Dale Wilson 35 Male Registered Nurse

Dale Wilson 35 Male Registered Nurse

Dale is a Registered Nurse who became a nurse so that he could experience death first hand and participate in the process to the point of relieving suffering and then becoming twisted to the point of using his ability to cause death to right perceived wrongs. He gets away with it for many years until he falls in love and starts to get sloppy. His new love finds clues to his involvement and then she eventually becomes a target.

But, is Dale the one targeting her? Background story of mom being a CNA and abused, she is the one who actually led Dale into healthcare because she wanted her son to be a success. She got away with killing her husband in the ICU.. Unknown to the reader, she is so hell bent on Dale being a success at something that it is she who finishes off botched kills when he wasn't so good in the beginning. It is mom who will eventually target and attempt to kill the love interest of Dale….Now these two PROLIFIC KILLERS who live to be associated with death are in each others cross hairs.


Dale Wilson 35 Male Registered Nurse

Not married No children Lives with mother who is a Certified Nursing Assistant

Lives in Mango, Florida

Catch phrase: No since in worrying so much in life, we're never gonna get out of it alive.

Story goal: There is a thrill that can't be matched when you hold the power of life and death in the healing arts and he gets a thrill out of seeing death consume the living on every level from grieving to burial and often attends funerals of patients who have "died"

Appearance: Even though he wears hospital scrubs to work, they are impeccably maintained through ironing and starching. His regular day to day appearance is sort of metrosexual. You are likely to see him in black slacks neatly pressed, white shirt with the top button undone, and black patent leather shoes. Although he tries to dress clean his short stout appearance tends to give the impression that he is trying hard because of that self perceived deficit. He has perfect 20/20 vision and you can usually feel his sometimes icy blue eyed stare from a mile away. He appears to be in his mid thirties. He doesnt put you in the mindset of anyone famous. In fact his appearance is so common place it's almost forgettable except those blue eyes. He keeps his hair cut extremely low, kinda similar to a Marine crew cut.

Characteristics of Dale: Needs to be self-reliant Afraid of submitting to others Leader, Problem Solver, Maverick Goes to the issue of justice, power and influence - who has it, where it is and how to get it. I am invincible, I am powerful, I am in control.

Want to be in control and are unwilling to be controlled, either by others or by their circumstances. Masters of his own destiny. want a lot out of life and fully prepared to go out and get it. need to be financially independent and often have a hard time working for anyone. If he feel he is being controlled in any way, may drop out of the system completely, assuming something of an outlaw mentality.

prone to anger. aggressive and can easily become violent. in touch with powerful protective instincts and come to the defense of family and friends.

Insight into Dale: Dale is a domineering leader obsessed with control. He has the desire to lead a great power, but hidden inner insecurities have made it possible only to lead those weak enough to be easily dominated. The insecurity is hidden from everyone, including himself. He has pushed this insecurity aside so he can focus on control. Dale believes that if he can control a lot of people or a system, then he must not really be insecure and he can release that fear as being irrational. does not care about people and is willing to do whatever it takes to gain control. He has attracted weak followers with issues of their own. He is willing to betray or destroy these weak followers to prove his ability to control.

I like the fact that Dale can be an effective leader.

Dales fun activities include reading and gaming. He reads anything from cosmopolitan magazine to the wall street journal.

gender needs to remain male.

he has no pets

dale does not listen to music, he feels it clouds his thoughts and he is constantly in thought.

Dales IQ is about 128 - above average.

Dales big mistake in life is staying so isolated outside of his work environment that it brings attention to himself, questions of every sort.

Questions really annoy Dale. He always has an answer before you question so he meets your need head on in hopes of stopping more probing questions.

Dale is most afraid of losing complete control. He has lost it before and it only served to make him want greater control.

Dales secret is that he is obsessed with porn. It is a complete release of control that he enjoys all too much.

Computers, although password protected, do have vulnerabilities and Dale, who knows nothing about computers always wonders if people can find out things about him through the computer.

Dale cares most about keeping control and righting things when he has been wronged.

The thing I hate most about Dale is that he is such a great leader and under the right circumstances he could do great things in society but his singular obsession with being in control could be his downfall.

Dale's character flaw is based on the incorrect belief that the world is an impossibly tough place and the only way to get what he wants is to be powerful and force his will on others. He fears appearing weak. When he's under pressure, he withdraws into his fantasy world. When he's relaxed and secure, he uses his power to help others get what they want if it is in line with his own goals and wants or he stops them dead in their tracks.

Mental Health of Dale: Dale may suffer from Personality Disorders->Borderline Personality Disorder

A person who suffers from this disorder has instable interpersonal relationships that have persisted for years and is usually closely related to the person's self-image and early social interactions. This person may often be characterized as being shallow.

A person with this disorder may also exhibit impulsive behaviors, frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment and impulsive behavior in areas that are potentially self-damaging like over-spending, sex, substance abuse and reckless driving. This person may show suicidal behavior, gestures or threats or self-mutilating behavior and a chronic feeling of emptiness. He or she may also exhibit inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger and suffers from paranoia.

Dale may suffer from Personality Disorders->Schizoid Personality Disorder

A person with this disorder experiences a pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships and has a restricted range of emotions in interpersonal settings. He or she neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including being part of a family and almost always chooses solitary activities. This person appears indifferent to the praise or criticism of others and shows emotional coldness, detachment or flattened affectivity.

Dales background: Dale as a child was greatly loved by a care-giving mother who was abused by a domineering older husband. This child then got caught in the middle, protecting the care-giving figure from the dominating figure. This somehow failed and he, to deal with that pain, associated very closely with this dominating, abusive figure. As an adult, Dale has sought to gain power by dominating weak others, proving he made the right choice. He has great potential for pathos if the audience can understand his inner dilemma and pain.

Dales mother wanted to be a Registered Nurse but she could never quite pass the entrance exam, so she has remained a CNA, Certified Nursing Assistant.

Dales father is 20 years older than his mother and he was on disability. He has been for as long as Dale could remember.

The last ten years has seen Dale gather knowledge and certifications that put him in a position of power. He has gained the respect of upper management in the hospital and has become a fixture in the critical care department as the Charge Nurse. They have offered him management numerous times but Dale has convinced them that he will serve them better as a mentor to other critical care nurses at the bedside.

In his tenth year as a nurse his father dies as a patient in his hospital at age 65.

Dale has no romantic past. just porn addiction.

The only sad occasion Dale can recall is when his disabled father entered the hospitals ICU after a routine surgery and unexpectantly died. His mother, a CNA at the hospital feared but loved this man and she took it real hard. There was rumor spread around the hospital that she might be hurt moreso for loss of his disability check.

Dales happiest occasion was graduating from nursing school at 20 years old. His mother was only 15years older (35) and his dad was 55.

Although Dale feared his father and this is probably the underlying root for his need to be in control, it is his mothers exhibition of cool calmness and handling of problems that came up that made Dale want to enter the health profession like mom.

Dale never witnessed it, but he always had a suspicion that mom was physically abused by dad. He yelled and cursed at her constantly and Dale never said anything but he would show his face to let dad know he is witnessing and dad would usually punch the wall and leave for a while.

Dale is an only child. Growing up in Mango was like growing up in the country. But, he could see the big city lights of downtown Tampa on occasion on top of the water tower.

Dales family would be considered on the low end of poor

Dales education and work: Having had an average education, Dale wants to be in control but is more likely to handle the power with a light hand. He’s also likely to defer some power to others he feels are more qualified. To keep his job as a leader in the ICU he cant be too hard but management does appreciate how he keeps the unit in order. At work, Dale can be loud, bossy and bullying if things arent going his way and management tolerates it because of his productivity. He pursues power and control aggressively. He can seem overwhelming to others, anti-social and unfeeling. He’s attracted to jobs where he’s in power.

Dialogue with Dale: Dale is aggressive and loves to exert control over others. As he sinks into unhealthiness and becomes more isolated, he may lose contact with reality and certainly with his own feelings. The world is trying to control him and he won't allow it, becoming paranoid and phobic. Afraid of anything that threatens to get him down. His language of controlling others becomes language about being controlled. At this point, he may rely on threats and verbal attacks to get what he wants. When others show him sympathy, he lashes out in anger perceiving this as patronizing. Dialogue examples: "Don't try to flatter me. It won't work." "What the f**k!" "You've got no clue." Internal Dialogue: "I can do it. I'm powerful."

Dales relationships: Dale can be confrontational and bull-headed in a relationship. He is direct and persistent. Other characters feel safe being on his side, but the control can be hard to deal with. His inability to show vulnerability is difficult for partners or friends. He likes partners who are independent and strong, but allow him to be in control. Dale tends to be attracted to Helpers for friends and generally avoids Thinkers.

Story Arc: Dale psychologically changes toward a more unhealthy condition. Seeing his control slipping, perhaps at the hands of a hero type, he becomes even more dominating and destructive. being less people oriented, will become especially destructive to those at hand, the followers even he considers weak. In the process, he becomes more isolated which raises the anxiety level, creating reckless behavior and a lack of control which becomes his Achilles heal. In a way, his fear of failure causes failure.