Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 7th September 2016

Present were Wendy Heron, Eve Edwards, Janet Cooper, Carolyn Pashby, Mike Calvert, Bryan Haddon. Simon Morris, Lyn & Graham Meredith, Christie Goymer.

The minutes for the July meeting were considered and approved.

Correspondence - see update on Septic Tank Issue.

Finance – EE presented the financial report for July & August.

Public Right of Way - The County Council have asked the HCA to consider re-routing the public footpath, which presently goes through the pub carpark, down alongside the village hall. This was seriously considered and rejected by the trustees by a unanimous vote. CCC has been notified of the trustees’ decision.

Update on CC & Lottery Grants - A formal application, as requested, for a donation/grant has been made to the CC, we are now waiting on their response. The lottery grant is nearly complete with only one outstanding item to be purchased.

Risk Assessments - Our annual risk assessments have been carried out. Items needing attention have been identified and action taken to rectify them. PAT Testing needs to be done. JC to arrange.

Christmas Fayre - WH has this in hand for December.

Update on Septic Tank Issue-.Correspondence has been received from the Plash requesting part payment for the emptying of the tank and for jet washing the drains. It was agreed to pay these but the jet washing was out of goodwill, since the village hall drains were not included. EE disagreed with this decision. The trustees’ also decided to seek an independent report on the state of the septic tank. JC to arrange.

Bookings & Hire Charges – Bookings are sound and improving. Our hire charges for the hall have now been reviewed. It was felt that a booking agreement form was needed which would cover requirements from Hirers in more detail. JC & CG to arrange.

Dave King Memorial – The HCC have decided to make its own memorial. The HCA have decided to purchase a picnic bench dedicated to DK. This is to be placed in the playing fields. EE & JC to arrange.

A.O.B - None

This meeting closed 9.02pm. Our next meeting is scheduled for 7.30pm on Wednesday 5th October 2016.