Clerk: Jackie Cullen, 45 Porteous Close, Two Dales, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 2EN
Tel: 07733 097835 email:
30 November 2015
The next meeting of Stoney Middleton Parish Council will be held at 7.00 pm on 7th December 2015, in the Wesleyan Reform Chapel. Members of the public and the press are eligible and welcome to attend as spectators only, but are not allowed to participate in the meeting. Should anyone wish to bring before the Council any matter which is relevant to the Agenda, and which the Council deems appropriate, the Council will suspend the formal business of the meeting by Resolution to allow for brief discussion.
Yours sincerely
Jackie Cullen
Clerk to the Council/Responsible Finance Officer.
- Welcome spectators to the meeting
- To receive apologies for absence
- Variation of Order of Business
- Declaration of Members’ Interests
Please note: -
a)Members must ensure that they complete the Declarations of Interest sheet prior to the start of the meeting and must indicate the action to be taken.
b)Where a Member indicates that they have a prejudicial interest, but wish to make representations regarding the item before leaving the meeting, those representations must be made under item (c) of Public Speaking.
- The Declarations of Interests will be read out from the Declaration Sheet – Members will be asked to confirm that the record is correct.
- Public Speaking
a)A period of not more than ten minutes will be made available for members of the public and Members of the Council to comment on any matter.
b)If the Police Liaison Officer, a County Council or District Council Member is in attendance they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter.
c)Members declaring a prejudicial interest who wish to make representations or give evidence under the Code of Conduct relating to Agenda items shall do so at this stage.
- To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 2nd November 2015.
- To determine which items, if any, from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: -
“That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.”
- Clerk’s Report
9.1 Resignation of Robin Scothern
(a) / Tasks agreed – update-Preparation & painting of the rail & gate in The Grove
-Surfacing misc grass matting; kerbstones missing/damaged, repair as necessary & clean off area with alkali & water solution
-Swing – remove algae growth from surface using alkali & water solution
-Rocker – laminate damage, rub down damaged areas and repaint
-Fitting a spring on the gate of The Grove
-Providing stakes & fixing 8 Dog Control Order Notices (play area/playing field) / completed
-Remove and repair Rocking Duck (rotten seat)
-Playground roundabout – locate edging and fill gap(s) with rubber sealant
-Playground equipment repainting
-Sanding & re-sanding of benches & bridge framework in The Grove in a brown stain
- Spraying of refurbished concessionary path 3 times a year: £60.00
-Repair 2 loose steps on the multi-play equipt
-Repair loose base tiles on the 2 swings (outside the play area) requiring mastic
-Remedial work on the stone wall on the lhs of the playing field
-Fix gate btwn playing field & Conc. Path to close properly
(b) / Quotes received/requested
-Tile base of bench on playing field, near Conc. Path – needs mastic
- Dog Fouling Notices- 10 notices purchased 27 November – to be located as per October Minutes:
- 1 each on the 2 gates on the concessionary path
- 3 more along the footpath
- 4 around the field
- 1 in The Grove
-Install public defibrillator & connect to power supply / £200
(c) / DALC Circulars & Correspondence
25/2015: LIAS Documents Transparency Fund – forwarded 17/11/15
25/11/15 Email re letter and factsheet that has been produced by the new Sector Led Audit Body. Response required by 31/1/16 (forwarded)
(d) / Caravan Park
(e) / Cliff Bottom to Mill Lane road – potholes. Should be completed - update from DCC/Councillors.
(f) / High Street & Middleton Lane – verges have not been cut, and there is a problem with grit - update from DDDC
(g) / Playing fields - Badger problem/dog problem
(h) / Village Christmas tree – ordered; to be delivered w/c 30 November, £120.
(i) / New Bath Gardens Lease & The Roman Baths– Lease cancellation pending.
Submission/proposal by Chris Tsielepi.
(j) / Defibrillators–Box purchased;wording tbc; fitting tbc; awaiting confirmation of DDDC grant (submitted online 13 November).
(k) / Dale Mouth – blocked drains and surface – update from DCC/DDDC; Cllr Tibenham
(l) / Black Harry Lane – transport issues - update from DCC
(m) / Minor Footpath Maintenance consultation – response submitted to DCC 13thNovember.
- New issues
(a)Grit bins
(b)Roadside wall on the A623 in the vicinity of the former Shop & Post Office Stoney Middleton
(c)A623 Serious Accident to Local Resident (MG)
(d)Draft Budget 2016/17
(e)Dates of Parish Council meetings 2016
- Outstanding Issues
(a)The Moon Inn
(b)Concessionary Path Fencing- Commencement of works delayed by National Grid. Awaiting written report regarding location of gas pipe that runs under the Concessionary Path. Clerk awaiting response from Dan Critchlow re meeting National Grid on site.
(c)Jacob’s Ladder
(d)Flood Warden Scheme
(e)Sensor on the Brook - The Parish Council Gauge Expert has offered to provide a written explanation of gauge setting changes. These will be forwarded to all subscribers in due course.
(f)The Village Cross and steps- The registration of The Well is now complete, and the Clerk has the Land Registry Certificate. Letter sent to James re transferring ownership of the Village Cross and steps to the Parish Council; written consent received.
(g)Lovers’ Leap Lay-By – removal of concrete water pipe removal.
(j)Community Orchard
(k)Safety and village checks– update.
- Correspondence
Correspondence received by the Clerk was circulated where indicated to the Councillors prior to the meeting.
Ref / Date / From / Subject1. / October / DDDC Electoral / Letter re 2016 Electoral Register copy if required
2. / 4/11/15 / Voluntary & Community Services Peaks & Dales / Email - Volunteering opportunities
3. / 4/11/15 / Rural Services Network / Email - Rural Opportunities Bulletin - fowarded
4. / 4/11/15 / DDDC – Ros Hession / Email from Rural Action Derbyshire re Commuity Retail Seminar, 20 November 2015 - forwarded.
5. / 4/11/15 / DDDC – Lucy Prime, Bus. Support Supervisor / Email - Local Projects Fund available via District Councillors – forwarded
6. / 5/11/15 / DDDC – Cath Walker / Email - Have your say on council budget - forwarded
7. / 5/11/15 / Derbyshire Law Centre / Email - Invite,annual report and agenda for AGM - forwarded
8. / 6/11/15 / DDDC – Jim Fearn / Email - Press release re transfer of Tansley Village Hall to Parish Council
9. / 6/11/15 / Groundwork Creswell, Ashfield & Mansfield / Email - November2015 Newsletter - forwarded
10. / 9/11/15 / Rural Services Network / Email - Weekly Email News Digest - Monday, 9 November, 2015 - forwarded
11. / 9/11/15 / Local resident / Email re unkempt allotment sites – forwarded
12. / 10/11/15 / Local resident / Email re dog mess on playing field – forwarded
13. / 13/11/15 / DDDC – Jim Fearn / Email re Christmas & New Year bin collections - forwarded
14. / 16/11/15 / PDNP – Diane Jackson / Email re free trees from The Conservation Volunteers - forwarded
15. / 16/11/15 / PDNP – Diane Jackson / Email re Making Plans for Castleton Visitor Centre
16. / 16/11/15 / Hathersage Parish Clerk / Email re Season Tickets to Hathersage swimming pool
17. / 17/11/15 / DDDC – Jim Fearn / Media release re fly-tipping prosecution
18. / 17/11/15 / DCC – Chief Exec / Email: Agenda, Parish & Town Council Liaison Forum, Monday 23 November 6.00pm–7.45pm - forwarded
19. / 18/11/15 / Linda Jameson, North Derbyshire CCG / Email re 21c Programme – Our #JoinedUpCare journey - newsletter
20. / 18/11/15 / Helen’s Trust / Email re Magical Lantern Lit Walk 3 Dec 2015
21. / 19/11/15 / DDDC – Ros Hession / Email: notes re Area Community Forums and dates of next round of Forums in 2016 – forwarded
22. / 20/11/15 / Local Government News / Weekly Newsletter
23. / 21/11/15 / Local resident / Email re over-use of grit - forwarded
24. / 22/11/15 / Local resident / Email re Roadside wall on the A623 near former Shop & Post Office Stoney Middleton – forwarded
25. / 23/11/15 / DDDC – Jim Fearn / Media release re DDDC co-ordinating the Sportivate funding pot for sports clubs and groups throughout district – forwarded
26. / 23/11/15 / PDNP – Diane Jackson / Email re New support pledged for Peak District birds of prey – forwarded
27. / 23/11/14 / PDNP – Diane Jackson / Email re New wheelchair bike promises miles of smiles in the Peak District National Park- forwarded
28. / 23/11/15 / DDDC – Jim Fearn / Email re thriving local economy being the number one priority for Derbyshire Dales residents - forwarded
29. / 24/11/15 / DDDC – Jim Fearn / Email re Free parking throughout December again in Derbyshire Dales – forwarded
30. / 24/11/15 / Peak District Legal Team – Karen Harrison / Email re Longstone Edge Public Inquiry, which is to start on Tuesday 19thJanuary at the National Park Office – forwarded
31. / 24/11/15 / BECT / Email re Derbyshire Community Transport Campaign - 17,000 responses – Press Release – forwarded
32. / 25/11/15 / DDDC – Joseph Webster / Email reminder re Financial account information required – (replied 25/11/15)
33. / 25/11/15 / Richard Claxon, PDNP / Email re Bath Gardens Lease - forwarded
34. / 25/11/15 / DDDC – Sandra Lamb / Email re Planning Training for Town and Parish Councillors – forwarded
35. / Nov ‘15 / DCC – Health & Communities / Letter re Child Sexual Exploitation campaign
36. / 30/11/15 / DDDC – Jim Fearn / Email re media release: DDDC backing Small Business Saturday UK, 5 December) - fowarded
- Planning
1. / Application no. NP/DDD/0915/0841
Lovers’ Leap Garage, The Dale, Stoney middleton.
The Clerk emailed PDNP to request information on proposed hours of business. Acknowledgement received; no response as yet. / Erection of workshop/ storage building
2. / Application No. NP/DDD/0715/0636
Braeside, Mill Lane, Stoney Middleton
Comments by 21 December 2015 / Retrospective application for extension, alteration garage
3. / Application no. NP/DDD/1115/1081
8 Denman Crescent, Stoney Middleton
Comments by 24 December 2015 / Ground floor and first floor side and rear extension
a) To report money in Bank Accounts
b) To discuss monthly financial report
c) To authorise payments
Bank Statements to 15/9/15 / Current a/c / 100.00Community account no.1 / £6,292.02
Community account no.2 / £15,015.18
Total / £21,407.20
Cheque no. / Payee / Amount
1493 / Donation to Wesleyan Reform Chapel – SPMC 7/12/15
1494 / J Cullen – Clerk’s salary & stationery reimbursement:
5/10/15: 25 hours (5 weeks) @ £8.63ph
Office expenses: space, lighting, heating, electricity, broadband and telephone calls November 2015
Reimbursement: 10 Dog clean-up signs (Amazon) / 215.75
Total / £271.04
1495 / Defibrillator box – Defib Store Ltd / 598.80
1496 / Christmas Tree – Longshaw Estates / 120.00
Note: There was found to be a 0.04p discrepancy re cheque no. 1485 – this should have been £102.29 to tally with the invoices. 0.04p paid in and adjustment made.
- Exchange of information or items for next meeting
- To confirm the date of the next meeting – Monday, 4thJanuary2016in the Wesleyan Reform Chapel