODAY & BEYOND, Jerusalem, 18-20 November.

9. 2008: (with N. Davidovitch): "The link between students' assessments of faculty and course grades," the 17th Intl. Conference of the Israeli Society for Quality, ibid.

10. 2008: ( with N. Davidovitch): "Higher education and its accessibility to peripheral students: The case of Israel" International Conference of the International Sociological Assn., Barcelona, 5-8 September.

11. 2008: (with N. Davidovitch): "Cultural problems in higher education – Arab students and their difficulties in two Israeli campuses." Barcelona, ibid.

12. 2008: (with N. Davidovitch) "Is there any relationship between students' achievements and their socio-economic background?", the 18th Judea & Samaria research studies conference, June 19, Ari'el.

13. 2008: (with M. Kolan & N. Davidovitch) "The campus role in modifying relationships of populations in conflict- The case of two Israeli colleges,", ibid.

14. 2008: (with N. Davidovitch & M. Kolan), "The battle for legitimacy – The place of Ari'el Uni. Center on the Israeli hugher education map," ibid.

15. 2007: (with N. Davidovitch & M. Kolan): "A question of identity: On the Israeli identity of Arab and Jewish students on two college campuses." 3rd Global Conference on Pluralism, Inclusion & Citizenship, Salzburg, Austria.

16. 2007: “Improving instructors’ quality of teaching: Are the actions taken efficient?” Delivered at the Contemporary Issues in Higher Education Conference. Organised at the Ari’el Unversity Center, 3-6 Sept.

17. 2007: (with N. Davidovitch & M. Kolan): “A discourse of diversity: Arab students perspectives on institutional climate- A study of two public colleges in Israel.” Submitted to the 23rd AIS Annual Conference: Israel as an Immigrant Society. The Open University, Ra’anana.

18. 2007: (with N. Davidovitch & M. Kolan): “Cultural framework and objective obstacles of Arab students in two Israeli public colleges.” Submitted to the above-mentioned conference.

19. 2007: (with N. Davidovitch & M. Kolan): “A question of identity: On the Israeli identity of Arab and Jewish students on two college campuses.” Delivered at the New Directions in Sociology of Education for the 21st Century Conference. Organised by the Intl. Sociological Assn., Nicosia, Cyprus, 25-27 May.

20. 2007: (with N. Davidovitch & M. Kolan): “:Access to higher education- Cultural setting and objective difficulties of Arab students in two public colleges in Israel.” Delivered at the above-mentioned Conference in Nicosia, Cyprus.

21. 2006: Levi Eshkol Foundation & The Israeli Center for Social Justice at the Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem. Paper presented on the 14th of February: “From welfare State to Social Darwinism: Whatever happened to the Social Justice concept in Israel?”

22. 2006: The Center for Training & Care of the Individual, the Child & the Family, Ari’el. Lecture delivered on the 26th of September: “Tongue’s benevolence of life and death- Students’ attitudes towards Eutanasia.”