Cycle A – Christmas, The Nativity of the Lord - December 25

Three Readings: Mass During the Day

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…

God becomes one of us that we might become one with God. The focus of the readings for Christmas Day is not on the historical event of the birth of Jesus, but on the full meaning of the incarnation. Throughout history the prophets have attested to God’s redemptive presence with His people. In the person of Jesus, God has entered human history and become one with us for the salvation of all. Our redemption and purification from sin is an invitation to enter and participate in the fullness of Trinitarian life sustained by the grace of God’s imprint at the very core of our human identity, “what was coming into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people”.

Ours is a God of both creation and redemption. He is Emmanuel!


Leader: O sing to the Lord a new song;

Sing to the Lord, all the earth.

All: Sing to the Lord, bless his name;

Tell of salvation from day to day.

Leader:Declare his glory among the nations,

His marvelous works among all the peoples,

All: For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised;

He is to be revered above all gods.


Gospel Reading – John 1:1-18

Jesus is the divine fiat or Word that creates the cosmos out of chaos. He is also the Word made flesh who comes to restore creation. He is life; the light who shines out and cannot be overcome by the darkness. Through and in Him we become children of God.

  1. In what ways does John’s Christmas message shine hope in your life?
  2. How does Jesus’ solidarity with, and love of creation challenge us to shine in the darkness of our world to declare hope at all costs?


Take some time to reflect deeply on the meaning and challenge that Jesus’ solidarity with humanity extends to you personally. The feast of Hanukkah begins at today at sundown. Consider offering a prayer of thanksgiving and blessing for our Jewish brothers and sisters.


Intercession: Father, we are filled with the new light by the coming of your word among us. May the light of faith shine in our words and actions.

(Invite personal intentions, ending with “Our Father…”)

Concluding Prayer:

Leader:Rejoice! God has become one with humanity,

And we have become one with God.

All:Your Eternal Word has taken upon himself our human weakness,

Giving our mortal nature immortal value.

Leader:Today is born our Saviour

All:who is Christ our Lord.


Leader: Let us share with one another the joy and peace of Christ, God-with-us.