Program of the Bavarian State Ministry of Education, Science and the Arts

Internationalization of universities;
Promoting the recruitment of international visiting professors

  1. International visiting professor

1.1 / Family name:
Academic degree:
Date of birth:
Country of origin:
1.2 / Home university /Home institution:(address)
1.3 / Status at the home university /home institution:
1.4 / Area of expertise:
1.5 / Host at the UR /

1.6Previous occupation and teaching experience(please only include experience which is relevant to the planned guest lectureship):

1.7Previous contact/s which have led to the invitation of the visiting professor:

  1. Teaching activities of the visiting professor at Universität Regensburg

2.1 / Degree program in which the guest lectureship will be taking place:
2.2 / Number of students currently enrolled in this degree program (if applicable, please distinguish byacademic degree:teaching degree, Bachelor, Master):
2.3 / Duration of stay:
Duration of stayatUniversität Regensburg (including preparation, follow-up work and exams):
Start (Day / Month / Year): / End (Day / Month / Year):
2.4 / Duration of teaching:
Start (Day / Month / Year): / End (Day / Month / Year):
2.5 / Total number of teaching hours during the lectureship:

2.6Planned course(s) of the visiting professor:

Please enclose a syllabus(separate as attachment), which should cover the following questions:

1.Title of the course

2.Short description of the contents of the course

3.Classification of the course in

  1. Type of course (lecture, seminar, tutorial/lab)
  2. Core course, compulsory optional course, elective course
  3. Offered for teacher training degree, state examination, bachelor or master degree
  4. Relevance of the course within the curriculum of the respective degree program

4.Language of instruction

5.Number of contact hours for the duration of your stay, number of (ECTS) credit points

6.Anticipated number of participants

2.7Detailed explanatory statement for the guest lectureship (Which new aspects of this lectureship are related to thecourse offer in the degree program? And in which way does this lectureship contribute to consolidate the international dimension of teaching in this subject area and the international profile of the corresponding faculty?):

2.8What impact on research projects can be expected through the guest lectureship?

2.9. Will the guest lectureship be co-financed with other funds?  yes  no

If yes, which funds and up to what amount?


Please attach the following documents with your application:

Attachment1: Description of the contents of the planned course offered by the visiting professor (see item 2.6)

Attachment2: CV of the visiting professor(in German or English)

Attachment 3: Publicationlist with papers published within the last five years that are relevant to the teaching and research activities at Universität Regensburg

Attachment4: Letter of endorsement by the Dean of the respective Faculty at Universität Regensburg

Applications that do not include all components are incomplete and will not be considered.

Please send your application in electronic format (pdf; in one file),to the following address:

Application deadline for summer semester 2018: January 10, 2018

Information on Funding/Grant:

a)Flat-rate allowance for housing and subsistence: 2500 Euros per month

b)Remuneration for teaching: 60 Euros per teaching hour (incl. preparation and grading)

c)Travel allowance (depending on travelling distance)


As of: November 2017