Associated Student Organization

Finance Meeting Minutes

Los Angeles Trade TechnicalCollege | Office of Student Life |K– 126

Monday, February 27th, 2017 |3:30 PM



  1. Call to Order: 3:35 PM
  2. Roll Call:

NOTICE: In compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code 54950-54963) this meeting shall be open to all members of the public, press, and media. In compliance with the California Public Records Act aka CPRA (California Government Code 6250-6270), this agenda and all meeting materials distributed during this public meeting shall be made available and in alternate formats upon request. Please contact the Associated Student Organization (ASO) office located inCedar Hall; Office of Student LifeK – 126 A in person or by phone at (213) 763-7200, You may also address any comments, concerns, or requests to Sadie Batres-McNish ASO President,


TREASURER: Taqwa Beamon –P

PRESIDENT: Sadie Batres-McNish –P
SECRETARY: David Allsop –P

STUDENT REP: Harold Lewis –P
FACULTY ADVISOR: Deborah Campbell –P

CFO: Elizabeth Baquir –P & Dr. Gallagher was in attendance.

ASSOC. DEAN of STUDENT LIFE: Dimitrios Synodinos–P

  1. Approval of the Minutes from 2.21.17
    Lewis move to approve the minutes from 2.21.17, Second McNish; Passed
  2. Public Forum
    No Comment
  3. Reports (Each member will be limited to a total of Five (5) minutes)

A.Business Office Report
Gallagher; showed all actual revenue and expenditures so far,all parking revenue has not yet posted. They are very conservative when they guesstimate revenues. The 6th floor of the 24th street parking lot is the only general parking, and there are about 200 spots. Our cater craft account has a lot of outstanding income. The bookstore can possibly by some of the discount cards so that the ASO is not stuck with such a loss. The ASO can count on the revenues that it expected. Synodinos; clubs can come to him to start the process of getting a thorough look at their accounts. Gallagher; each month club report will show activity. Baquir; the business office received 400 discount cards and sold 70. Gallagher; will make the ASO whole for the commit to complete students that received preferred parking this spring. There are about 600 preferred spots at 24st parking, 550 at Olive St. and 350 at Flower St. A business office person will have to be in the office for us to collect fees in the office, we could revisit this in the fall. We facilitate students getting a U-pass but we do not make any money or have anything to do with the mechanics of it. The Pass have a fixed start and end date and they won’t allow no extra days.

B.Dean of Student Life Report
No Report

C.Board/Committee Reports
Lewis; asking the ASO for money to purchase a board that we can put in the window of Aspen Hall. Gallagher; that is the college responsibility and she will make sure that it happens.

D.Treasurer’s Report
The Planning and Budget committee is requesting that the ASO attend their next meeting to give input on P.A.C.T.S. Gallagher; also to train on how to read the budget.

  1. Discussion Items: (Each Discussion Item is limited to a total of ten (10) minutes)
  2. Action Items: (Each Action Item is limited to a total of ten (10) minutes)

A.$1,200 for Women Appreciation event
Beamon move to approve up to $1,200 from account #525 for Women appreciation event, Second McNish; BeamonAbstain, McNish Aye, Lewis Aye, Campbell Aye, Synodinos Aye, Passed

B.$7,500 for National Student Leadership Diversity Convention
Beamon move to approve up to $7,500 from account #396 for the NSLDC, Second McNish; BeamonAbstain, McNish Aye, Lewis Aye, CampbellAbstain, Synodinos Nay, Passed

C.$30,000 for ASO/OSL Employees
No Action



X. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Synodinos; thank Dr. Gallagher and Baquir for coming


NOTICE: In compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code 54950-54963) this meeting shall be open to all members of the public, press, and media. In compliance with the California Public Records Act aka CPRA (California Government Code 6250-6270), this agenda and all meeting materials distributed during this public meeting shall be made available and in alternate formats upon request. Please contact the Associated Student Organization (ASO) office located in Redwood Hall; Office of Student LifeC – 105 A in person or by phone at (213) 763-7200, You may also address any comments, concerns, or requests to Taqwa Beamon ASO President,