Kathleen B. Kortte – Curriculum Vitae


Kathleen Bechtold Kortte, Ph.D, ABPPRP

November 1, 2010

Kathleen B. Kortte, Ph.D., ABPPRP (Date Signed)


Current Appointments

Assistant Professor

Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

JohnsHopkinsUniversitySchool of Medicine

Psychologist, JohnsHopkinsHospital, Baltimore, MD

Affiliate Staff, GoodSamaritanHospital, Baltimore, MD

Contact Information

Office Address:

600 N. Wolfe Street

Phipps, Room 174

Baltimore, Maryland 21287


410-614-4033 Fax


Education and Training

1992Bachelor of Arts

University of Delaware, NewarkDE

1996Master of Arts, Clinical Psychology

APA approved

Southern IllinoisUniversity, Carbondale, IL

2000Doctor of Philosophy, Clinical Psychology

APA approved

Southern IllinoisUniversity, Carbondale, IL

1999-2000Predoctoral Internship, Clinical Psychology/Neuropsychology

APA approved, meets Div 40 training guidelines

Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina

2000-2002Postdoctoral Fellowship, Rehabilitation Psychology/Neuropsychology

Postdoctoral Training in Medical Rehabilitation -T32 NICHD/NCMRR

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, JohnsHopkinsUniversity, Baltimore, MD


August, 2002 -Staff Psychologist – Rehabilitation Psychology and Neuropsychology

November, 2003NationalRehabilitationHospital, Psychology Service

102 Irving Street, N.W. Washington, D.C.20010-2949

December, 2003-Assistant Professor, Staff Psychologist-

presentJohns Hopkins School of Medicine,

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Division of Rehabilitation Psychology and Neuropsychology

600 N. Wolfe Street, Phipps, Room 174

Baltimore, Maryland 21287



Peer-reviewed Articles:

Kortte KB, Hillis, AE (in press). Recent trends in rehabilitation interventions for visual neglect and anosognosia for hemiplegiafollowing right hemisphere stroke. Future Neurology.

Budd, Maggi A.; Kortte, Kathleen; Cloutman, Lauren; Newhart, Melissa; Gottesman, Rebecca F.; Davis, Cameron; Heidler-Gary, Jennifer; Seay, Margaret W.; Hillis, Argye E. (2010). The nature of naming errors in primary progressive aphasia versus acute post-stroke aphasia. Neuropsychology, 24(5), 581-589. doi: 10.1037/a0020287

Helmick K, Kortte, KB, et al (2010). Cognitive Rehabilitation for mild traumatic brain injury: Results of April 2009 Consensus Conference. NeuroRehabilitation, 26, 239-255

Lequerica AH, Kortte, KB (2010). Therapeutic engagement: A proposed model of engagement in medical rehabilitation.American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 89(5), 415-422. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0b013e3181d8ceb2

Kortte, KB, Gilbert, M, Gorman, P, Wegener, ST(2010). Positive psychological variables in the prediction of life satisfaction following spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 55, 40-47.

Kortte, KB & Hillis, AE (2009).Recent advances in the understanding of neglect and anosognosia following right hemisphere stroke. Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports, 9, 459-465. PMID: 19818233

Kortte, KB, Veiel, L., Batten, SV, Wegener, ST(2009).Measuring avoidance in medical rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Psychology, 54 (1), 91-98.PMID: 19618708

Kortte, KB, Falk, LD, Castillo, RC, Johnson-Greene, D. & Wegener, ST (2007). The Hopkins Rehabilitation Engagement Rating Scale: Development and psychometric properties, Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 88(7), 877. PMID: 17601468

Kortte, KB, & Wegener, ST (2004). Denial of illness in medical rehabilitation populations: Theory, research, and definition. Rehabilitation Psychology, 49(3), 187-199.

Kortte, KB, Wegener, ST, & Chwalisz, K (2003). Anosognosia and denial: Their relationship to coping and depression in acquired brain injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 48(3), 131-136.

Kortte, KB, Horner, M.D, Windham, WK. (2002). The Trail Making Test Part B: Cognitive flexibility or ability to maintain set? Applied Neuropsychology, 9, 106-109.PMID: 12214820

Horner, MD, Teichner, G, Kortte, KB, Harvey, RT. (2002). Construct validity of the Babcock Story Recall Test. Applied Neuropsychology, 9, 114-116.PMID: 12214822

Johnson-Greene, DBechtold, KT. (2002). Ethical considerations for peer review in forensic neuropsychology. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 16 (1), 97-104.

Bailey, JM, Bechtold, KT, & Berenbaum, SA. (2002). Who are tomboys and why should we study them? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 31, 333-341.

Bechtold, KT, Horner, MD, Labbate, LA, & Windham, WK. (2001). The construct validity and clinical utility of the Frank Jones Story as a brief screen of cognitive dysfunction. Psychosomatics, 42, 146-149.

Book Chapters, Monographs, Conference Proceedings:

Wegener, ST, Kortte, KB, Hill-Briggs, F, Johnson-Greene, D, Palmer, S, & Salorio, C. (2007) Rehabilitation Psychology Assessment and Intervention. In R. Braddom (Ed.) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 3rd Edition, London, Elsevier.

Kortte, KB, Briggs, F & Wegener, ST. (2005) Psychotherapy with Cognitively Impaired Adults. In G P. Koocher, J. C. Norcross, & S. S. Hill, III (Eds.) The Psychologist’s Desk Reference 2nd Edition (pp. 342-346), Oxford University Press.

Published Scientific Abstracts:

Budd, M.A., Kannan, V., Hillis, A.B., & Kortte, K.B.(2008). Anosognosia for Hemiplegia: Evidence Supporting a Neural Circuit. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 23, 649.

Bechtold, KT, Horner, MD, & Windham, WK. (2001). The Trail Making Test, Part B: Cognitive flexibility or ability to maintain set? Journal of the International Neuropsychology Society, 7 (2), 233.

Bechtold, KT, & Chwalisz, K. (2000). The relationship among level of depression, social support, and time since injury in individuals recovering from traumatic brain injury. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 15(8), 810-811.

Bechtold, KT, Horner, MD, Labbate, LA, Windham, WK. (2000). The construct validity and clinical utility of the Frank Jones Story as a brief screen of cognitive dysfunction. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 15(8), 684-685.

Bechtold, KT, Horner, MD, Badanich, K, & Harvey, RT. (2000). The relationship of amount of recent and lifetime substance use in cocaine-dependent, alcoholic patients. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 15(8), 756-757.

Newman, SA, & Bechtold, KT. (2000). Neuropsychological sequalae of Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome: A case study. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 15(8), 716.

Scientific/Professional Presentations

Kortte, KB, Batten, SV, Roberts S, Nett, S, Decker, M (2009). Diagnositc and Treatment Considerations in OEF/OIF Veterans with Comorbid PTSD and TBI. Symposium Presentation at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA

Kortte, KB, Budd, M, Lequerica, A, Skolasky, R (2008). Conceputalization the Role of Engagement for Successful Health Interventions. Symposium Presentation at the American Psychological Association National Convention, Boston, MA

Shockley, TS, Kortte, KB, Wegener, ST (2008). Positive Affect Predicts Rehabilitation Engagement in Persons With Spinal Injury. Paper presented at the Rehabilitation Psychology 2008 10th Annual Conference, Tucson, Arizona.

Kortte, KB, Celnik, PA. (2008). Interdisciplinary Neurorehabilitation: A Model for Intervention for Individuals with Brain Injury. Symposium Presentation at the Brain Injury Association of Maryland’s Annual Conference, Linthicum, MD

Kortte, KB, Kannan, V, Hillis, A. (2008). Neural Circuitry in Anosognosia for Hemiplegia. Poster Presentation at the International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting, Kona, Hawaii.

Kortte, KB, Johnson-Greene, D, Behnke, S. (2007) Ethical and Interdisciplinary Issues in Medical and Rehabilitation Populations. Symposium Presentation at the American Psychological Association National Convention, San Francisco, CA

Kortte, KB. (2006) Ethical and Legal Considerations for the Practice of Neuropsychology within the Rehabilitation Setting. Symposium Presentation at the NationalAcademy of Neuropsychology Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX

Kortte, KB. (2006) Rehabilitation Neuropsychology: Practicing Neuropsychology within a Rehabilitation Setting and Context. Symposium Presentation at the National Academy of Neuropsychology Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX

Veiel, LL, Kortte, KB, Wegener, ST, & Batten, SV. (2005). The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire: Psychometric Properties in Medical Rehabilitation Populations. Poster Presentation at the annual American Psychological Association Conference, Washington, D.C.

Falk, LD, Kortte, KB, & Wegener, ST. (2005). The Hopkins Rehabilitation Engagement Rating Scale: Psychometric Properties and Utility. Poster Presentation at the annual Rehabilitation Psychology Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Kortte, KB. (2002, September) The Role of Coping in Positive Adjustment to Spinal Cord Injury. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury, Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas, NV.

Bechtold, KT, Berenbaum, SA, & Bailey, JM. (1997). Sex-segregation: Is it due to gender identity or toy and activity preferences? Poster presented at the biannual meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Washington, D.C.

Extramural Sponsorship

Principal Investigator: NIH K23 (HD052774-01A1) Anosognosia of Hemiplegia: Neural Basis, Psychological Correlates, and Recovery, 3/07-2/12, Total cost $491,558.

Co-investigator: NIH RO1 (NS047691-05A2), Neural Basis of Empathy and Prosody (PI: Argye Hillis),7/09-6/12, Total cost $431,777.

Co-Principal Investigator: American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, The Role of Hope and Other Positive Variables in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 8/01-7/03, Total cost $27,200.

Co-Principal Investigator: Medstar Research Institute The Role of Hope and Other Positive Factors in Rehabilitation Participation, 7/1/01-6/30/02. Total cost $12,000.



Rehabilitation Psychology and Neuropsychology Seminar (current) - Participate in weekly seminar for psychology fellows and students in the Department of PM&R. Provide lectures on behavioral interventions, adjustment following chronic illness and trauma, and neuropsychological assessment and interventions.

Outpatient NeuroRehabilitation Education Series(current) - Developed and continue to coordinate an education series that includes a monthly seminar and journal club aimed at providing information to the staff (physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, social workers) and faculty (physiatrists, psychologists) regarding scientifically-based assessment and intervention options in medical rehabilitation. Provide lectures periodically on such topics as, unawareness syndromes in rehabilitation populations, the role of cognition in driving, and scientifically-based interventions for cognitive impairments.

Resident Lectures(current) -Provide lectures for Johns Hopkins Residency Program in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation including topics in traumatic brain injury and behavioral interventions for cognitive-behavioral impairments.

Trauma Nursing Continuing Education Series (current) - Provide annual training lectures to Johns Hopkins Nursing staff from all departments within the hospital system. Lecture topics include screening assessment, tracking, and documentation of cognitive dysfunction and behavioral interventions for reducing safety risks within the medical setting.

Clinical instruction

Outpatient NeuroRehabiliation Program (ONRP) and Rehabilitation Neuropsychology Clinic (current) Supervise and train psychology students and fellows and PM&R residents at Johns Hopkins Hospital within the ONRP and within the Rehabilitation Neuropsychology Clinic
Complex Neurological Rehabilitation(2003-2007) - Supervise and train psychology students and fellows and PM&R residents on the Comprehensive In-patient Rehabilitation Unit at Johns Hopkins Hospital.


Psychology Students

Megan Hosey, B.S., 2009-2010 (Research training) Ms. Hosey is currently in the MA/Ph.D program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County within the Dept of Clinical Psychology.
Mac Gilbert, B.A., 2006-2007 (Research training) Mr. Gilbert is currently completing his Master’s degree at Loyola College within the Psychology Department.
Lara Falk, B.A., 2004-2005 (Research training) Ms. Falk is currently serving as a research assistant at Georgetown University and completing graduate coursework at Catholic University within the Psychology Department.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Anna Agranovich, Ph.D., 2009 – present (Clinical training) Dr. Agranovich is currently completing a two-year clinical fellowship in Rehabilitation Psychology and Neuropsychology within the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

Jessica Wolfman, PhD., 2009 – present (Research training) Dr. Wolfman is currently completing a two-year clinical and research fellowship in Rehabilitation Psychology within the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

Maggi Budd, Ph.D., 2007-2009 (Clinical training) Dr. Budd completed her postdoctoral training in rehabilitation psychology and neuropsychology within the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and then joined the faculty at Harvard Medical School and the Boston VA.

Pegah Touradji, Ph.D., 2005-2007 (Clinical training). Dr. Touradji completed her postdoctoral training in rehabilitation psychology and neuropsychology within the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and then joined as a faculty member in 2007.

Editorial Activities:

2008Reviewer:Military Psychological Health Research and Traumatic Brain Injury Research– Complementary and Alternative Strategies

2001 Reviewer: NIDRR Formative Program Review of SCI Model Systems

2007- presentEditorial Board:Rehabilitation Psychology

2000- presentAd hoc Reviewer:Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


Neuropsychology Review

Developmental Neuropsychology

Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings

Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation

Journal of Traumatic Stress



State of Maryland Licensed Psychologist # 3759

American Board of Professional Psychology: Board Certified in Rehabilitation Psychology

Service Responsibilities:

Outpatient NeuroRehabiltation Program

Serve as the Program Director and lead psychologist for this interdisciplinary outpatient program that provides coordinated assessment and intervention services to individuals (ages 18-100) with brain dysfunction (2004 to present). Main populations served include traumatic brain injury,stroke, post cerebral tumor resection, hydrocephalus, and encephalitis/meningitis.

Rehabilitation Neuropsychology Clinic

Oversee clinic operations and provide clinical assessment and intervention services for adult individuals with brain-based illnesses and injuries.

JohnsHopkinsHospital Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit

Served as the attending psychologist on the CIR providing rehabilitation psychology and neuropsychology assessment and intervention services (2003 to 2007). Main populations served included stroke, post cerebral tumor resection, transplant, spinal cord injury, cardiac surgery, and traumatic brain injury.


Professional Societies:


1994-presentAmerican Psychological Association (APA): Division22, Division 40

1996- presentInternational Neuropsychological Society (INS)

1996- presentNationalAcademy of Neuropsychology

2001-presentMaryland Psychological Association

1995- presentSigma Xi - The Scientific Research Society

Committees/Task Force


2008-2011Chair, Division 40 (Neuropsychology) Ethics Committee

2007-2010Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology) Science Committee

2010 -2011Chair, Program Committee, Annual Conference Rehabilitation Psychology, 2011


2005-2008Division 40 (Neuropsychology) Ethics Committee

2007-2008Chair, Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology) Task Force on Conference Accessibility Issues

2006-2007Chair, Program Committee, APA Convention- Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology) APA

2009-2010 Program Committee, Annual Conference Rehabilitation Psychology, 2010

2008-2010Co-Chair, CE Conference Committee Annual Conference Rehabilitation Psychology, 2009 and 2010


Southern Illinois University Janet E. Rafferty Scientist-Practitioner Award – 2007

The Johns Hopkins Leadership Program for Women Faculty 2009-2010