APRIL 14, 2018
Conference Call 9:30 am
Board Members: Scott Schnuckle, President, Mike Flanagan, Vice President, Gary Ziehmann, Treasurer, Peg Hartung, Ron Markfelder, Ron Mash, Chuck Salter, Lisa Kajer and Mary Thibert, Secretary.
Board members not in attendance: Jon-Scott Johnson, Paul Baker, Dennis Smith and Brian Sams.
Visitors: Tom Anderson-LID President, Chris Ziehmann-Newsletter editor and David Thibert.
Scott Schnuckle welcomed everyone to the conference call. He verified which board members were present by asking members to identify themselves when speaking. He asked Chuck Salter’s opinion if the board could make motions and vote viathe conference call format. Chuck stated that this was a grey area in the bylaws but gave agreement to conduct the meeting, make motions and vote as usual. A clarification in the bylaws regarding this type of circumstance will be addressed at the annual meeting.
Secretary’s Report: Minutesfrom the Fall board meeting had been reviewed by members via email. Gary Ziehmann made the motioned to accept the minutes. Chuck Salter seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Gary Ziehmann presented the Treasurer’s report. The total balance in all accounts as of 4/13/18 is $12,935.31.The Treasurer’s report was accepted.
Gary Ziehmann made the motion to the board to approve the expenses of $250 for the Newsletter Editor, $300 for the Treasurer, $250 for the Secretary, up to $500 for beaver control and any out of the pocket expenses that occur for water clarity testing. Scott Schnuckle seconded the motion. The motion carried with Gary Ziehmann and Mary Thibert abstaining.
The volunteer position for water quality testing remains open. Brian Sams is willing to conduct the testing if no other persons come forward. It remains an unpaid position with reimbursement for only out-of-pocket expenses.
The total membership for FTLPOA for 2017 was 212 and presently 106 for 2018. 20 property owners have prepaid for 2019.
- Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Updates and Plans:
- AIS Conference Summary: Mike Flanagan attended the AIS conference this winter. Some Quad Lakes members and several representatives from different LIDs also attended. He reported that a new position has been created at Morrison County to manage Morrison County’s waterways. This position is held by Galen Gruber. This conference was hosted by the Minnesota Lakes & Rivers Advocates. Speakers were scientists from Canada, Michigan and the U of M. They discussed Curly Leaf Pondweed, Eurasian Milfoil and Zebra Mussels. No one had a solution to eliminate the growth or spread of zebra mussels. They have discovered that crayfish will eat zebra mussels and that chlorine will kill them. But unfortunately chlorine cannot be used to treat the lake because it would also kill the lake. Their conclusion was it will take many years, a lot of time and money to find a solution. A summary of the conference will be in the spring newsletter. Discussion followed regarding the establishment of a boat wash station at the public landing. Chuck Salter asked if there was grant money available. Mike stated there is money available to support projects like this to obtain equipment and determine a boat washing schedule. Further investigation is necessary.
- LID Report of Curly Leaf Pondweed Treatment: Tom Anderson, President of the LID reported that the LID will be using Quad Lakes Association grant money to the cover the cost of the vegetation studies this year. RMB will again be conducting those pre and post treatment studies. The estimated total cost for the two studies is approximately $3000. LakeRestoration will provide the actualCLP treatment again this year which the LID pays for. The LID is also planning to obtain more brochures to place at the public landing. There was $50,000 grant money available from the state of MN this year. The Quad Lakes Association received an $18,000 grant. Bob Koll, a member of the Quad Lakes Association, is also the fiscal agent for the grant money. RMB’s bills will be submitted to Bob for payment and the LID will track the payment.
- Signage at the Boat Landing: Chuck Salter clarified that this signage is different than what the Quad Lakes provides at the public landing. The FTLPOA signage has not been installed yet. It will be installed this spring most likely in May, in the vicinity of the waste disposal area. The final design will be 4 ft by 4 ft, with signage on both sides using reflective material. The estimated cost for the sign project is approximately $1700. This money will come from the IFEF. Chuck Salter motioned the board to approve the cost of the signage not to exceed $2000. Peg Hartung seconded the motion. The motion carried.
- Railroad Update: Scott Schnuckle reported Morrison County (MC) and the Railroad still have not reached an agreement about the crossing closing. MC wants the Railroad to assume liability of the pathway that is Railroad land. The Railroad does not want to have any liability forthe trail. MC is willing to assume all liability if they own it. MC does not own the land; the Railroad is only leasing it to MC. MC and the Railroad are trying to write a contract but are still apart on the terms. The exact placement of the trail has not been finalized and the Railroad is waiting for MC to provide them with a finalized plan for the trail, which should be coming soon. Scott and Paul Baker will continue to pressure both MC and the Railroad to get this finalized so the Lincoln crossing can be closed.
- Initiative Foundation Endowment Fund (IFEF): GaryZiehmann gave a report on the current balance of the fund. There was discussion on how to use the monies. The FTLPOA board is open to ideas for new projects. A committee was formed several years ago to suggest projects. This committee has not met recently. Scott would like to rekindle this group andresign the chair position to another member. A request will be placed in the newsletter and website posting for interested persons. One idea offered was that we purchase washing equipment and rent it to the Quad Lakes Association for use on other lakes too. This idea may not meet our endowment fund requirements. According to Chuck Salter equipment purchased needs to be used exclusively on FTL. Scott Schnuckle would like to see a project that is visible to members and helpful to the environment.
- Website: Chris Ziehmann reported for the 2018 season there are 28 businesses that placed ads on the Website. Advertising on the Website and newsletter is open to all local businesses.
- Newsletter: Chris stated that the newsletter will be mailed prior to Memorial Day.
- Water Sampling: Brian Sams will temporarily be doing the water sampling and he would appreciate an assistant. There was discussion on recognizing Jim Fogelberg at the Annual Meeting. Jim will be asked to give his report of last year’s water sampling and Brian will report on this year’s. Chuck Salter made the motion to recognize Jim Fogelberg with a $150 gift certificate to the Landing. Lisa Kajer seconded the motion. The motion carried.
- After-the-Fact Variance: Chuck Salter’s interpretation of the MN Statue on the County Board of Adjustments is that there is no wording about after-the-fact variance and there are no limitations on it either. MC Land Use Ordinance does address it but there are no set penalties. These after-the-fact variances not only affect lakeshore properties but farm lands as well.
- Annual Meeting: FTLPOA annual meeting will be 6/23/18 at 9:30 am at Scandia Valley Town Hall. The LID will have its annual meeting at 9:00 am before the FTLPOA meeting. Peg Hartung will serve lunch.
- Terms Ending in June: Gary Ziehmann, Dennis Smith, Jon Scott Johnson, Paul Baker and Peg Hartung. Gary Ziehmann and Paul Baker-will continue to serve. Dennis Smith and Jon Scott Johnson-Chuck will check with them.
There will be a boat parade on July 4th. Meet in front of Scenic View Campground at 12 N. Ron Nypan has led the parade for years. He would like someone else to lead the parade this year.
Scott Schnuckle motioned to adjourn the meeting. Mike Flanagan seconded the motion. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned.
Respectively submitted by,
Mary B Thibert