CV - Jorge Saba Arbache
Senior Economist, Office of the Chief Economist, Africa Region - The World Bank
1818 H Street N.W., Washington, DC20433, USA
Tel: (202) 458 7985 Fax: (202) 477 0380
Brazilian Nationality
2004 - Sabbatical program at the World Institute for Development Economics Research – The United Nations University, Helsinki, Finland
1998 - PhD in Economics, University of Kent, United Kingdom
1990 -Master in Economics, University of Brasilia, Brazil
1987 - Bachelor in Law, Instituto Vianna Júnior, Brazil
1986 - Bachelor in Economics, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
Summary of recent professional experience
- Professor of Economics at the University of Brasilia, Brazil(1991-2005).
- Senior Researcher of the National Research Council – Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology (1999-2005).
- Economist, International Labor Organization (1989-1991), Brasilia Office.
- I have worked jointly with the Brazilian Government on several topics related to poverty, employment and social programs; the establishment of the unemployment insurance program in Brazil; and the organization of the Fundo de Amparo ao Trabalhador – FAT.
- Short term consultant for the World Bank, UNDP, ECLAC, DFID, various Brazilian Ministries, various large Brazilian and international private sector companies, among others.
- Was lead economist of several large projects such as “Poverty and Markets in Brazil” (DFID/ECLAC), “Brazilian International Competitiveness” (Brazilian Ministry of Development and International Trade), “The impacts of Free Trade of Americas Agreement and European Union / Mercosur Trade Agreement on the Brazilian Exports” (Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
- Research Fellow -Department of Economics, University of Kent, UK(2000-2002).
Selection of recent publications
Refereed Journals
- Trade liberalization and wages in developing countries, Economic Journal, v.114, pp. F73-F96, 2004, with Francis Green and Andy Dickerson
- Assessing the Stability of the Inter-industry Wage Structure in the Face of Radical Economic Reforms, Economics Letters, v. 83, pp. 149-155, 2004, with Francis Green and Andy Dickerson
- Trade liberalization, wage and employment structures, Revista Brasileira de Economia, v. 58, pp. 2004, with Carlos Henrique Corseuil
- Does trade liberalization always decrease unions bargaining power? Economia, v.5, pp.99-122, 2004.
- Industry affiliation and wage differentials in Brazil, Revista Brasileira de Economia, v.58, pp. 159-184, 2004, with João Alberto De Negri.
- Assessing the Impacts of Trade on Poverty and Inequality, Applied Economics Letters, v. 10, pp. 989-994, 2003, with Francisco Carneiro
- The impacts of trade on the Brazilian labor market: A CGE model approach, World Development, v.31, pp. 1581-1595, 2003, with Francisco Carneiro
- A picture of wage inequality and the allocation of labor through a period of trade liberalization: the case of Brazil, with Francis Green and Andy Dickerson, World Development, v. 29, pp.1923-1939, 2001
- Wage differentials in Brazil: theory and evidence, Journal of Development Studies, v. 38, pp. 109-130, 2001
- Unions and Inter-industry Wage Differentials, World Development, v. 27, pp. 1875-1883, 1999, with Francisco Carneiro
- A comparison of different estimates of inter-industry wage differentials: the case of Brazil, Applied Economics Letters, v. 6, pp. 67-71, 1999
- Do unions always reduce wage dispersion? The case of Brazilian manufacturing, Journal of Labor Research, v. 20, pp. 425-436, 1999
Book Chapters
- The impacts of FDI on labor market and technology in Brazil in the 1990s, to appear shortly in a book published by the OECD and organized by David O’Connor, Koji Miyamoto and Alfonso Mercado, forthcoming.
- The determinants of competitive advantage of Brazilian exporting firms, In Navneet Sharma, Shyam S Lodha and B P Bhatnagar (edits), Contours of global competitive advantage, forthcoming, with Joao Alberto De Negri.
- Macroeconomic Adjustment, Trade Liberalization and Labor Market Performance in Brazil, with Francisco Galrão Carneiro, In Mauricio Font (edit.), New Approaches to Social Reform in Brazil, Boulder, CO: Rowman and Littlefield, forthcoming.
- Pro-Poor Macroeconomics in Brazil?, In Andrea Cornia (edit),Pro-Poor Macroeconomics, London/New York: Palgrave, 2006.
- Unions and the labor market in Brazil, In R.P. Barros, I. Gill, and F. Carneiro (edits), What Good Can Labor Market Institutions Do for the Poor?, New York: Nova Science, 2006.
- Do technological innovations and exports affect the size and productivity of manufacturing firms? Evidence for Brazil, in J.A. De Negri and M. Salerno, Innovation and technology in Brazilian economy, Brasilia: Institute for Applied Economics Research, 2005.
- Wage differentials and firm performance in Brazilian manufacturing, in J.A. De Negri and M. Salerno, Innovation and technology in Brazilian economy, Brasilia: Institute for Applied Economics Research, 2005, with Luis Bahia.
- Restrições tarifárias às exportações industriais e agrícolas brasileiras para a América do Norte (Trade restrictions to Brazilian industrial and agricultural exports to North America), In Alvaro Hidalgo and Luis Fernando Fernández Alvarado (edits) ALCA – Efectos sobre el sector agrícola en las economias Latinoamericanas, Recife: Editora Universitária –PIMES, 2005.
- The impacts of trade openness on employment, poverty and inequality: The case of Brazil (with Francisco Carneiro), In E. Ganuza, S. Morley, S. Robinson, and R. Vos (edits), ?Quien se beneficia del libre comercio? Promoción de exportaciones y pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe en los 90, New York: UNDP and Alfaomega, 2004.
- Some aspects and implications of the Brazilian international integration, In J.P. Reis Velloso (org.), Governo Lula: Novas Prioridades e Desenvolvimento Sustentado, Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio Editora, 2003
- Poverty and markets in Brazil, In J.S. Arbache (org.), Poverty and markets in Brazil: An appraisal of public policy initiatives, Brasilia/London: Department for International Development / UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2003.
- The Mercosur interests on the FTAA and EU trade agreements, In D. Benecke, R. Nascimento, and R. Fendt (edts.),Brasil na arquitetura comercial global, Rio de Janeiro: FGV and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2003, with João De Negri.
- International trade, competitiveness and labor market: some evidence for Brazil, In H. Kume (org.), O Processo de Abertura Comercial e seus efeitos sobre Empregos e Salários, Brasilia: IPEA/MTE 2003.
- Trade liberalization and industrial competitiveness: a preliminary assessment, In D. Benecke and R. Nascimento (edts.), Opções de política econômica para o Brasil, Rio de Janeiro: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2003, with João De Negri.
- Informalidade, encargos trabalhistas e Previdência Social, In Ministério da Previdência Social, Base de financiamento da Previdência Social: Alternativas e Perspectivas, Brasília: Ministério da Previdência Social, 2003.
- Trade liberalization and labor markets in developing countries: theory and evidence, In A. Levy and J.R. Faria (edits), Economic Growth, Inequality and Migration: National and International Perspectives, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2002.
- Trade liberalization and labor market in Brazil, in N. Menezes e M. Lisboa, Microeconomia Aplicada no Brasil, Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 2001.
- Wage determination in Brazil, In R. Fontes and M.A. Arbex (edits), Desemprego e Mercado de Trabalho no Brasil, Viçosa: Editora Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2000.
- Poverty and markets in Brazil: An appraisal of public policy initiatives, London and Brasilia: Department for International Development / UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2003 (organizer).
- O mercado de trabalho na atividade econômica do turismo no Brasil (The labor market of the tourism industry in Brazil), Brasília: Editora Universidade de Brasília, 2001.
Recent research grants
- Economic and Social Research Council (United Kingdom)(2000-2002).
- Brazilian National Research Council(1999-2005).
- Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst/CAPES (Germany/Brazil)(2000-2002).
Some of my recent work in progress
- Tourism and poverty alleviation in Brazil, with Adam Blake, Thea Sinclair and Vladimir Telles, University of Nottingham, 2005.
- Trade openness and gender discrimination, with Marina Santos, UnB, 2005.
- Human capital, external effects and technical change, with Sarquis J.B. Sarquis, LSE, 2005.
- Is there gender discrimination in Brazil? A natural experiment approach, with Paulo Loureiro,UnB, 2005.
- Are fixed and mobile phone lines substitute or complementary?, with Cristina Coury, UnB, 2005.
- Trade openness, competitiveness and public policies, WP No. 903, IPEA.
- The impacts of FTAA on Brazilian exports to the USA and Canada, with João De Negri, WP No. 991, IPEA.
- The impacts of EU-Mercosur trade agreement on Brazilian exports to the EU, with João De Negri, WP No. 990, IPEA
- Mercosur and labor market: Notes for the Debate, paper presented at the Workshop on the Experiences in Processes of Regional Integration and Impacts on Poverty, 20-21 October 2004, ECLAC/DFID/British Embassy.
- Do structural reforms always succeed? Lessons from Brazil, Research Paper No. 2004/58, WIDER-UNU.
- Trade liberalization, product and labor markets in Brazil, with Naercio Menezes, mimeo, USP, 2004.
Other information
- Referee for Review of Development Economics, World Development, The Manchester School, Contemporary Economic Policy, Environment and Economic Development, Journal of Applied Economics, Social and Economic Studies, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Revista Brasileira de Economia, Pesquisa e Planejamento Econômico, Brazilian Review of Econometrics, Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, Economia Aplicada, and Economia.
- Organizer of the annual “Banco do Brasil – University of Brasilia Economics Prize”.
- You can access some of my recent working papers on the SSRN website through the following URL: