
Personal details

NameFrank van Tubergen

Date of birth18 May 1976

Place of birth Amersfoort, the Netherlands


Business Address

Department of Sociology / ICS

Faculty of Social Sciences

Utrecht University

Padualaan 14

3584 CH Utrecht

The Netherlands

Phone: +31 (0)30-2533809



Education and Academic positions

2014 (Jan)-Full Professor of Theoretical and Empirical Sociology. Department of Sociology / ICS, Utrecht University. Full Professor.

2009 (Jan)-Full Professor, Department of Sociology / ICS and Department of Migration and Ethnic Relations/ ERCOMER,Utrecht University.

2006-2009Associate Professor, Department of Sociology/ICS, UtrechtUniversity

2004-2006Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology/ICS, UtrechtUniversity

2005Ph.D. Sociology, Utrecht University, (highest distinction).

2000-2004Ph.D. candidate Department of Sociology/ICS, UtrechtUniversity

1995-2000MA Philosophy, NijmegenUniversity

1995-2000MA Sociology, Nijmegen University,(highest distinction)


Major Peer Reviewed Publications (TOP-10)

Hofstra, B., R. Corten, F. van Tubergen and N. Ellison. 2017. “Segregation Beyond Core Networks”. American Sociological Review, 83 (3): 625-656.

Smith, S., McFarland, D.A., Van Tubergen, F. and Maas, I. 2016. “Ethnic Composition and Friendship Segregation: Differential Effects for Adolescent Natives and Immigrants.” American Journal of Sociology, 121 (4), pp.1223-1272.”

Blommaert, L., M. Coenders, and F. van Tubergen. 2014. “Discrimination of Arabic-named applicants in the Netherlands: An internet-based field experiment examining different phases in online recruitment procedures.” Social Forces, 92(3):957-82.

Geven, S., J. Weesie, and F. van Tubergen. 2013.“The influence of friends on adolescents’ behavior problems at school: the role of ego, alter and dyadic characteristics.” Social Networks 35: 583-592.

Kanas, A., B. Chiswick, T. van der Lippe and F. van Tubergen. 2012. “Social Contacts and the Economic Performance of Immigrants: A Panel Study of Immigrants in Germany.” International Migration Review, 46(3): 680-709.

Kalmijn, M. and F. van Tubergen. 2010. “A Comparative Perspective on Intermarriage: Explaining Differences in Marriage Choices among National Origin Groups in the United States.” Demography, 47(2): 459-479.*** IPUMS Research Award, 2010, for best published work***

Ruiter, S. and F. van Tubergen. 2009. “Religious Attendance in Cross-National Perspective: A Multilevel Analysis of 60 Countries.” American Journal of Sociology, 115 (3): 863-895.***European Academy of Sociology, 2010 prize for best article***

Van Tubergen, F. and H. van de Werfhorst. 2007. “Postimmigration Investments in Education: A Study of Immigrants in the Netherlands.” Demography, 44: 883-898.

Van Tubergen, F. and M. Kalmijn. 2005. “Destination-Language Proficiency in Cross-National Perspective: A Study of Immigrant Groups in Nine Western Countries.” American Journal of Sociology 110:1412-57.

Van Tubergen, F., I. Maas, and H. Flap. 2004. “The Economic Incorporation of Immigrants in 18 Western Societies: Origin, Destination, and Community Effects.” American Sociological Review 69:701-24.

International Peer Reviewed Publications

Geven, S., Jonsson, J., and Van Tubergen, F. “Gender Differences in Resistance to Schooling: the Role of Dynamic Peer- Influence and Selection Processes.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence, forthcoming.

Bubritzki, S., Van Tubergen, F., Weesie, J. and Smith, S. “Ethnic Composition of the School Class and Interethnic Attitudes: A Multi-Group Perspective.”Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, forthcoming.

Hofstra, B., R. Corten, F. van Tubergen and N. Ellison. 2017. “Segregation Beyond Core Networks”. American Sociological Review, 83 (3): 625-656.

Hofstra, B., R. Corten and F. van Tubergen. 2016."Understanding the Privacy Behavior of Adolescents on Facebook: The Role of Peers, Popularity and Trust" Computers in Human Behavior,60, 611-621.

Van Tubergen, F., O.A. Al-Modaf, N.F. Almosaed, and M. Ben Said Al-Ghamdi. 2016. Personal Networks in Saudi Arabia: The Role of Ascribed and Achieved Characteristics. Social Networks, 45, 45-54.

Geven, S., Kalmijn, M. and Van Tubergen, F. 2016. The ethnic composition of schools and students’ problem behaviour: the role of friends. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42 (9), 1473-1495.

Hofstra, B., R. Corten and F. van Tubergen. 2016.“Who was first on Facebook? Determinants of Early Adoption among Adolescents.” New Media & Society, 18(10), 2340-2358.

Kruse, H., Smith, S., Van Tubergen, F., and Maas, I. 2016. From Neighbors to School Friends? How Adolescents' Place of Residence relates to same-ethnic School Friendships. Social Networks, 44: 130-142.

***Best paper award of the Network Analysis Section of the German Sociological Association, 2017.

Smith, S., McFarland, D.A., Van Tubergen, F. and Maas, I. 2016. “Ethnic Composition and Friendship Segregation: Differential Effects for Adolescent Natives and Immigrants.” American Journal of Sociology, 121 (4), pp.1223-1272.”

Van Tubergen, F. and M. van Gaans. 2016. Is there an Oppositional Culture among Immigrant Adolescents in the Netherlands?” Youth & Society, 48: 202-219.

Smith, S., I. Maas and F. van Tubergen.2015. “Parental Influence on Friendships Between Native and Immigrant Adolescents in Germany and the Netherlands.” Journal for Research on Adolescents, 25(3): 580-591.

Emonds, V. and F. van Tubergen.2015. “Mixed Parents, Mixed Results: Testing the Effects of Cross-Nativity Partnership on Children’s Educational Attainment.” Sociological Perspectives, 58(2) 145-167.

Van Tubergen, F. and B. Volker. 2015. “Inequality in Access to Social Capital in the Netherlands”. Sociology, 49(3) 521-538.

Van Tubergen, F.2015. Ethnic Boundaries in Core Discussion Networks: A Multilevel Social Network Study of Turks and Moroccans in the Netherlands. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41(1), 101-116.

Martinovic, B., F. van Tubergen and I. Maas. 2015. “A Longitudinal Study of Interethnic Contacts in Germany: Estimates from a Multilevel Growth Curve Model.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41(1), 83-100.

Schimmer, P. and F. van Tubergen. 2014. “Transnationalism and Ethnic Identification among Adolescent Children of Immigrants in the Netherlands, Germany, England, and Sweden’. International Migration Review, 48 (3), 680–709.

Spörlein, C. and F. van Tubergen. 2014. "The Occupational Status of Immigrants in Western and non-Western Societies." International Journal of Comparative Sociology,55(2),119-143.

Smith, S., I. Maas and F. van Tubergen. 2014. Ethnic ingroup friendships in schools: testing the by-product hypothesis in England, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. Social Networks, 39, 33-45.

De Hoon, S. and F. van Tubergen. 2014. “The Religiosity of Children of Immigrants and Natives in England, Germany and the Netherlands: The Role of Parents and Peers in Class".European Sociological Review,30 (2), 194-206.

Van der Pol, J. and F. van Tubergen. 2014. “Inheritance of religiosity among Muslim immigrants in a secular society.” Review of Religious Research,56 (1), 87-106.

Van Tubergen, F. and T. Mentjox. 2014. Minority Language Proficiency of Adolescent Immigrant Children in Four European Countries. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozial Psychologie (Suppl), 66:241-262.

Kanas, A. and F. van Tubergen. 2014. The Conditional Returns to Origin-Country Human Capital among Turkish and Moroccan Immigrants in Belgium. Social Science Research, 46:130-141.

Blommaert, L., M. Coenders and F. van Tubergen. 2014. “Ethnic Discrimination in Recruitment and Decision Makers' Features: Evidence from Laboratory Experiment and Survey Data using a Student Sample.” Social Indicators Research, 116(3): 731-754.

Blommaert, L., M. Coenders, and F. van Tubergen.2014. “Discrimination of Arabic-named applicants in the Netherlands: An internet-based field experiment examining different phases in online recruitment procedures.” Social Forces,92(3):957-82.

Spörlein, C., E.Schlüterand F. van Tubergen.2014 “Immigrant Intermarriage in Longitudinal Perspective: Testing Structural and Cultural Explanations in the United States from 1880 to 2011.”Social Science Research, 43:1-15.

De Vroome, T. and F. van Tubergen. 2014. “Settlement Intentions of Recently Arrived Immigrants and Refugees in the Netherlands.” Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 12:1, 47-66.

Van Tubergen, F. 2014. “Size and Socio-Economic Resources of Core Discussion Networks in the Netherlands: Differences by National Origin Group and Immigrant Generation” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37(6): 1020-1042.

Geven, S., J. Weesie, and F. van Tubergen. 2013.“The influence of friends on adolescents’ behavior problems at school: the role of ego, alter and dyadic characteristics.” Social Networks 35: 583-592.

Seibel, V. and F. van Tubergen. 2013. “Job Search Methods among Non-Western Immigrants in the Netherlands. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 11(3): 241-258.

Van Tubergen, F. 2013. “Religious Change of New Immigrants in the Netherlands: The Event of Migration.” Social Science Research,42(3):715-725.

Immerzeel, T. and F. van Tubergen. 2013. “Religion as Reassurance? Testing the Insecurity Theory in 26 European Countries.” European Sociological Review,29(2):359-372.

Kanas, A., B. Chiswick, T. van der Lippe and F. van Tubergen. 2012. “Social Contacts and the Economic Performance of Immigrants: A Panel Study of Immigrants in Germany.” International Migration Review, 46(3): 680-709.

Smith, S., I. Maas and F. van Tubergen. 2012. “Irreconcilable differences? Ethnic Intermarriage and Divorce in the Netherlands, 1995-2008.” Social Science Research, 41(5):1126-1137.

Blommaert, L., F. van Tubergen, M. Coenders. 2012. “Implicit and Explicit Interethnic Attitudes and Ethnic Discrimination in Hiring.” Social Science Research, 41(1):61-73.

De Vroome, T., M. Coenders, F. van Tubergen and Maykel Verkuyten. 2011. “Economic Participation and National Self-Identification of Refugees in the Netherlands” International Migration Review, 45:615-638.

Van Tubergen, F. and M. Wierenga. 2011. “Language Acquisition of Male Immigrants in a Multilingual Destination: Turks and Moroccans in Belgium” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37(7) 1039-1057.

Martinovic, B., F. van Tubergen and I. Maas. 2011. “Acquisition of Cross-Ethnic Friends by Recent Immigrants in Canada: A Longitudinal Approach.” International Migration Review, 45(2): 460-488.

Van Tubergen, F. 2011. “Job Search Methods of Refugees in the Netherlands: Determinants and Consequences.” Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 9(2): 179-195.

Van Tubergen, F. and J.I. Sindradóttir. 2011. “The Religiosity of Immigrants in Europe: A Cross-National Study.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 50(2): 272-288.

Kanas, A., F. van Tubergen and T. van der Lippe. 2011. “The Role of Social Contacts in the Employment Status of Immigrants: A Panel Study of Immigrants in Germany.” International Sociology, 26(1): 95-122.

Van Tubergen, F. 2010. “Determinants of Second Language Proficiency among Refugees in the Netherlands” Social Forces, 89(2): 515-534.

Smits, F., S. Ruiter and F. van Tubergen. 2010. “Religious Practices Among Islamic Immigrants: Moroccan and Turkish Men in Belgium” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 49(2):247-263.

De Vroome, T. and F. van Tubergen. 2010. “The Employment Experience of Refugees in the Netherlands.” International Migration Review, 44(2):376-403.

Kalmijn, M. and F. van Tubergen. 2010. “A Comparative Perspective on Intermarriage: Explaining Differences in Marriage Choices among National Origin Groups in the United States.” Demography, 47(2): 459-479.*** IPUMS Research Award, 2010, for best published work***

Van Tubergen, F. and A-R. Poortman. 2010. “Adolescent Alcohol Use in the Netherlands: The Role of Ethnicity, Ethnic Intermarriage, and EthnicSchool Composition.” Ethnicity and Health, 15(1) 1-13.

Ruiter, S. and F. van Tubergen. 2009. “Religious Attendance in Cross-National Perspective: A Multilevel Analysis of 60 Countries.” American Journal of Sociology, 115 (3): 863-895.***European Academy of Sociology, 2010 prize for best article***

Kanas, A. and F. van Tubergen. 2009. “The Impact of Origin- and Host-Country Schooling on the Economic Performance of Immigrants.” Social Forces, 88(2):893-916.

Martinovic, B., F. van Tubergen, and I. Maas. 2009. “Changes in Immigrants’ Social Integration during the Stay in the Host Country: The Case of Non-Western Immigrants in the Netherlands.” Social Science Research, 38:870-882.

Kanas, A., F. van Tubergen and T. van der Lippe. 2009. “Immigrant Self-Employment: Testing Hypotheses about the Role of Origin- and Host-Country Human Capital and Bonding and Bridging Social Capital.”Work and Occupations, 36:181-208.

Martinovic, B., F. van Tubergen and I. Maas. 2009 “Dynamics of Interethnic Contact: A Panel Study of Immigrants in the Netherlands.” European Sociological Review,25:303-318.

Van Tubergen, F. and M. Kalmijn. 2009. “A Dynamic Approach to the Determinants of Immigrants’ Language Proficiency: The United States, 1980-2000.”International Migration Review, 43:519-543.

Van Tubergen, F. and M. Kalmijn. 2009. “Language Use and Proficiency of Immigrants in the Netherlands: Opportunities or Incentives?” European Sociological Review, 25:169-182.

Van Tubergen, F. 2008. “The Impact of the Partner on the Economic Incorporation of Male and Female Immigrants: Household Specialization or Social Capital?”Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozial Psychologie (special issue),307-324.

Van Tubergen, F. and H. van de Werfhorst. 2007. “Postimmigration Investments in Education: A Study of Immigrants in the Netherlands.” Demography, 44: 883-898.

Van Tubergen, F. and I. Maas. 2007. “Ethnic Intermarriage among Immigrants in the Netherlands: An Analysis of Population Data.” Social Science Research, 36: 1065-1086.

Van de Werfhorst, H. and F. van Tubergen. 2007.“Ethnicity, Schooling and Merit in the Netherlands.” Ethnicities, 7 (3): 416-444.

Van Tubergen, F. 2007. “Religious Affiliation and Participation among Immigrants in a Secular Society: A Study of Immigrants in the Netherlands.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 33 (5): 747-65.

Kalmijn, M. and F. van Tubergen. 2006. “Ethnic Intermarriage in the Netherlands: Confirmations and Refutations of Accepted Insights.” European Journal of Population, 22:371-97.

Van Tubergen, F. and W. Ultee. 2006. “Political Incorporation, War and Suicide: The Dutch Paradox?” International Sociology 21:221-36.

Van Tubergen, F. 2006. “Religious Affiliation and Participation among Immigrants in Eight Western Countries: A Cross-National Study of Individual and Contextual Effects.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 45:1-22.

Van Tubergen, F. 2005. “Self-Employment of Immigrants: A Cross-National Study of 17 Western Societies.” Social Forces 84:709-32.

Van Tubergen, F., M. Te Grotenhuis, and W. Ultee. 2005. “Denomination, Religious Context, and Suicide: Neo-Durkheimian Multilevel Explanations Tested with Individual and Contextual Data.” American Journal of Sociology 111:797-823.

Van Tubergen, F. and M. Kalmijn. 2005. “Destination-Language Proficiency in Cross-National Perspective: A Study of Immigrant Groups in Nine Western Countries.” American Journal of Sociology 110:1412-57.

Van Tubergen, F., I. Maas, and H. Flap. 2004. “The Economic Incorporation of Immigrants in 18 Western Societies: Origin, Destination, and Community Effects.” American Sociological Review 69:701-24.

Dutch Peer Reviewed Publications

Van Tubergen, F. 2008. “Vooruitgang in de sociologie: regulatieve ideeën en methoden van onderzoek. Sociologie, 4, 437-440.

Van Tubergen, F. 2007. “Discriminatie allochtonen op de arbeidsmarkt: feiten en consequenties.” Migrantenstudies, 23 (1): 51-54.

Van Tubergen, F. 2006. “De arbeidsmarktpositie van allochtone vrouwen in internationaal vergelijkend perspectief.” Migrantenstudies, 22: 199-218.

Van de Werfhorst, H. and F. van Tubergen. 2006. “Post-Migratie Scholing van Immigranten in Nederland.” Economisch-Statistische Berichten 91: 208-10.

Dolfing, M. and F. van Tubergen. 2005. “Bensaïdi of Veenstra? Een experimenteel onderzoek naar discriminatie van Marokkanen in Nederland.” Sociologie 1:407-22.

Van Tubergen, F. 2004. “Grenzen en traagheid: De toekomst van de Nederlandse sociologie ligt elders.” Sociologische Gids 51:545-52.

Van Tubergen, F. 2003. “Religieuze participatie en geloof van immigranten in Nederland: nieuwe toetsingen van oude theorieën.” Mens & Maatschappij 78: 331-54.

Van Tubergen, F, and M. Kalmijn. 2002. “Tweede-taalverwerving en taalgebruik onder Turkse en Marokkaanse immigranten in Nederland: investering of gelegenheid?”Migrantenstudies 18: 156-77.

Van Tubergen, F., M. Te Grotenhuis, and W. Ultee. 2001. “De invloed van religie en godsdienstige samenstelling van gemeenten op de kans op zelfmoord in Nederland.” Mens & Maatschappij 76: 325-41.

Van Tubergen, F., and W. Ultee. 2000. “Zelfdodingen onder politieke delinquenten in Nederland 1944-47.”Mens & Maatschappij 75: 176-84.


Kalter, F., J.O. Jonsson, A. Heath and F. van Tubergen (eds.). 2018. Growing up in Diverse Europe: Integration and the Lives of Minority and Majority Youth in England, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands. Oxford: Oxford University Press/British Academy.

Van Tubergen, F. 2010. Sociale Netwerken en Integratie. Utrecht: Utrecht University, Inaugural lecture.

Van Tubergen, F. 2006. Immigrant Integration: A Cross-National Study. New York: LFB Scholarly Publishing.

Van Tubergen, F. and I. Maas (eds.). 2006.Allochtonen in Nederland in internationaal perspectief. Amsterdam: AmsterdamUniversity Press.

Van Tubergen, F. 2005. The Integration of Immigrants in Cross-National Perspective: Origin, Destination, and Community Effects. Utrecht: Department of Sociology/ICS (Ph.D. thesis).

Contributions to books

Jonson, J., F. Kalter, and F. van Tubergen. 2018.‘Introduction: Studying Minority and Majority Youth in Comparative Perspective’. Pp.XX-XX. In: F.Kalter, J. Jonsson, F. van Tubergen and A. Heath (eds.). Growing up in Diverse Europe. British Academy.

Van Tubergen, F. and S. Smith. 2018. ‘Making Friends across Ethnic Boundaries: Are Personal Networks of Adolescents Diverse?’ Pp.XX-XX. In: F.Kalter, J. Jonsson, F. van Tubergen and A. Heath (eds.). Growing up in Diverse Europe. British Academy.

Simsek, M., K. Jacob, F. Fleischmann and F. van Tubergen. 2018. Keeping or Losing the Faith? Comparing Religion across Majority and Minority Youth in Europe. Pp.XX-XX. In: F. Kalter, J. Jonsson, F. van Tubergen and A. Heath (eds.). Growing up in Diverse Europe. British Academy.

Muis, J., J. Philips, S. Ruiter, and F. van Tubergen. 2011. “In hoeverre is ‘naarmate, des te’ nog significant van belang? Een pleidooi voor piketpaaltjes, causaal denken en formalisering in de sociologie.” Pp. 33-48. In: G. Kraaykamp, M. Levels and A. Need (eds.). Problemen en theorieën in onderzoek: Een staalkaart van de hedendaagse Nederlandse empirisch-theoretische sociologie. Assen: Van Gorcum.

Van Tubergen, F. 2011.“Social Stratification, Race and Ethnicity.” In: G. Ritzer, Concise BlackwellEncyclopedia of Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Ultee, W., R. Lijkx, and F. van Tubergen. 2009. “The Netherlands and World War II, Jews and Suicide.” Pp. 73-92 in: L. Sher and A. Vilens (eds.). War and Suicide. Nova Science Publishers.

Van Tubergen, F. 2006. “Social Stratification, Race and Ethnicity.” In: G. Ritzer, Encyclopedia of Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Van Tubergen, F. and I. Maas. 2006. “Inleiding.” Pp. 7-12, in: F. van Tubergen and I. Maas (eds). 2006.Allochtonen in Nederland in internationaal perspectief. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Maas, I. and Van Tubergen, F. 2006. “Jeugdwerkloosheid onder immigranten en autochtonen in vijftien Europese landen, 1992-2001.”Pp. 161-187, in: F. van Tubergen and I. Maas (eds). 2006.Allochtonen in Nederland in internationaal perspectief. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Van Tubergen, F. 2006. “Occupational Status of Immigrants in Cross-National Perspective: A Multilevel Analysis of 17 Western Societies.” Pp. 147-171 in:Immigration and the Transformation of Europe, edited by G. Parsons and T. Smeeding. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Van Tubergen, F. 2006. “Migratiesociologie in Nederland: suggesties voor vooruitgang.” Pp.166-176 in: Balans en toekomst van de sociologie, edited by G. Engbersen en J. de Haan. Amsterdam: Pallas Publications.

Ultee, W., F.van Tubergen, and R. Luijkx. 2001. “The unwholesome theme of suicide: Forgotten statistics of attempted suicides in Amsterdam and Jewish suicides in the Netherlands for 1936-1943.” Pp. 325-353. In C. Brasz & Y. Kaplan (eds), Dutch Jews as Perceived by Themselves and by Others: Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on the History of the Jews in the Netherlands. Leiden: Brill.

Book reviews

Sniderman, P.M. & L. Hagendoorn. 2008. “When Ways of Life Collide: Multiculturalism and Its Discontents in the Netherlands.” European Societies, 10: 521-523.

Schaafsma, J. 2007. “Ethnic Diversity at Work: Diversity Attitudes and Experiences in Dutch Organisations.” Mens & Maatschappij82: 305-6.

Peeters-Bijlsma, M. 2006. “Duitsers in Nederland: Een onderzoek naar de verandering van de nationale identiteit van Duitse immigranten in Nederland.” Mens & Maatschappij 81:189-91.

Gijsberts, M. and A. Merens (eds.). 2004. “Emancipatie in estafette.” Mens & Maatschappij 79: 413-15.

Kunnen, R. 2002. “Schaken in stijl. De ontwikkeling van schaakstijlen als een proces van sportificatie.” Mens & Maatschappij 77:384-86.

Other publications

Van Tubergen, F. 2007. “Integratie allochtonen: een kwestie van tijd?” James Coleman Bulletin.

Van Tubergen, F. 2003. “The Cultural and Economic Position of Immigrants in Comparative Perspective: A Study of Nineteen Western Countries.” Steinmetz Archive Newsletter 20: 10-11.

Data collection, data files and codebooks

Hofstra, B., R. Corten, and F. van Tubergen. Dutch Facebook Survey: Wave 2 [dataset and codebook]. Utrecht University, Department of Sociology/ICS. Forthcoming.

Hofstra, B., R. Corten, and F. van Tubergen. Dutch Hyves Survey [dataset and codebook]. Utrecht University, Department of Sociology/ICS. Forthcoming.

Hofstra, B., R. Corten, and F. van Tubergen. (2015) Dutch Facebook Survey: Wave 1 [dataset and codebook]. Utrecht University, Department of Sociology/ICS. DANS [distributor] doi: 10.17026/dans-274-azju

Jaspers, E. and F. van Tubergen. (2016). Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in the Netherlands (CILSNL). Wave 5. Reduced version v4.0.0. DANS.

Jaspers, E. and F. van Tubergen. (2015). Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in the Netherlands (CILSNL). Wave 4. Reduced version v4.0.0. DANS.

Kalter, F., A. F. Heath, M. Hewstone, J. O. Jonsson, M. Kalmijn, I. Kogan, F. van Tubergen. 2013. Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries (CILS4EU). GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA5353 Data file Version 1.0.0, doi:10.4232/cils4eu.5353.1.0.0.

Lubbers, M., M. Gijsberts, M. and F. van Tubergen. (2011). Causes and consequences of early socio-cultural integration processes among new immigrants in Europe (SCIP),wave 1, Netherlands.