Dames Ferry School Council Meeting Minutes from 1st Scheduled Meeting on 10-11-16 at 4:30 PM at DFES

School councils shall be subject to the Opens Records Act, relating to the inspection of public records, in the same manner as local boards of education. A summary of the subjects acted on and the members present at the meeting of the school council shall be made available to the public for inspection at the school office within two business days of the meeting.

Minutes at a minimum shall include the names of the school council members present at the meeting, a description of each motion or other proposal made, and a record of all votes. In the case of a roll-call vote, the name of each school council member voting for or against a proposal or abstaining shall be recorded. In all other votes, it shall be presumed that the action taken was approved by each person in attendance unless the minutes reflect the name of the persons voting against the proposal or abstaining

Pre meeting had light refreshments and allowed completion of Georgia Parent Survey on PC

Mrs Knowles called the meeting to order at 4:30 on 10-12-16

In attendance were:

Leigh Ann Knowles, Principal

Dena Smith, Assistant Principal

Eddie Wright, Vice Chairman, Parent

Damon Woodson, Secretary, Parent

Amanda Mercer, Teacher

Lacrecia Waters, Parent

Stevie Shaheen, Certificated Teacher

Jennifer Tanner, Teacher

Vickie Hinson, Parent, Business Partner


Teresa Brookins, Parent

Garry Rosser ,Chairperson, Parent


Mrs Knowles led an introductions and review of Roles and Responsibilities of Council Members

Mrs Knowles led a review of Parliamentary Procedure for Meetings (Robert’s Rule of Order)

Mrs Knowles led a review of The Open Meetings Act

A Vote was taken to elect Officers. All present in attendance voted after a member was nominated at large and seconded. The Council elected the officers listed below by unanimous decision:

Garry Rosser ,Chairperson,

Eddie Wright, Vice Chairman

Damon Woodson, Secretary

Discussed what agenda should be for next meeting and decided that the “Lexile” program would be discussed and guest speakers arranged if possible.

Discussed is a Grandparents group should be formed and this discussion will continue at following meeting

Discussed that DFES is Promoting attendance and should a bulletin or message informing parents of the attendance policy be created. This discussion to follow at future meetings. Discussed PBIS and noted and praised Mrs. Downey’s efforts on a visual record of this on hall wall for all students to see.

Discussed STEM and will continue at future meetings

Noted:Next meeting on Jan 3rd at 7:30 AM at DFES.

Meeting was adjourned by Mrs. Knowles at approximately 5:15 PM.